So what is a dream job? Does it exist? Is there only one dream job for everyone? Let’s try to find out.

What Is a Dream Job?

Everybody has their own definition of a dream job, and their own factors that define how close to the ideal the job is. For one person a dream job is closely associated with a huge paycheck and daily challenges. For somebody else money may not be such a huge motivation; he would be much more interested in a possibility to do something he likes and not be bothered by external distractions.

Is There Just One Dream Job for Me?

One of the most harmful misconceptions people hold about dream jobs is that each person has exactly one calling, and there is only one dream job that accommodates for it. In reality, for each person there exist countless positions in which he will be able to thrive and be happy – at least if he applies some effort. The thing is, it is your business to make yourself happy doing your job and not vice versa. Two things we always have power over are our thoughts and attitudes concerning things that surround us. It doesn’t mean that you can do any job equally well and be happy in the process, but it does mean that you can contribute a great deal to whether you feel content or miserable in your current position. Do your job well, look for opportunities to improve yourself, rise higher than your immediate status, enhance your work process – and you will be amazed how closer your job will get to the ideal. Repeat to yourself that you are bored out of your mind, that your job is hopeless drudgery, that your bosses don’t appreciate you – and even the most enviable occupation will turn into a living hell.

Does Dream Job Mean Constant Happiness?

Not in the least. Just like you are going to have moments of satisfaction even in the most hateful line of business, your dream job doesn’t guarantee an evenly blissful experience. There will be moments of frustration, annoyance and outright despair. In practice, it means that you may currently have a dream job without realizing it, because you believe that if you aren’t satisfied with it 24/7, then something must be wrong. Any job has challenges, and not all challenges are pleasant, so don’t get discouraged.

How Do I Look for My Dream Job(s)?

Try to remember what you liked most about your previous jobs? What kinds of activities did you like most at school or college? It doesn’t necessarily mean such things as mathematics or biology – perhaps you liked to organize things, and this inclination went through all your year at school and university, so it may be a good idea to look for jobs that include organizing. Dream job is an extremely vague notion, but a powerful notion nonetheless. Don’t let a desire for a dream job in future spoil your current life and deter you from doing your present work well – for it may be much closer to be the occupation of your dreams than you think. Featured photo credit: Businessman On Park Bench/nmdude4 via