I wish I have seen this infographic 5 years ago. And by now, my network over at LinkedIn, could be a thriving huge community. What I admire about this graphic is that it details the steps you have to take for each suggested action, and it explains why it’s a wise move. Some graphics don’t bother to do it as sweet as this. The explanations are concise, yet enough to show you the reason behind. For example, in the first suggestion, which only takes a minute to do: Accept connection requests (this actually dispels the common misconception that you should only connect with people you know), it informs you why it’s a logical move by explicating that LinkedIn has many uses. You can promote events, hunt for new freelance gigs, (if you’re a freelancer like me), recruit new staff, or as a support for your sales process, and so much more. So why limit your connections? Check the infographic. It’s pure gem. Infographic by uewiremedia
Featured photo credit: 5 minutes LinkedIn marketing plan/urwiremedia.com via pinterest.com