1. She has strong opinions.

Even when you discuss random stuff with her, like sports, politics, literature or entertainment, she has strong opinions. She knows what she is talking about and her opinion is centered on what is pleasant to her and not to you.

2. She can handle her money.

She knows how to handle her money. She sees money as a tool rather than an item. She is resourceful with it and treats is as valuable. She leads her finances and her finances don’t lead her. If you are giving her money, understand she will treat it right.

3. She handles kids and the elderly the smart way.

She is not childish or stupid. She is comfortable and can relate with kids or older adults. She is not rude. She is tolerant and won’t develop cold feet when she is with any age group. She is happy to converse with people of all sorts when she has the chance to.

4. She is confident.

Her intellect is an assurance for her. She can deal with stuff and is not scared to air an opinion. She would do the courageous thing rather than cower in fear or reluctance. So if you are in a tough situation, she certainly knows how to get you out of it.

5. She wants to succeed.

Good is not enough for her; rather, she will go for excellent. Even if she fails in the process, she won’t stop—she will continue chasing for success. She loves challenges and what it means to her success. Rather than be inactive, she will always show resilience and tread into newer territories.

6. She knows how to manage a crisis.

She doesn’t cower in the face of a crisis. She can get tough when she meets with a tough situation. Rather than withdraw, she adapts and creatively digs in to get out of the situation. Actually, difficult moments define her mental strength and abilities.

7. She is dependable.

She is reliable. If she says she will do something, she will do it. She is so dependable and such an asset that you can count on her in almost any case. You can vouch for her, because she will always get the job done.

8. She is consistent.

She is not unstable. If she is in a relationship with anyone, she commits herself to it. She doesn’t have to say yes to what she doesn’t believe in or that you won’t prove rewarding. With her, there is no insecurity. She is in it with you for the long haul because she knows that it means something. She is stable and efficient.

9. She knows her worth.

She doesn’t feel inferior to anyone. She respects herself and respects everyone around her and expects the same from them. She will dress well and communicate perfectly. It is not as if this validates her, she just wants to be the ideal person that commands respect.

10. She is resourceful.

Her knowledge does not make her lazy. She actually uses it as a weapon to get what she wants or what is of value to her. She develops networks and alliances that propel her to a destination. She is proactive and is always finding a way to get things done and make the world around her better. She simply won’t settle for cheap. Don’t hurt a smart lady because she will leave you if she has to, for the right reasons. Featured photo credit: http://www.compfight.com via compfight.com