Here are 10 things you will definitely relate to if you’re part of a couple that is always asked when they are going to have kids:

1.You and your partner have several lines memorized in case a response is needed for the question.

This is typically a short phrase or a sarcastic remark that has become almost second nature in response to the question, “When can we expect a baby [insert your last name here]?”. You have been asked so many times you don’t even think about it too deeply anymore or go into depth with your response.

2.You walk around and see a handful of children that are well behaved and you change your mind… only for a bit.

You usually start to think that maybe having kids won’t be such a bad idea eventually when you meet a polite child or when a friend brings their wonderful children over. You begin to daydream about having kids and think of what their names would be while you shop for your pet. You are almost convinced and then you come across a complete brat at work, or in the grocery store, and it sends you into a downward spiral of doubting your previous thoughts.

3.You are afraid that what your mom warned you about will come true

If you had a mother like mine, she told you that if you were bad that your future kids would be seven times worse. Let’s be honest, you know that she only knows about half of the things you’ve done.

4.You are selfish and are okay with that.

There are so many things that you feel like you still need to do! You don’t know what they are yet, but you need to do them!

5.You are tired of people telling you it’s not so bad.

You know it’s not a bad thing and understand that having children is a different kind of love- you’ve been told about it over and over. You often want to say, “okay, I get it! It isn’t bad but I am not changing my mind yet!”

6.You understand that the “clock is ticking” and you don’t care.

Yes, the clock may be “ticking” but that isn’t enough of a reason for you, and you wish people would just stop bringing up your age.

7.You constantly have people asking you why you don’t like kids.

You are tired of people assuming that you don’t like kids. You like kids- the well behaved ones- and you eventually hope to bring up a well behaved one yourself.

8.You are always hearing your parents talk about babies.

Your parents are starting to ask for grandbabies as you walk through Target and pass the baby section. They start to drop hints when your friends with babies post pictures on Facebook; all you do is nod your head because you know it will just open up a can of worms if you start a conversation about it.

9.You get tired of hearing that having a dog is nothing compared to having kids.

You feel like people think you’re dense. Yes, you completely understand that a dog is not a human child. It’s your child though: you feed it, give it water, buy it toys and pick up the mess it makes.

10.You feel like you get punished at work with late shifts because you don’t have kids.

Anytime overtime is offered at work, you’re the first one looked at to volunteer because you don’t have kids. It sucks and there is nothing you can say to not make you look like a jerk. Featured photo credit: loving couple bis LM 1001363/Michel via