People’s perceptions of strong mothers

A strong mother cannot be easily blown around by the trials that children and husbands may present. This ability to stay firm despite what is happening around can be misinterpreted as a lack of empathy. It is sometimes assumed that because a mother has strength she does not have the ability to compassionately understand her kids or her husband. It may look like a firm mother has a stoic approach to life, but this is not necessarily the case. A mother’s power may come from her ability to feel intensely about her children. He knack for being in tune with their fears, sorrows and mishaps gives her the ‘fuel’ she needs to be tough for her kids. Often she understands that what her kids need whether they are upset or happy is a firm guiding presence. So rather than lacking insight into her kids’ feelings a strong mother sees and feels what her kids are experiencing and reacts with a strength that helps them through both happy and difficult situations.

Strong mothers and their relationship with their daughters

It is sometimes assumed that strong mothers will clash with their daughters. This, however, is not necessarily the case. A mother with true power knows how to guide her daughter and steer her in a direction that is positive and good without being confrontational or pushy. A mother with inner strength respects the boundaries between her and her daughter and knows how to give her daughter the space she needs to grow into a self-contained and independent person. A strong mother can have a big influence over the mindset, beliefs and inner character of their daughter. Daughters often revere and look up to their mother when she has a solid presence. They feel that she is someone who will always be stable for them. A daughter’s respect for her firm mother means that she often wants to copy or imitate her mother’s behavior. She may also want to please a mother as she longs for her approval and kind words. This means that the mother is in a position where what she does and says can have a direct effect on her daughter’s behavior. If a mother with strength believes in certain values such as honesty, trust and respect then it is likely that her daughter will internalize theses values and they will become a part of who she is. If the mother believes, for example, that you should always ‘do to others as you would have them do to you’, and she projects this message with power and conviction then her daughter is likely to approach life with this moral in mind.

A strong mother’s love for her daughters

When a mother is constantly strong she is normally driven by a deep love for her daughters. It is the profound depth of this love that keeps her steady and firm. She is powerful because she knows that her daughter needs her to be a solid rock that she can count on day in and day out. However, if a mother with presence feels that her daughter misunderstands her good intentions she can become fragile and withdrawn.

How strong mothers relate to their daughters’ daily struggles

Often daughters have trouble with their girlfriends at school. Girls can tend to be ‘bitchy’ to one another and this can leave often leave someone in tears. When it is the daughter of a firm mother who is at the receiving end of a mean friend then she acts swiftly and effectively. She is able to sit with her daughter and give her the tools she needs in order to confront her friend. She can help her daughter to be strong like her and stand up for herself in the playground. At some point daughters often go through a period of not liking their body’s and the way they look in general. A mother with presence will not stand for a daughter who is critical of the way she looks. A strong mother will teach her daughter how to build up her strength on the inside and to focus less on her external ‘package’. She will teach her daughter that if she has a good inner sense of self her external self will glow. A strong mother is something to value and appreciate. It is a privilege for a child to grow up in a house where there is a formidable female figure. Daughters in particular should not take a mother with strength for granted and should always try to gratify her and not hurt her. Featured photo credit: The Life Square via