Anxiety Can Be A Real Struggle

The struggle is real for those who feel the airplane chairs are getting smaller and smaller, while the fees are getting bigger and bigger. You are right, my friends! Traveling is already stressful, especially since there are many cases of lost planes and tragic crashes, but airlines apparently struggle to make the flight even more uncomfortable. Here, I am talking about airplane chairs and the leg space given to each customer. Just 20 years ago, the leg space in a plane was 34 inches, whereas nowadays it is only 28 inches! As the airlines are changing their seats with smaller ones, passengers get into fights over reclined chairs more and more often, forcing planes to land sooner. In the name of profit, airlines are squeezing us in the planes, without any single shred of remorse for damaging our health. Sitting for more than four hours in a confined space increases the risk of developing blood clots, which can be lethal if they get into the bloodstream. When you are taking a long flight, compression socks are mandatory, but there are many other tools, gadgets, and tricks which can reduce the damaging potential of spending long hours crowded in an airplane.

Effective Tips to Enjoy (Rather Than Suffer) A Long-Haul Flight

Here are a number of tips to make any long-haul flight enjoyable and worry-free:

1. Exercise A Little

So, you have a 10 hour flight ahead of you. Many people just sit there and endure the whole flight without moving. Instead, you should do exercise whenever you feel like it, even if you’re sitting down. Once in a while, just stretch out your legs, wiggle your toes, and feel your muscles work. Also, try walking or just standing for a while. Go to the toilet, just for the walk! This will greatly increase circulation and significantly reduce the risk of a blood clot.

2. Take A Personal Bag With You

Strong planning goes a long way when it comes to a long-haul flight, so think of what you need well in advance. Gather items in your personal bag, which you can store near your feet or in the overhead compartment of the plane. This bag can be anything from a tote bag to a backpack, depending on your needs and style. As a general rule, the personal bag should have lots of pockets and zippers, so you can organize and access your gear easier.

3. Stay Fresh and Clean

Spending a long time in flight is going to show on your face, so you need to have a small set of personal hygiene products in your personal bag to stay looking your best. This should include a disposable toothbrush, facial cleansing wipes, deodorant, mints, and a skincare kit (containing hand and face moisturizer, lip balm, and under-eye cream). Due to the air conditioning, the air is extremely dry, which obviously dries your skin out. However, resist the urge to apply a mist on your skin and go for a moisturizer instead. This will hydrate your skin, trapping the water in the skin layers. During a long-haul flight you need to stay hydrated from inside as well as from outside. Try sticking with the 2 liters of water per day rule, even if you are in the plane. Remember, drinking alcohol is going to dehydrate you fast, so limit the intake of those cocktails – no matter how tempting they may be!

4. Eating Up in the Air

When you are on a long-haul flight you will get hungry, so you should think ahead and pack snacks. Nuts, sandwiches, and bite-sized snacks are the best options, as long as they don’t have a strong smell. You don’t want to make everyone turn their heads around because you are eating a strong smelling burrito. Airplane food is not to everyone’s taste, so you may want to pack some of your own. That said, the plane food today is far better than it was just a few years ago. Remember, if you suffer from an allergy or you are on a special diet (such as vegetarian), make sure you tell those concerned when booking your flights.

5. Clothes for The Plane Trip

When you are preparing for a long flight you need to make sure that you wear the right clothes. Remember those tight seats? Well, you need to wear comfortable, loose clothes. As most flights are chilly, take a cardigan with you. However, the most important item of clothing you need to have on the plane is compression socks, which help to prevent blood clots and deep vein thrombosis. Keep your socks on at all times, even if your feet are clean! Finish the outfit with a scarf and easy-to-slip-into shoes.

6. Get Some Sleep

Sleep is important, so don’t skip on it during your flight. To make sure you will sleep like a baby, bring earplugs, a neck pillow, and an eye mask. For those who are terrible sleepers, you may also need couple of sleeping pills. Melatonin pills are a simple way to get to sleep faster, even if the sun is up. By applying some of the tips above, you will make sure your trip is worry-free and even enjoyable. Featured photo credit: Pixabay via