Sean Whalen shares a post that delivers deep insight into a problem that many adults in the world face today. He has discovered something life-altering that many people never learn in a lifetime. Through the love for his children, he has found that putting down the guilt and blame of a failed relationship is the only way to move forward in life. In this move forward, he has found a way to become an even more important role model for his children. It is inevitable that everything in life changes. Whalen’s post shares with the world that love has nothing at all to do with pride, and when you let that go, the changes that take place can be absolutely wonderful for all involved.

Putting Bitterness Aside

The old saying “It takes an entire village to raise a child” is true. Eventually, children turn into teenagers, and the more eyes and ears that are available to help, the better off everyone will be. In Sean Whalen’s life now, there are many helping hands and eyes to guide the little ones as they grow up because the adults learned how to respect one another for the sake of the children. Now, when one parent does not know something they can always discuss it with another, and they are able to share ideas on what to do or not to do. The story that Whalen wrote of an evening spent as a blended family is shared with others so they may learn the important life lessons that he has. While no one plans a divorce, and they certainly do not plan on having blended families, such things do happen. It may be hard at first to put the raw emotions aside, but if it’s not done, the children are the ones who will suffer. Featured photo credit: Sean Whalen via

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