With so much stress and frustration in modern life, it’s easy to get into this dull and boring routine of “wake up, go to work, come home, go to bed, and repeat” from Monday through Friday. Who wants to live a dull and boring life? I know I don’t, and I certainty don’t want you to experience this. I want you to live each day filled with love, passion and purpose. I want you to experience a fulfilling and rewarding life. Here are five ways to lead the quality life you’ve always wanted:  

1. Accept where you are

Before we even start on living the quality life you’ve always wanted, you must accept where you currently are. It may not be where you ultimately want to be, but first acknowledging that this is only temporary will allow you to move forward rather than backwards. Accept where you are and understand that this is not permanent. When you are able to do this and know that you are moving in the direction you want to go, you are more likely to be motivated to take action.

2. Be confident

Have confidence in living the quality life you’ve always wanted. Believe that you deserve to live a life that is filled with peace, love and happiness. It’s important for you to be confident and know how to overcome uncertainties. Despite the stresses of life, no matter what happens, you’ll know how to handle any situation. Where does confidence come from? It all comes from within you. Confidence starts with believing in who you are and what you stand for. Practice being confident every day.

3. Know your priorities

If you want to live a life truly worth living, you must know your priorities and make sure that you live by them every single day. It’s all about living in alignment with your deepest values and beliefs. This, would have to be my #1 secret to having the quality life that you’ve always wanted. Take the time to write down what you most value in your life—be it your family, spouse or having a job to support yourself. When you are consciously aware of what you value and what your top priorities are, you are able to schedule your time around what matters to you the most.

4. Passion!

Have passion for what you do. Don’t just go through the motions, find out why you do what you do. This is important because when you wake up in the morning you will have a purpose rather than just starting your day being grumpy. When you understand why you do what you do, passion enters your life. My definition of passion is having a deep and driving desire to fulfill a purpose that is based on reason. Take the time to reflect on this, and find your purpose and the reason behind it. Leading the quality life you’ve always wanted all starts with finding your purpose.

5. Get organized and take action

When you implement these first four ways to lead the quality life you’ve always wanted, then it’s time to get your priorities in order and take the necessary steps that will allow you to follow through to achieve it. I find it really helpful to write down all my short- and long-term goals and to have an agenda every week listing what needs to get done. Time is so precious so use yours wisely!