First of all, it is a really good idea to just surround them with books and help make reading a positive experience for them to share with you. Here are some other great ideas to help you teach your kids how to love to read.

Read to Them

Start reading to your children as soon as you possibly can. You will definitely be surprised by how much of a difference this can make. Even when they are a new born you can invest in sturdy baby board books and talk to them about the pictures. At this point, actually reading the words on the page is not completely necessary. As they grow a bit older most babies still won’t sit still long enough to listen to a book and this may frustrate parents. However, be sure to sit with them and name the items on the pages. As their attention span lengthens, you may be able to actually start reading to them. After short stories with pictures, you can introduce books with short, engaging chapters. Discuss the characters and what you are reading about even when you aren’t sitting with the book. That can really help increase comprehension.

Read With Them

Once your child learns to read for his/herself, don’t turn them loose! Pick books with easy words and read with them. Try having them read one sentence or paragraph and you read the next. Once they have mastered paragraph reading, move on to pages. Help with words that are difficult and gently correct misspoken words. Encourage them to sound out unfamiliar words, but stop if you seem him becoming frustrated. This should be an enjoyable time for both of you, separate from homework or other schoolwork. You can also allow them to go to the bookstore or library and pick books that interest them. You may even want to suggest different genres to see where their interests lie.

Read Around Them

Children who see their parents read are more likely to see reading as a desirable activity. Keep age level appropriate books for each member of the house readily available at all times. Also, if you have a really great interest in books you could even get your masters in library science. That way you could work at a library and be able to share your great knowledge of books with your children. This would also help show them how much reading really means to you. If possible you could create a family library in your house. Maybe you could even make a family reading nook where family members can read together and enjoy each other’s company. You may even want to discuss the books that you are reading with your children. If there is a portion that might interest them, tell them about it! Even if it’s just a big dog that reminds you of fluffy, you can engage them in the world of your book and they will want to explore books for themselves. There is definitely nothing better than being able to be fully emerged in a good book. That is why it is essential for you to start reaching out to your kids with reading now. You never know, by following these simple steps, you could potentially create a lifelong reader. Featured photo credit: via

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