The articleWhen this moment is enoughby Allison Carmen explains by sharing her personal story about succumbing to life’s pressures and allowing external pressures owing to her goals and aspirations, and what we all feel we should grasp out of life determine how we act, feel and react. Allison also shares how she brilliantly overcame the challenge and recommends it as the perfect solution for life’s raging troubles.

We often focus on what we don’t have and neglect all the present moments

Life is fleeting, one moment you are here, the next moment, you are there. Truly, most of life’s troubles arise from a place of uncertainty about the future and usually until this future comes, we allow pressure and stress take over the directions of our lives. Consequently, we start to “obsess about what we do not have or what might not be,” we never get to enjoy whatever we have and are experiencing in any instant; we do not count our present achievement as anything significant, instead we look forward to the next success and after achieving that, we aspire towards the next and the train never ends. There is no mincing words about this, it is suffering and it should be discontinued and not allowed to fester for long. Getting out of its hold does not come easy. In fact, it can only be successful through the implementation of a well thought out plan of choosing to live and appreciate the present, the moment, above everything else. Living in the moment entails feeling satisfied about the present, feeling joy and comfort and with an open heart, looking forward to the future with many thanks for the past.

Why we have to fear about the future if no one knows what would happen

The fear of the future in its entirety is centered around another fear – the fear of failure. Unfortunately, our society is one that gives no room for failing. This creates a fear that further creates room for these life problems to thrive. The question then is this – can living in the moment suffice? Look at it this way. Who tries to put out a fire without removing the fire source first? In essence, as much as we try to live in the moment, we try to appreciate the things we have, while looking forward to the future in high hopes that our efforts are sufficient to deliver results, we should equally cut off channels that maybe unnecessary demands of us. The 14th Dalai Lama says “The purpose of our lives is to be happy,” in essence, while we pursue those goals and results, they should only come after the pursuit of happiness. Happiness is all encompassing and if properly and diligently pursued, it will lead to the actualisation of all other goals without undue pressure on the way to achieving them. “Life is a gift that allows us create the future we want.” Don’t sacrifice the moment. To read the full article, click here.