Google Domains, for those unacquainted, is essentially Google’s new domain name service. Similar to sites like GoDaddy, you pay Google $12 a year in return for access to a unique domain name, custom e-mail addresses, and domain forwarding. One of the most unique features of Google Domains is that it was designed with one of Google’s other services, Blogger, in mind. So, if you have a blog that you want to connect to a custom domain, it’ll be easier than ever before if you choose to use Google’s service. With Google Domains, you will also have access to over 60 domain endings (like .coffee, which is my favorite). To learn more about Google Domains, check out this link. As it is still in open beta, there might be a few issues to work out before it’s truly ready for prime time. What do you think of Google’s new service? Would you consider using it over other domain name providers? Comment below! Featured photo credit: Google Dev Day 2007/ meneame via