If you’ve answered ‘yes’ at least once to the above questions, don’t worry, we have the ideal solution for you. Simply, head over to Settling.com to find someone to settle down and spend the rest of your life with. No, this isn’t the usual dating site that promises to pair you up with your soulmate and assure lifetime bliss. In fact, Settling.com takes a very realistic approach to love and life. It is your best friend if you’re one of those people who are afraid of dying alone.

The Important Thing Is – You’re Not Single Anymore 

At least you are no longer alone and you have someone special to share your life with.

It’s Okay If He or She Isn’t Your Ideal Companion

Maybe he doesn’t know the name of her favourite book or she has no idea what to get for his birthday. Perhaps this person isn’t the soulmate you dreamed out, but he or she is definitely worth settling for.

You Get Paired With The Nearest Settling.com Member

Say goodbye to long-distance relationships and travelling. Just step out of your door to find the love of your life.

You May Not Be Happy, But You’re Not Gonna Be Sad

Stop chasing for perfection and be grateful that your life isn’t any worse.

All My Friends Are Married And I Don’t Wanna Feel Left Out

And you’ll never be alone again, especially when you’re settling for the sake of settling. So if you’re afraid to be alone, and don’t mind sacrificing your high expectations of the perfect mate, for something exciting and maybe even incredible, give Settling.com a try and you’ll surely be satisfied. Besides, the other people who have tried this out sure look like they’re having a good time. Featured photo credit: Settling.com via youtube.com

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