The point is, we can tell when people are sick because they demonstrate certain characteristicsthat tell us to “stay away.” If you’ve spent any time around someone who is sick you know what I’m talking about—you find yourself feeling miserable within minutes. Not wanting to be around sick people who may be contagious is a no-brainer, but what about people who are positive, fun, encouraging and passionate? Everyone wants to be around those folks because their energy rubs off on others—their energy is contagious. They are usually leaders whose character traits are mirrored by the people around them. The key is learning how to breathe in some of that positive energy for yourself. If you want to live a contagious life, but feel like you’ve been drowning in the sea of mediocrity lately, it’s time to amp things up a bit. Here are a few things you can try to get infected with positivity:

Have the right attitude

A right attitude is contagious: most people want to be around others who are humble, teachable, and positive. You may not be the most talented or experienced person, but with a great attitude, you’ll always stand out in a crowd. 

Know who they are

People who have a good self-image are more likely to convey an infectious attitude. They focus on their strengths, not their weaknesses, and they don’t rely on their performance as a barometer for their self worth.

Avoid “stinking thinking”

Contagious people encounter difficult circumstances like the rest of us; they just filter them before passing them on. They focus on the positive and see adversity as a challenge. They watch what they tell themselves and take an optimistic tone. You won’t hear any negative self-talk because they’ve trained themselves to filter it and avoid ruminating about things that are negative and will bring them down.

Stop making excuses

The “I’ll never change, or this is just how I am” mentality has got to go. If you want to live a more contagious life you have to step outside the box and be willing to take some risks: excuses keep you stuck. You are only a moment away from experiencing truth by what you chose to believe about yourself and your circumstances. You can change, millions of people have. You only have one life—go for it!

Fuel their passion

Passion is contagious. Look around at the people you know who are inspiring: they are generally passionate about something. They are motivators, and tend to be willing to take risks to add some gas to their fire.

Pass the infection around

Laughter really is the best medicine, and it’s infectious. Contagious people spread positive energy by acting goofy, joking around, and making others laugh. They don’t take themselves too seriously all the time.

Strive for personal growth

Contagious people are movers and shakers: they are always looking for new ways to stimulate their minds and challenge themselves with new adventures. They are intention on nurturing personal growth and development, and you’ll find them reading, writing, taking a course, trying a new sport or hobby, or doing something adventurous. It’s never too late to live a contagious life; all it takes is a decision. Start today by taking some next steps to change, and start an epidemic! Back at you: What strategies have you implemented to live a more contagious life? Featured photo credit: young pretty woman drinking coffee via Shutterstock