1. OK! Emoji

This is quite possibly the most ambiguous emoji ever made. Most think she is dancing or “raising the roof.” Some think it is just playful. Really, she is doing the full-body gesture of “OK.”

2. Person Bowing

This emoji is often confused with a child being cute. It is actually a person bowing deeply.

3. Post Office Building

Alongside the other little buildings, where mostly we aren’t sure what they are for or about, this building is a Japanese Post Office.

4. Sweet Treat? Flower?

This emoji is actually a rice cake!

5. Hushed Face or Surprised Face?

This face is meant to be the “hush” face, as in “You are in the Library, so hush.” We think it looks a little, um, astonished…

This emoji is generally perceived to be a chocolate chip cookie or some cookie of the like. It is actually a Japanese rice cracker.

7. Prayer Hands or High Five?

This seems angelic enough, but could easily be confused with two hands slapping together in a high five.

8. Crying Cat Face

Cats are a big deal in Japan. In English-speaking countries, we generally aren’t sure why a cat is crying or what this means, but it is just much less serious than a crying human face.

9. Pine Decoration

Thought this was some kind of freaky mushroom stalks? The emerald city in The Wizard of Oz? It is actually Kadomatsu, a Japanese pine decoration that is placed in front of new homes to welcome good things.

10. It’s Not a Fart!

Believe it or not, this is not what you thought! It is not a symbol for a bottom-noise! It is the symbol for taking off quickly, cartoon-style.

Featured photo credit: Kaboompics via kaboompics.com

How People Interpret Emojis Differently Will Amaze You - 75How People Interpret Emojis Differently Will Amaze You - 70How People Interpret Emojis Differently Will Amaze You - 8How People Interpret Emojis Differently Will Amaze You - 98How People Interpret Emojis Differently Will Amaze You - 48How People Interpret Emojis Differently Will Amaze You - 70How People Interpret Emojis Differently Will Amaze You - 58How People Interpret Emojis Differently Will Amaze You - 27How People Interpret Emojis Differently Will Amaze You - 29How People Interpret Emojis Differently Will Amaze You - 14