Namely: lying on your resume is a big no-no. It seems almost silly to have to point it out – after all, you know that lying about stuff on your resume is going to come back and bite you in the butt at some point, even if it’s the furthest thing from your mind when you submit your application. It might not really matter if you’re not really learning conversational Italian or are a keen outdoors person, but lying about skills, abilities, and even qualifications that you have, in order to advance your career, is not only stupid, but dangerous. Fortunately, the people at TheUndercoverRecruiter made this shiny little infographic to help you navigate your way through the blurry lines between what is acceptable embellishments on a resume, and what are job, career, and reputation-threatening lies to make. They also cover interesting facts such as how often people lie and the stuff they’re most likely to fib about on their resume, So, if you’re looking around for work, and you think your resume might need a serious revamp, reboot, or restart, have a look at this handy guide and make that job search all the stronger. Good luck!

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