These 10 Questions Can Foretell If You Ll Be Successful In Life

1. Are You Open And Mentally Prepared To Grow? People, who are opposed to the idea that people’s character, intelligence and creativity can change, tend to have slower development in their personal growth, because they want to avoid failure instead of working on those three areas of their lives. But those people with a “growth mindset” see failure as a learning point from which to leap from as they bound onward and upward toward success....

December 20, 2022 · 5 min · 905 words · Martha Brown

These 15 Small Lifestyle Changes Will Improve Your Life Today

1. The Twenty Minute Rule In today’s world, we want news fast and information now. We come home from a long day at work to find ourselves engaging in mindless activities like Facebook, Reddit, TV you name it. Most of us think that these are great ways to unwind until they occupy not minutes but hours of our time. Instead of gluing yourself in front of the TV, take twenty minutes to try one of the following:...

December 20, 2022 · 6 min · 1226 words · Judith Lindley

These 30 Words Are Always Mispronounced

Featured photo credit: Johan Klovsjö via

December 20, 2022 · 1 min · 7 words · Juan Underwood

These Anti Rape Garments Will Protect The Ladies

Now, thanks to a crowdfunded project on Indiegogo, women have another option in anti-rape garments. AR Wear looks like ordinary clothing and comes in a variety of styles so every woman can feel comfortable wearing these designs. But while they may look like other fashions, these anti-rape garments are difficult to remove whether by force or by stealth (they are hard to rip off, cut or tear) so whether a woman is being attacked by a random stranger or is drugged by male acquaintance, these ensembles will hopefully frustrate them to the point where they give up....

December 20, 2022 · 1 min · 149 words · Mary Brown

Things People Do On Monday Mornings That Make Them Highly Successful

1. They don’t hit snooze. Everyone loves the snooze button. Whoever invented snooze should be given a Nobel Prize. However, though we all like that chance to catch a few extra Z’s, repeatedly hitting the snooze button ultimately does more harm than good. Do your best to get up right when your alarm goes off. That way, you’ll be ready to face the day more quickly. This will give you more energy in the long run than the constant cycle of waking up and going back to sleep that the snooze button forces us into....

December 20, 2022 · 5 min · 953 words · Alicia Walker

Things That We Seldom Tell Each Other

Our culture makes it so easy to feel isolated by technology and social politeness. It’s time to start reintroducing these simple truths to our everyday conversation with the people around us. If we begin to tell each other more emotionally honest and vulnerable things, we will be able to foster deeper connections with each other and encourage each other on a more foundational level. “I like you. Let’s be friends....

December 20, 2022 · 3 min · 593 words · Bernard Azulay

Think Positively And Transform Your Regrets Into A Call To Action

We can’t turn back the clock of time. Good or bad, right or wrong, it is done. It’s over! Once the ingredients are mixed, we can not separate them apart. Once a word goes from our mouth, we can not take it back. Once we do an action, we can not choose another one in its place. Once wood is reduced to sawdust, you can’t make it back into a board Once Humpty Dumpty fell, all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again Once today arrives, it becomes too late to live in yesterday...

December 20, 2022 · 4 min · 717 words · Paul Batista

This Christmas Ad Reminds Us Of An Important Life Lesson That Is Always Forgotten

And it turns out…It’s not anything creative or luxurious. The best present is always your TIME, which means putting down your phone and really enjoying the time with your loved ones. A warm reminder for all of us when we’re rushing every day! Drop everything now and just run to your loved ones!

December 20, 2022 · 1 min · 53 words · Henry Grizzel

This Ecocapsule Will Allow You To Camp Everywhere

While it sounds like something from a Wachowski siblings movie, the Ecocapsule is very real – or soon will be once it enters full production. The Ecocapsule uses solar and wind energy to power itself, while also giving enough to charge for electric cars. The capsule home also utilises the power of locally-gathered rainwater and removes bacteria from it, purifying it for perfect human consumption. What’s not to love? Based in Slovakia, the Ecocapsule looks and sounds terrific – for everyone who likes the idea of camping and yet can’t stand not sleeping in a proper bed for the night this is a dream come true....

December 20, 2022 · 1 min · 210 words · Deborah Craig

This Is Why It S Really Great To Make Friends With Boyish Girls

When most people think of boyish girls they might imagine someone who wears a baseball cap with a ponytail sticking out, a plaid shirt and baggy cut-off shorts. Or a girl who hates makeup, love sports and is maybe even a little insensitive. I’m sure you aren’t surprised that there are a lot of stereotypes around boyish girls, (also known as tomboys). As a full-fledged boyish girl, I know what it’s like to be misunderstood....

December 20, 2022 · 3 min · 612 words · Latisha Meyers

This Is Why You Should Do Bridges Everyday

A bridge is traditionally performed laying on your back on a mat. It involves lifting the hips and lowering them back down. There are many variations that can be performed and modifications that can be made to make this exercise both easier and harder. This movement uses a variety of muscles, including the glutes, hamstrings, back extensors and hip adductors and abductors. These muscles all play a vital role in helping to prevent injury and keep our bodies moving properly....

December 20, 2022 · 4 min · 730 words · Lisa Robertson

This Mindset Is Essential If You Want To Feel More Comfortable Around People

The reasons we are uncomfortable around people As mentioned earlier, we as humans are dependent upon social interactions and we essentially crave those, yet for some it may seem completely natural to express themselves in front of their close ones, while the thought of interacting with strangers seems unbearable. The fear of not being perceived by others as worthy creates a blockage in people’s thoughts preventing them from being able to think clearly, and therefore, their biggest fears come to life....

December 20, 2022 · 3 min · 532 words · William Wright

Three Reasons To Book Your British Staycation In The Lake District

Often referred to as a “staycation”, The Guardian recently reported that due to the drop in the value of the pound following the UK’s decision to leave the European Union, holidays abroad have become much more expensive, making a staycation even more appealing. If you are considering a staycation, what are the best locations to make the most of your summer break? One of the most popular by far is the Lake District in North West England....

December 20, 2022 · 3 min · 569 words · Reginald Jimenez

To Bcc Or Not Bcc Email Etiquette

There is a little bit of documentation around regarding these fields, but none are all that clear, in my view. To: Add contacts who you are directly communicating with. There is nothing wrong with a list of emails, as long as there is no problem with each recipient being able to see the other contacts. If multiple recipients are entered in this field, it should be appropriate for each contact to email each other....

December 20, 2022 · 2 min · 266 words · Laura Tith

Top 10 Colleges For Low Income Students

And when it comes to access to a college education, low-income students are at a disadvantage. Challenges of Low Income College Students Low-income students have to work harder to fund their college educations. They have to find aid and loans wherever they can; they often have to work part-time, taking time away from their studies. The dropout rate among low income students is far higher than that of students whose educations are funded by their parents/families....

December 20, 2022 · 3 min · 526 words · Theresa Powers

Top 10 Habits Of A Confident Not Arrogant Person

In this episode of The Lifehack Show, I talk about the fundamentals of confidence, what it is, how it grows and what habits you can change to encourage confidence to grow.

December 20, 2022 · 1 min · 31 words · Bobbie Erskine

Top 10 Web Apps In 2008

Here at Lifehack, we like to review the web apps that were released over the course of the year and see how they went — which apps stood the test of time and remained popular after the hype of their launch had subsided? In this article, we’ll look at ten apps that did particularly well and provide users with a valuable services. I’ve tried to craft a rational list — I’m looking at how well the apps perform now, since we all know launches can go wrong and beta versions often lack the features to make an app worthwhile until several months down the track....

December 20, 2022 · 8 min · 1695 words · Stephen Mccarthy

Trustworthy Sites Are Worth A Mint

That’s essentially what Mint and other money management sites are asking you to do. These companies have many benefits for those of us focused on productivity and, for some of us, those benefits have outweighed our healthy senses of paranoia. I’m not saying that money management companies are all out to get us (and some of them are actually very good), but it’s worth taking a very close look at what sites you trust....

December 20, 2022 · 5 min · 954 words · Connie Rodriguez

Ultimate Productivity Hacks You Need To Try

Due to all this, we all try to find more hacks and discover newer tips that will allow us to stay on top of your game. In an effort to organize all menial tasks, we use special techniques and tools simply not to waste time. The best advice that anyone can give you is to work smarter, not harder, and remember, time management isn’t about stuffing as many tasks as you can into any given day, but it is about creating a workflow that is simple, fast, and, most important, stress-free....

December 20, 2022 · 9 min · 1886 words · Thomas Martinie

Using Itunes To Backup Your Music

Using iTunes to backup your music – [One digital life]

December 20, 2022 · 1 min · 10 words · Joey Simpson