Alcohol is a great way to unwind after a hectic week. But those late night drinks can add up, especially if you are are a heavy drinker. If you’ve been experiencing weight gain lately, it may not be due to stress. Instead, it could be due to those drinks you’ve been having. I’m not just talking about shots and beer. Wines, although considered to be healthier, hold a staggering amount of calories per drink. An average wine drinker takes in the same amount of calories as 141 ice cream cones every year. So when it comes to relieving stress, would you rather eat ice cream or drink wine? If you have to drink, there are ways to choose beverages that are not too heavy on the body. Such drinks contain less sugar and aren’t blended. They also make use of fresh fruits and club soda. Alcohol and Weight Gain [infographic] | Daily Infographic