For this reason, you can choose to attend childbirth education classes, which are the best way to prepare for labor and delivery. Depending on where you go, classes range from an intensive workshops which usually last one day or one weekend, to weekly sessions lasting one to two months. Usually a childbirth class covers several kinds of seminars, discussions and pain management and breathing techniques, all led by a trained instructor. Unfortunately, labour is not always completely perfect, so a childbirth course also covers the most common labor and delivery issues – for example situations in which c-section is the best option – and their resolutions.

How To Find The Right Childbirth Classes

The best ways to look for good childbirth classes are asking your family doctor, asking people you trust who already gave birth or searching carefully on the internet. On the internet you can find both hospital websites and private certified instructors websites. You will also find several types of classes – each with the possibility of being the most suitable for you

Lamaze Technique

The main goal of this method is to “increase women’s confidence in their ability to give birth” according to Lamaze International. In fact Lamaze technique helps simplify the birth process with a natural approach that helps alleviate fears and manage pain, and during its classes mothers are meticulously informed about their options so that they are able to making decisions for their own labor and delivery. The focus of this method is on building your confidence or talking about how to keep your baby’s birth safe and as simple as possible.

The Bradley Method

The Bradley Method consists of a 12 weeks course and it is also called “husband-coached birth”. It is mainly focused on practice and includes both physical and psychological training. In fact, according to Bradley Method official website, “students learn 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they see, 50% of what they read and 90 % of what they do.” The goal of this method is to prepare the mother to deliver without pain medications and the baby’s father to be mom’s birth coach. Participant couples are usually 3 to 6 so that instructors can get to know better each of them delivering a personalized service that meets their needs. Plus, keeping classes small is the best way to let each participant do plenty of practice.

Alexander Technique

“The Alexander technique is a way of learning how you can get rid of harmful tension in your body.” This technique can be used by anyone and it’s meant to improve your ease and freedom of movement, flexibility and balance. The benefits of taking weekly lessons while pregnant are many:

Improve comfort during pregnancy Learn how to avoid lower backache, and carry out their everyday activities with as much efficiency as possible Increase pushing effectiveness during delivery Aid in recovery after giving birth


HypnoBirthing is a relaxed approach enhanced by self-hypnosis techniques to give birth in a totally relaxed state of mind and body. Classes are presented in a format of five 2 and a half hour classes and HypnoBirthing teachers train participant to have an easier, more comfortable, and safer birthing. The course covers several subjects such as how to prepare the body for giving birth, rapid and instant self-relaxation techniques, breathing techniques for labor and delivery and positions for descent and birthing.

Childbirth Classes Before Giving Birth: What You Will Learn

Whether you take Lamaze, Bradley or Alexander classes, you’re a first-time mom or a delivery room veteran, you can learn a lot from childbirth classes. First of all you can get to know your body better than ever before, then you will learn and understand the labour and delivery processes, you will prepare your body for a gentle delivery with the practice of several techniques, and most importantly, you will build your confidence in your body’s ability to give birth. Featured photo credit: Felipe Fernandes via

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