Why is this? Is it because we didn’t do enough to make our goals a reality? Is it because we didn’t have a system in place to keep track of our progress? Actually, the problem is that sometimes our goals are so big that they are like mountains — they end up being too overwhelming. These are the goals that we usually never achieve no matter how worthwhile they are. Here are some common examples to consider:
The Lose Weight Mountain
For a lot of people, losing weight is such a mountain. Many will make losing weight as one of their main New Year’s resolutions. Some will even join a gym and go with “full gusto” even if they haven’t exercised in years. Of course, many will end up quitting once February or March rolls around. Many will go for those “lose weight fast” programs or go on extreme diets. These folks expect to lose a significant amount of weight within two weeks. Of course, results don’t happen like this. In the end, these desperate actions are abandoned and the person is left at where they originally began.
The Make Money Mountain
Another common mountain is to make money — fast. People still get suckered in easily by signing up to various “get rich quick” schemes as they are lured in by the reports of others who claim to be living the high life within weeks of starting. The tough economic times certainly have made many people even more gullible to such scams. Unfortunately, these people end up poorer after coughing up the initial funds to get into such moneymaking schemes. Quite often, friends are lost in the process as well if they were pressured to buy all sorts of supplements or other products as part of these systems — all designed to make money.
Mountains: Chinese Proverb
So just how do you move a mountain then? Well, this brings us to an ancient Chinese proverb: The trick with very ambitious goals like losing weight or making lots of money is to take things in small steps slowly but on a regular basis, much like carrying away those small stones a bit at a time. When giant goals are broken down into small steps that can be handled easily, the results of all those small steps turn into giant goals being achieved over time. Once you realize that big goals are achieved bit by bit, you won’t be as gullible to buy into the claims of losing weight or making money quickly. Instead, you will take on logical, proven programs to get healthy or financially wealthy. You will “carry away small stones” by exercising regularly at paces that are suitable for you and gradually increase intensity when you can handle it. You will slowly build your financial wealth with wise investing, saving or building of viable businesses over time.
So if you have ambitious goals, don’t make the mistake of trying to do everything at once hoping that you will succeed. It doesn’t work like that. If you have already abandoned such big goals, maybe revisit them — but with a new strategy. Don’t expect to rush through big goals. Instead, just start working towards them a little at a time but on a steady, regular basis so you still have forward momentum. Then in the future, you will be able to proudly look back and see what a big mountain you have moved. Feel free to share what big mountains you have moved in the past and which ones you plan to move in the future. (Photo credit: Alpamayo Peak in Cordilleras Mountain by Shutterstock)