Creating things people love can feel like a big balancing act sometimes. You’re constantly trading off what you want to create deep inside with what you think other people want. The good news is that there doesn’t always need to be a trade-off. It’s all about finding the sweet spot where your love for creating meets what other people are seeking. Here are five big questions to ask yourself in order to find that sweet spot.

1. What do you love to create?

To create things people love, we must first love creating them. Your passion and energy shines through in everything you create. If you don’t love creating something, it will show and your work will not be the best it can be. We do our best work when we are full of passion and joy, so first ask yourself, “what do you love to create?”

2. What do customers in your market already love?

Do some research to find out what customers in your market love. Some searching online will show what other brands are making and what customers are buying. Your research might also extend to checking out blogs in your niche to see what products they are talking about. What do they love? Influential bloggers in your niche are the ones influencing customers, so if they love it, chances are a lot of other people will too.

3. How can you test your ideas before creating them?

Instead of putting all your time and energy into creating something only to find that no one wants it, why not flip the process on its head and find out if people love it first? Share your idea with potential customers and see what the response is. If the response is positive, you’ll know you have a winner before you start creating. This means you can put all your love and energy into creating without worrying about whether or not your idea will fall flat. If the response is negative, head back to the drawing board. While this might make the earlier steps feel like a waste, know that they’re not. The best thing about testing your idea before you create it is that you avoid wasting time and resources on something that people might never love.

4. How can you infuse your own personality and brand into what you’ve created?

Many of the things people love most aren’t necessarily the best or newest idea; they are the ones infused with a strong brand and personality. Think about how you can make what you’ve created even better by adding your own personal brand and touch to it. This might involve how you deliver your service, package your product or provide customer support. Every little bit counts, and it all adds to making what you create something people love.

5. How can you improve your ideas over time?

Once you’ve created something and put it out there, there’s no need to stop. Great things are constantly evolving and always getting better. People change over time so it’s important to listen to your customer’s feedback carefully and let your product evolve with them. The best products on the market do this exceptionally well. Take Apple’s iPhone as an example–it is a product that people loved and continue to love more and more every year because it’s constantly evolving and building on what people love with every new release.

Over to you

Do you create things people love? Or do your ideas often fall flat? How might these five big questions help you create things that people love? Share your experiences in the comments below.