Tracking Your Time On Task With Time Tracker

Time Tracker – A Personal Time Management Application

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 8 words · Clifton Wilson

Training The Trainer 5 Basics

Once we discover leadership talent, one of our objectives is to get that person more “broadcast air time” in their company, so that they’ll get increasing comfortable with sharing their ideas. In my article here last week, I stated: “All managers must be able to coach, however sometimes their best tactic in the beginning of the learning process is having someone else do the initial teaching.” This week, I’d like to offer you some suggestions on where to improve upon the training that all your managers will do in-house, and for the sake of their own credibility as managers and as emerging leaders....

January 28, 2023 · 4 min · 847 words · Christopher Ayre

Turn Junk Email Into Treasure

Actually, you can get that free stuff! shows us how; and it’s no scam – probably. Also, and most importantly, I make sure I cancel any and all offers I completed before their trial period ends. Some offers also require you to return the product for credit, so make sure you do, and send it via certified mail. CleverDude was clever and got two Sony Vaio laptops for $125 and a Plasma TV [which he instead changed for a $1000 Visa Gift Card] for $300 worth of grill, pressue washer and curio cabinet....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 107 words · Evelyn Ray

Twitter S Newest Feature Now You Can Tag Photos

Yep, Twitter is rolling out, not one, but two new mobile features that will make photos on Twitter more social than ever. Let’s talk about the first one: photo tagging. This feature allows you to tag the people in your photo. And, the second, the ability to add up to four photos in a Tweet. What’s hip about Twitter’s new feature is it allows you to tag up to 10 people for every photo....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 187 words · Joe Hutchinson

Using Onenote On Two Or More Machines

Having the notes in a server is probably the best way to share them across machines. If you take the internet server route, make sure your connection is quick enough, otherwise you may have difficult time to save a big notes with pictures or files. For example, I keep one section on my personal website (my hosting service supports WebDAV), and all my machines and my wife’s machines point to it....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 176 words · Susan Gipe

Viber Message And Call Freinds For Free

Viber is a solution to reducing your phone bills considerably. It is amazing amazing tool to connect to your friends via messaging and video calling them using a really convenient and well-designed interface. . Predominantly designed for handheld devices, it has also been launched recently on PC. It’s incredibly simple to use and is already loved my more than 200 million people across the world. Moreover, you can also synchronize your Facebook and Gmail contacts using this app and communicate with them immediately....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 122 words · Mary Troendle

What S A Bitcoin And Should You Invest In Some

What do tulips and bitcoins have in common? In 1636 rare tulips were introduced to the Amsterdam Stock Exchange due to their increasing demand. Many thought that the passion for tulips would last for ever, before the ‘Tulip Bubble’ burst in 1638 a Semper Augustus was worth 5,500 Florins which was the same price as a luxurious mansion at the time. Today, Netherlands Horticulture takes up 24% of the world’s horticulture, an 80% share in bulbs and 50% of all floricultural products....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 187 words · Luis Knight

What Stephen Covey Taught Me About Work And Life

That man is Stephen Covey. I first came across his most famous work, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, when I was researching my first book and was still struggling to succeed as a driven twenty-something in a complex business world. Several years later, I would be thrilled to collaborate with Stephen on an article for the Wall Street Journal and a webinar I produced on career change. He graciously wrote the forward for my third book, New Job, New You, and we then co-hosted two events to bring Stephen’s most important ideas to a new generation of professionals....

January 28, 2023 · 3 min · 559 words · Sean Root

What To Wear Calculator

To make things easier, does all the thinking for you by suggesting items of clothing for each dress code. For instance, if you were going to a corporate event with ‘business casual’ as the dress code – during a summer evening in the USA [or Canada] and you were a male – a collared dress shirt would be required, long sleeve, without cuffs. Dress Code Guide

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 67 words · Marion Morrison

What You And The World Would Be Like If Money Didn T Exist

What Would You Do If Money Were No Object? | Best Clip Archive

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 13 words · Harold Deleon

Why Being Yourself Matters

Non-conformists have always had a rough time. Society seems to need and fear them in roughly equal measure. As a person who was a teenager in the “swinging 60s,” I’ve seen a gray tide of conservatism flow back steadily to reclaim nearly all the ground it lost during that decade. Is this an advantage? If it is, I can’t see it. But that’s how life works: two steps forward, followed by one-and-a-half back as those who lost their power try to reverse the process....

January 28, 2023 · 5 min · 934 words · Clara Morales

Why Moving Abroad Is The Best Work Hack Ever

More entrepreneurs are embracing exactly this strategy. Why? Because they found a new culture was just the catalyst to create the right conditions to launch their best work and mental creativity. Do You Want to Live Like a Millionaire? Why do you think millionaires are so successful? Of course there are many factors, but once people reach a certain status, they stop doing more basic, time-wasting activities and pay others to fulfill this necessity....

January 28, 2023 · 7 min · 1426 words · Gary Brown

Why Self Promote

And we’re not talking about bragging. If you’re a freelancer you may already be knowledgeable in the fine art of self promotion and bragging rights, but for many it’s new ground. A different example Brad Isaac at AchieveIt uses is if you were to take on a diet and your spouse downs “Twinkies and Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream in front of your face”. How are they to know unless you have made it clear you have a goal of losing so much weight?...

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 116 words · Linda Moore

Why We Over Complicate Gtd And What To Do About It

If you read this blog on a regular basis, or blogs like it, it is probably to find some sort of secret way to get more done in your day. So many people after reading David Allen’s Getting Things Done walk away with the attitude that everything outlined in it is “common sense”. The ideas in the book are simple, so simple in fact that we sometimes “fake ourselves out” into thinking that there just has to be something more to it....

January 28, 2023 · 4 min · 691 words · Norman Robinson

Why Working In A Small Company Kicks Ass

It used to be that large companies offered security and perks that small companies couldn’t live up to. However, those old stereotypes are disappearing as small companies (past the early stage of development) are stepping up with equal or better contracts. What is a “small company” anyway? There’s the micro company (1 – 10 employees) and then the small company (<50 employees) (European Union). In the USA it depends more on the firm turnover....

January 28, 2023 · 3 min · 577 words · Helen Mcentyre

Why You Need To Make A Life Plan

We are not talking about a 50-page business plan with maps and checklists. A life plan is really just meant to be general summary of where you are now in all the areas that matter to you, where you want to improve and what you’d like your life to look like in the future. Don’t be scared off by the title. It may sound ominous, but creating a life plan does not need to be a difficult or lengthy process....

January 28, 2023 · 3 min · 572 words · Arthur Halford

Wonderful Women Transform Bullets Into Beads

Raven and Lily aim to employ women worldwide and pay them fair wages, provide safety, healthcare and education. Bullets To Beads | Raven + Lily Featured photo credit: Bullets To Beads | Raven + Lily via

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 37 words · Karen Christian

You Know You Re Arrogant When

It won’t come as a surprise to you that there are a lot of people who bumble through life mistaking arrogance and hubris for confidence. There’s a good chance you’ve met some of them. Swell company, aren’t they? Truth is, arrogance and hubris are simply a front, a mask, a way of hiding the deep fear that you’re not good enough and not deserving enough by acting as though you’re better and more deserving....

January 28, 2023 · 3 min · 505 words · Jerrie Meir

Dozens Of Cleaning Hacks For Your Home

Spilled something sticky all over some handy Legos or other small toys? Use a laundry bag in the washing machine or even the dishwasher. An extra pillowcase can make a great substitute cleaner for ceiling fans. 55 Must-Read Cleaning Tips & Tricks | Featured photo credit: emilydickinsonridesabmx via

January 27, 2023 · 1 min · 50 words · Tiffanie Diaz

Effectively Launch An Idea In 6 Easy Steps

What follows should be a cinch if you have your ducks in a row. These steps will help you with an easy launch. Rinse and repeat until you get it right. 1. Read for motivation and focus. An important element when you first launch an idea is to get your mind right. Feed it knowledge, strategies, motivation and innovative techniques. I recommend any book by Robert Greene, and The Innovator’s Solution by Clayton M....

January 27, 2023 · 3 min · 512 words · Stephanie Smiley