Life can go down. Things happen. And on the bad, down days, you wonder if you will find the strength to overcome the setbacks in your life.  The disappointment can be crushing, but this is not the end of your story.  There is more for you and I hope that reading through these quotes will give you the strength to choose to never give up.

Reset and Begin Again in the Morning

Even on the days when it feels like your world has come crashing down around you, remember this: we are gifted with a new morning to start afresh, to begin again. It is a sign of the cycles of life; the dark is always followed by the light of day, and so it is with your trials. Reset and begin again in the morning.

Through setbacks, you become stronger.

I know that this can feel tough to understand when you are going through tough times but understand that you never face anything that you cannot handle. It is as though the universe only provides just enough to stretch you, to cause you to live a little outside of your comfort zone.  You are powerful enough to overcome and you are getting stronger each and every day. Watch and see how in a week, a month, or a year, you will look back and wonder why you got so stressed. It is because you are stronger.

Don’t forget what you are capable of achieving.

Don’t forget you are powerful beyond measure! It may seem silly to think of yourself this way but how does it benefit you to belittle yourself? How does it benefit you to think less of yourself? It may keep you safe for a little while as you hide away from the stresses of daily life but where does that get you? Trapped and stuck in a life you do not even want. Instead, expect more, dream more, never wake up from your dreams and choose even in the bad times to hold on to the vision of what you are creating. There is more to your story yet.

Stop thinking that one mistake, or that one setback is a signal of the end.

It is not! You are still standing – a little bit shaky, a little bit uncertain, but you are still standing.  That shows inner strength and it is something you can build on.

There is always a route to triumph, whatever the setback you are facing.

You have to refuse to give into despair and look for it.  Again, remember that whatever you are facing is within your power to deal with so stay on track, look for the light and keep moving forward.

The people who make no mistakes are certainly not the ones that get to live a great life.

No, they are the ones who do very little and make no impact whatsoever.  Do you want to live a legacy of a life? Then know that mistakes are part of the process.  To add insult to injury, there is always someone sitting on the fence with an opinion about what you should do.

Surround yourself with positive people and know that those who pull you down are not worth your time.

You always get a choice about your next step because it is not a product of what has happened to you, it is a product of the action you choose to take each and every day to become the person you have decided to become.

Are you clear on who that is?

You might think that you have reached the end of your journey, but then, as you choose to take that one extra step, you realize you are more powerful than you have given yourself credit for.

That one extra step can be the difference between getting what you want and staying stuck in the same old place. Go on, keep moving forward. And for those days when gentle empathy does not work, it is time for a little harsh reality. If you want to change lives, if you want to have an impact on the world, if you want more than you currently have, then there is no time to consider only what you feel like doing!  You have to step up your game, regardless of feelings.

Yes, you can!

Remember this: it is consistent action that pays off in the end.

Most people spend their days looking out for the results and because the results are slow in coming, they think that what they are doing is ineffective, so they stop. The ones who win are those who can see past today’s results to the coming harvest. They know that everything comes in its right time but you must keep doing the work you need to do today. In time, what you planted will flower. Never, ever give up! Featured photo credit: Bessi via

Never Give Up  11 Inspirational Quotes That Motivate You To Overcome Setbacks In Life - 12Never Give Up  11 Inspirational Quotes That Motivate You To Overcome Setbacks In Life - 19Never Give Up  11 Inspirational Quotes That Motivate You To Overcome Setbacks In Life - 82Never Give Up  11 Inspirational Quotes That Motivate You To Overcome Setbacks In Life - 82Never Give Up  11 Inspirational Quotes That Motivate You To Overcome Setbacks In Life - 66Never Give Up  11 Inspirational Quotes That Motivate You To Overcome Setbacks In Life - 28Never Give Up  11 Inspirational Quotes That Motivate You To Overcome Setbacks In Life - 24Never Give Up  11 Inspirational Quotes That Motivate You To Overcome Setbacks In Life - 87Never Give Up  11 Inspirational Quotes That Motivate You To Overcome Setbacks In Life - 33Never Give Up  11 Inspirational Quotes That Motivate You To Overcome Setbacks In Life - 12Never Give Up  11 Inspirational Quotes That Motivate You To Overcome Setbacks In Life - 53