My understanding is this hack works for most email accounts, but we will show the example for Gmail. Now you are able to send emails with Johnny’s name as the sender. This is great for families who stay in contact with family through emails. The name changes, but the address remains the same. However, this isn’t the only use.

  1. Go into Settings, click Accounts, then Add another email address 2. Now enter Johnny’s name and as the address. I have an online business I run with a friend. We both use the same email for said business and converse with prospects others in the industry. With this handy hack we can now do one better than a generic email from ‘our business’ and personalize the interaction further by having two users. Something that will make correspondence make a little more sense, and I think, more professional. How to give your young children a personalized (managed) email address – [FlagrantDisregard]
Gmail Hack  Different Users From the Same Address - 39