For this recipe you’ll need just five ingredients, two ziplock bags (one pint-size and one gallon-size) and finally a few optional ice-cream mixins (like fruit or nuts). Once you gather together some ice cubes, 1 cup of half and half, 1/2 cup of Kosher salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract, you’re ready to get started. By the way, this recipe serves just one, so keep that in mind. The half and half, sugar, vanilla extract and mixins will need to go into the pint-size bag alone (this is the ice cream mixture). Everything else goes into the gallon-size bag (along with the pint-size bag).
Now comes the time-consuming part. You’ll have to shake the gallon-size bag for a good 5-10 minutes, until the ice cream is the desired consistency. That’s it! Remove the smaller bag and you’ll have your very own homemade ice-cream to enjoy on a nice hot day. Now, isn’t that a super easy way to make ice-cream? If you like this recipe, be sure to share it. How to Make Homemade Ice Cream in a Bag | Instructables Featured photo credit: Instructables via