Having a productive morning routine is particularly important, as this serves as the foundation for a busy, active and successful working day. This is best embodied by people such as UK patent lawyer Tim Powell, who underpins his hectic working day with a highly structured, productive and organised morning routine.

The Routines of Successful People and what you can learn from them

Tim Powell’s working day starts at 5.20am, when he rises and undertakes 30 minutes of high-intensity exercise at his home gym. He then prepares for work and drives to the office, finding time for a short and mentally relaxing walk around his local park before he starts his day. On some days, he even creates the additional time for a pre-work German lesson, as strive to stimulate his mind as well as his body. The above video by BBC shows just how Powell accomplishes this routine, placing a heavy emphasis on structure, organisation and the combination of intensive activity with brief, mental breaks. These themes are reflected in the routines of similarly successful and motivated individuals, with American legend Oprah Winfrey also known to spend 20 minutes or so reflecting in silence before starting work. Arianna Huffington also enjoys a pre-work fusion of yoga and reflective meditation, while Square CEO Jack Dorsey is someone who engages in high-intensity exercise prior to 6am on a daily basis.

The Secrets and Benefits of a Productive Morning Routine

As we can see, there are fundamental components of a successful and productive morning routine. The issue is that some people do not consider themselves to be at their best in the morning, forcing them to create barriers that prevent them from making the most of their time at the beginning of the day. Interestingly, Tim Powell himself is not a morning person, but he has negated this by actively removing many of the obstacles that are created by our outlooks and natural body clocks. Here are some practical steps to help you in your quest:

1. Focus on Creating Healthy and Positive Habits

According to professor Martin Hagger, the creation of a morning routine can be an effective way to cultivate positive lifestyle habits. Focusing on these can help you to self-regulate your behaviour and create patterns of conduct that extend far beyond the morning hours, while this also makes it easier to structure your routine effectively.

2. Invest in Forward Planning

It is also important to make preparations for the next day the evening before, so take the time to iron and layout your clothes in advance to optimise the efficiency of your morning routine.

3. Rise and fall at the same times Every Day

On a final note, consistency is crucial to the successful implementation of your daily routine. Most importantly, you will need to maintain consistent sleeping patterns and make sure that you rise and fall at the same times each day, as this will regulate your body clock and gradually make it easier to wake early in the morning. Over time, this will have a cumulative impact on your psyche and enhance the overall impact of your routine. Hopefully, these tips will enable you to create the type of morning routine that drives successful people on a daily basis, while also establishing lifestyle habits that can drive enhanced levels of physical and mental fitness.