By becoming awesome in your life, you will open the door to the abundance of possibilities that come with putting out awesome vibes into the world. By learning how to be awesome and putting it to use in your own life, good things will start coming and happening to you on a regular basis.

Awesomeness is a way of life

It’s about how you behave and interact in the world. It’s about being your greatest self and putting yourself and what you have to offer out into the world. Being awesome is waking up each morning with the intention of moving forward on your journey, progressing as a person, and wanting to do whatever you can to make a positive difference in your life and the lives of others. Here are some examples of being awesome;

Being optimistic and having a positive outlook Reaching for, finding, and living your passions and dreams Facing your fears and overcoming them with confidence Leading by examples of honesty, integrity, and thoughtfulness Helping others and giving back to your community, however you can Treating others as they deserve to be treated: with kindness and respect, unless they are not deserving (aka..not being awesome) Continue growing, learning, evolving, and participating in the world, helping to make a difference Having the courage to stand up for yourself and others Being able to raise your voice when no one’s listening Being of high character and having moral values  Bringing out your inner creativity and showing it to the world etc…

To make it fair, here are some examples of how to be not-so-awesome;

Being narcissistic and selfish, thinking only of yourself and your own needs Treating others badly because of your own situation Feeling sorry for yourself, taking your aggressions out on others, and being a Debbie downer Being greedy, corrupt, dishonest, unfaithful, asinine, or any other type of monster Being pessimistic and negative

Hopefully, you now understand a little more about how to be awesome at life. Just cleaning up some of the not-so-awesome aspects and characteristics will help you on your way to becoming more awesome in your life.

Benefits of being Awesome

The benefits of being awesome are only limited to the amount of awesomeness you continue to attain. Like I said earlier, it’s a process, a journey. Being awesome can’t happen overnight, but if you start to practice it on a regular basis, you will begin to change as a person. More than likely, you will begin to become the person you truly want to be. Here are some clear advantages that come from acting in a more awesome-like fashion;

The energy of awesomeness you put out into the world causes a ripple effect and does make an impact You will begin to feel better and will want to be happier, healthier, and truly free You will be inspiring and help people in their lives, making a difference The journey of life will begin to feel just like that — a journey of the pursuit of greatness

First Steps to Take

I’m sure you have a good understanding of how to be awesome in your own life by now, but what about getting started? After all, getting started and taking action is one of the most difficult and underused methods of moving forward in one’s life. The good news for you is, now that you know the hardest part is just starting, you know what you’re up against. Step 1: Listen to your inner voices In particular, listen to your conscience and inner consciousness. This is fairly easy if you take away the mystery aspect some may have. Find a quiet place where you can be alone, just you and your thoughts. Allow yourself to clear your mind of the clutter of your everyday life and just relax. Start to ponder on your life, how things are going, and if you are truly living up to your full potential. Step 2: Feel the Need If, after you have thought about what your life would look like if you were being more awesome, you do not feel an inner need to change, then don’t. You have to feel it. You have to want to participate on this journey. Not everyone wants to be awesome. That’s not to say they aren’t good people, it just means they are content with their current life situation, and that’s fine. Step 3: Start  If you feel the need to change your life and your current circumstances, all you have to do is start. Start following some of the earlier examples of ways to be awesome. Once you start doing the things in life that are awesome, you will see the effect it has on your thoughts, interactions with others, and feelings towards your life. Ready, Set, Go!!! Be awesome and help others become awesome too.