Universal truths often don’t have any opposites and they do not change. Luckily, happiness is not considered as one of the universal truths because its opposites are sorrow and sadness. If we seek happiness, we must be prepared to also experience sorrow and sadness. When the external source of our happiness is removed, we often feel badly about ourselves and start even to curse ourselves because subconsciously we believe that we have engaged ourselves into actions that could not bring us happiness. Joy on the other hand is the universal truth — if you are in joy, you can laugh and laugh on for hours and that too without any reason. The source of our joy is our inner-self because when in joy, we often remain detached from our external environment and just enjoy those blissful moments. We do not need any therapists or experts to make us joyous — to be in joy is the real ultimate for all of us. It is our basic nature to remain happy and blissful. One of the best ways to experience the joy has been designed and developed by Institute of Heart Math. The technique is really simple and can put you in extreme joy if you continue to practice it, regardless of whether you are poor or rich, satisfied or not. Heart Coherence is based upon the simple principle of using the power of our heart to invoke emotions within us that can us make us happy and joyful. It uses the power of our heart and puts it above our rational and thinking mind to redirect our emotional state to a more positive and optimistic nature.

Here is how to do it: