However, there are a number of things we can do to find the silver lining in our days. We can make small changes and practice self-care through nurturing habits. By cultivating good habits, we show our love and respect for ourselves throughout the day, and these little details can keep us in a good mood all the time.

1. Have enough sleep

Sleep deprivation causes us to be foggy-headed and unable to make good decisions in the short term. And in the long run it has a slew of bad effects on our health. Sleeping enough keeps us in a good mood and keeps our spirits high. As a bonus, you can make sure that you have an enjoyable bedtime routine.

2. Exercise

Exercise gives us a rush of endorphins, and as such, gives a boost to our good mood. Besides, we know that exercising is an essential element of self-care. So pull out your yoga mat, tie up your running shoes or pump some iron—whatever works for you and feels good for your body!

3. Drink enough water

Avoid getting dehydrated, especially when you drink a lot of coffee in the office. Bring a big mug and fill it at the water fountain, or bring a few big bottles of water with you to the office. Sip throughout the day, and you might notice you get fewer headaches!

4. Keep a diary

Learn from your experiences in life by analyzing them in a diary. Use your journal as a place where you can dump whatever is going on in your mind. As nobody reads your diary, writing everything down can have the same effect as pouring out your heart to a therapist. Get it out, and you feel instantly better!

5. Eat fruit and vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are packed with nutrients and vitamins, and will keep your body healthy. Moreover, fruits are light sources of energy. Fried fast foods can make you feel heavy and sunken into the ground, whereas fruits and vegetables make you feel energized and can contribute to a good mood.

6. Love

We are beings destined to love. Have you noticed in how many ancient religions the god or goddess of love was one of the principal players, and how in one of today’s major religions the deity is often seen as the lord of love? Love is essential to humanity. Infuse your actions with love, and you will increase your vibrations and mood.

7. Be thankful

This one ties back to keeping a diary. You can keep a gratitude list in your diary, so that you focus on the positive events in your life. By highlighting the things you feel grateful for in your everyday life, you will realize what you love about your life, be able to reinforce it, and keep pumping up your mood.

8. Keep variety in your life

Nothing is as much of a bummer to your mood as always following the same routine. Spice things up a bit. Try out something new every weekend. Visit places and neighborhoods in your city where you’ve never been before. Cook up a dish you have never eaten, maybe from a country you have never visited. The possibilities are endless, and they will all bring a smile to your face and boost your mood.

9. Wear clothes you love

Regardless of where you go, who you are going to see and what you are going to do, dress to look and be your best self. Whenever you see yourself in the window or mirror, you’ll notice the effort you made in the morning, and you’ll instantly lift your mood.

10. Use essential oils that you enjoy

Take a little bottle with a mixture of your favorite essential oils dissolved in some sweet almond oil and demineralized water wherever you go, and spray this mixture on your wrists whenever you need a little pick-me-up. Use a burner in your house to diffuse a scent you love, and pump your mood.

11. Disconnect from the internet after a certain time at night

Give yourself a curfew for the internet. It’s so easy to get sucked into the internet for hours on end—even cutting into sleep time—but it can leave us drained and feeling worn out. Instead, use a curfew time in the evening, and do something truly nourishing and relaxing afterwards. You’ll sleep better, wake up feeling better and increase your positive mood overall.

12. Learn something new every day

Just like your body needs wholesome food to be fueled, your brain needs continued challenges to keep on evolving. To tickle your brain on a daily basis, make sure you learn something new every day. Start learning a new language, watch inspiring TED talks, solve a riddle—just make sure you use your brain every day. You’ll feel invigorated, you’ll feel that you are continuously growing, and this will elevate your mood. Featured photo credit: dusan jovic via