Amazing benefits of lavender oil
Before we get to the easy to make recipe for lavender lemonade take a quick glance at what this single herb is capable of:
Lavender oil is quite complex with over 150 beneficial constituents comprising its makeup. Among its most notable attributes are anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antidepressant, antiseptic, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, analgesic, detoxifier, hypotensive, and sedative qualities. Based on extensive research lavender oil has been proven to reduce anxiety and to lower pulse rates. It has been used effectively to lower pre-surgery stress, to reduce depression, to overcome insomnia, and even to ease labor pains. Lavender oil has also proven to be beneficial in reducing headaches, easing hangovers, opening sinus congestion, and treating general pain relief.
How does lavender oil work?
The clinically proven results lavender oil delivers are attributed both to its smell and to its physical application. Aromatherapy of lavender creates a soothing psychological state as its over 150 constituents permeate through the olfactory system. The physiological effects of applying lavender oil topically or consuming it are equally calming, as well.
Ingredients for lavender lemonade
1 cup of raw honey 12 cups of pure water 1 drop of lavender oil 6 lemons, peeled and juiced lavender sprigs for garnish
Simply mix all the ingredients together and refrigerate (more water or raw honey can be added for desired taste). Enjoy!
A few extra ways to use lavender oil
If you suffer with dry skin apply five or six drops of lavender oil to your bath water. If you have a diffuser apply ten to twelve drops and diffuse during your workday to distress. Add two drops of lavender oil to any other lightly scented, unrefined organic oil you may have (such as almond oil or olive oil) to create an enhanced body oil with all the benefits of lavender covering every desired inch of your body. This will improve skin health, relax you, help you sleep, and even deter insects. Lavender oil has also been proven to increase blood circulation via aromatherapy by increasing levels of oxygenation. Lowering blood pressure, reducing hypertension, increasing muscle strength and brain activity, are just a few things this wonder-herb oil has to offer.
A few extra facts about lavender
Lavender’s name origin comes from the Latin verb “lavare”, which means to wash. Lavender is in the same family as mint. In ancient Egypt, lavender was used during the mummification process. In Elizabethan times, bathing was not a common practice and lavender was often used to perfume clothing and bed sheets. The natural scent of lavender keeps mice, flies, and mosquitoes away. Lavender is commonly used as an ingredient in potpourri. The nectar lavender plants produce is used to make high quality honey. Lavender is symbolic of devotion, luck, success, and happiness. Lavender plants do not produce seeds. Most lavender plants are blue or purple. A few varieties can be pink or yellow.
So, if you are feeling overworked, anxious, or seeking help with falling asleep then give lavender lemonade a try. It is an all-natural remedy for all sorts of ailments that has been utilized across Earth for thousands of years. And remember, whether in the form of an oil or the blossoms, the uses and applications of lavender are as countless as the ailments it can cure. Featured photo credit: lavender lemonade via