Be Organized and Plan

First things first: you need to be organized with your schedule and plan! I highly suggest that you plan your week every Sunday evening. If you are determined to be on time, you must first know what is on your schedule and at what times. Give yourself time in between meetings to unwind and get refocused for the next meeting. It will be important for you to pace yourself throughout your day so that you don’t get overwhelmed and burnt out.

Arrive at Least 10 Minutes Early

When you organize and plan out your week every Sunday evening, it will be important for you to leave enough room in between meetings/events to arrive at the location at least 10 minutes early. That way you won’t feel stressed about being late. Personally, I would rather be waiting instead of being the one walking in late. When you come early, it shows that you care. Be prepared with what you need to bring and be 100% there.

Set an Alarm

Whether it be your phone or a watch, set an alarm for when you need to leave and get to the location. Give yourself time to get ready and drive to where you need to be. Keep in mind to always arrive at the location at least 10 minutes early. You can even have an alarm on your calendar and be notified via phone and/or email. Be creative and do what works for you.

Prepare the Night Before

When it comes to being on time, what helps me is to figure out what I want to wear the night before and have it ready to go in the morning.  Prepare the coffee machine the night before and have it set for when you want it to be ready in the morning. Prepare and organize the night before what you need in the morning. For everything that needs to happen in the morning, try to prepare as much as possible the night before. This helps you will feel much more relaxed when you wake up.

Value Yourself and Your Time

“Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you” -Carl Sandburg When it comes to being on time, it’s all about valuing your time. When you value your time, you value how you spend it. If you are constantly running around and being late to events, it’s important for you to evaluate how much you value your time. Time is precious, and how you spend it all depends on you. When you are able to value your time, you will start to appreciate how you spend your time. We experience so many distractions every day that we can easily be pulled away from what we need to do. Other people or noise from the outside world can take away your precious time if you allow it to happen. Start valuing yourself and your time.


“Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken” -Warren Buffett When it comes to being on time, it’s all about creating good habits. Get rid of bad habits and start focusing on habits that helps you. Implement these steps by creating habits that will eventually become second nature for you. Plan out your week every single Sunday. Always arrive 10 minutes early. Set an alarm for all of your meetings and events. Prepare everything the night before. Start valuing yourself and how you spend your time. It takes about 21 days to create a habit. Focus on the habits you want to start establishing, and make sure you are consistent every day when creating them.