Thinking of a great business idea may be easy, but executing your business plan takes a lot of work. The details are where most owners fail. The management of funds is a large part of the plan as well — these days, it’s common for owners not to use their own money when starting a business. Instead, they gather investors, pitch their ideas to venture capitalists and launch crowdfunding campaigns. Raising money is only half the battle. Once you have the funds, the next step is allocation. Naturally, you have to pump money into expansion, through weak areas, and to pay your employees as well as your investors. Unlike before, managing company funds isn’t a black and white, A to B process. It’s all about tracking and documenting. So next time you launch your new idea and turn it into a business, consider how you will handle the money first and the rest will follow. How Much Money You Need To Start a Business {Infographic} | Best Infographics

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