Admit When You Are Wrong

You might have to swallow your pride to admit that you were the one in the wrong, but this is a huge step in making up with your best friend. When the conversation is just you trying to defend what you did or what you said, there is no way to reach an agreement about what went wrong and will likely just make everything worse. When you own up and take the blame if it is truly on you, this could be something that makes the friendship much stronger in the long run.

Get Mushy

Being sentimental might seem like the last thing that needs to happen, but gather up the photos of you two and remind your bestie of how much fun you two had. You will always cherish the great times that have been had, but let them know that you want to keep on making these memories and you simply cannot be your truly happy self if they are not by your side. If there is a song that you consider “yours” send it to them along with one of the best memories that go along with it.

Hand Write an Apology

So many people still believe that written letters mean so much more than something that is typed out like an email or a text message. Writing your feelings out and handing them over can really get them in the feels, especially if you two are not on talking terms at the moment. It can be something as simple as a post-it with an apology or a long letter gushing about how much they mean to you. Put it somewhere that they will see it, without necessarily hanging it directly to them—that could just upset them more.

Offer Up a Gift

This is one of the best ways to have someone open back up to you. You will want the gift to be something that is meaningful, so think about something that they’ve been wanting for a while, or play it simple and get them their favorite candy. For something extra special, choose a personalized gift that shows you believe that they are worth your time and effort. iCustom Label has a plethora of items to choose from, so there is surely one that your bestie will love. Have a set of personalized stickers made of their celebrity crush or their pet from My Sticker Face. Make the offer extra sweet by giving them customized M&Ms—add whatever image and text you would like.

Infiltrate Through Their Tummy

It’s quite hard to say no to food when it is offered, so take the time to make their favorite treat. Aim to make them something that they love but might not indulge in all the time because it is difficult to make or is regarded as an indulgence for them. Try to do something that can’t just be picked up from the bakery aisle at the store, as this shows you are putting time and effort into gaining their friendship back.

Know That You Are Truly Ready

If the fight between you and your bestie was especially awful, it is vital that you know within your heart that you are ready to make up with them. The fight might’ve started with you in the wrong or them in the wrong, but either way you must be ready to put it past you so that it does not seep back up through the cracks and start to deteriorate the friendship again. When you are absolutely ready, all of the actions that you take and words that you speak will not only seem genuine, but they will actually be genuine. Featured photo credit: gornostai_nastya via