When We Were Young 99 Of Us Made This Relationship Mistake

When you’re young, it can be easy to commit the biggest relationship mistake in the dating world: Thinking love is enough to sustain a relationship. Patty Smyth had it right when she sang, “Baby, sometimes love just ain’t enough.” But don’t worry. You’re not alone. Everybody experiences this relationship mistake at one time or another. It’s all part of learning more about ourselves. How to Avoid the Biggest Relationship Mistake Maybe you’re thinking, how can the biggest relationship mistake be thinking that love is enough?...

December 20, 2022 · 3 min · 525 words · Angela Dennis

Why Adventurous People Are To Be World Class Leaders

To succeed in life and lead others you must acquire, possess, and maintain an adventurous attitude. Even if you’re afraid to eat at new restaurants and try new foods, or you’d rather die than embarrass yourself in public; you can still learn to be adventurous! You don’t have to do something that scares you every day (as Eleanor Roosevelt suggested), but you have to get over your fears eventually. Stepping outside of your comfort zone on most days is a good place to start....

December 20, 2022 · 5 min · 923 words · Virginia Laforest

Why Beauty Is Not About The Makeup But Accepting Yourself

1. There is nothing wrong with us. Truthfully we shouldn’t live our lives according to the wrong perception of others. There is nothing wrong with us. Even if we are suffering an ailment or have a physical deformity, our body is not who we are but only a physical representation of elements of our soul. Trying to look through lenses of purity at what value exists within us makes us love ourselves more and ignore others’ opinions....

December 20, 2022 · 3 min · 492 words · Terrence Wofford

Why Can Blogs Be Helpful

Whats the difference? The difference is, that’s the only time you will see the word “I”. Some novels are written from the first perspective of self, but this article won’t be, Blogs are like diaries, and vlogs are like a long movies about your life. There must be an objective of your blog, right? Whether you have one specific area of interest, or like to document the intricacies of your everyday life, blogging is the most personal creative writing you can do....

December 20, 2022 · 3 min · 533 words · Toya Tao

Why Canada Is Perfect For Retirement

However, while the Millennials may negate the prospects of retirement, many people still enjoy the comfort of finding the perfect country to live and enjoy their time. Canada is one of the countries which is perfect for anyone who’s planning to retire. Its ambiance and its diversified nature allow one to relax as well as participate in various activities that will serve as a memorable experience. Here are a few reasons that show why Canada is a perfect destination for anyone who’s planning to retire....

December 20, 2022 · 5 min · 939 words · Erin Merkel

Why Ceos Run The World

Last Sunday morning, I ran 13.1 miles – effectively a half marathon, except this was on my own – around the coast of Manhattan and Brooklyn in 1 hour 35 minutes. Just for the fun of it! (Though I was also keen to try out my new Lululemon running gear) This was a new personal best and follows a pattern of me beating my personal best a half-dozen times per year for the past four years....

December 20, 2022 · 6 min · 1097 words · Tess Ingram

Why Crispy Foods Are The Best Foods

A study finds out that everyone is attracted to crispy foods even when they deny the fact. Nonetheless, you will be surprised to find out that crispy foods are not bad for you after all. It turns out that they are good for your health every once in a while.

December 20, 2022 · 1 min · 50 words · Edwin Fullbright

Why It S Difficult To Love People Who Don T Love Themselves

When you are in love, you want your partner to love themselves as much as you love them. Here are five reasons why it is difficult to love people who don’t love themselves. 1. It Can Make Communication Difficult Conversations can become difficult if you are in love with a person who doesn’t love them-self, as they can read into what you are saying too much and assume the worst....

December 20, 2022 · 3 min · 570 words · Mary Mcgown

Why It S Important To Be Wrong The Valuable Art Of Apology

I had a bad day yesterday. In fact, I would go so far as to say that my morning was one hot mess and that there is no one to blame but me. I handled a couple of issues SPECTACULARLY badly. By 10am, I had done some serious, but hopefully impermanent damage to some important relationships in my life, both personal and professional. To Err is human “Shut Up, Shut Up, Shut Up!...

December 20, 2022 · 5 min · 921 words · David Noble

Why Meditation Is More Essential Than Ever

Meditation is a bit of a funny topic. Everybody knows what it is, in theory, but in reality they may not really understand it all that well at all. The great thing is, that despite what some people might want to tell you, it really is the easiest thing in the world to bring into your life. Here is a quick look at five reasons why you should start thinking about working meditation into your routine, today....

December 20, 2022 · 5 min · 994 words · Patricia Smith

Why Streamlining Your Life Is So Essential

Streamlining Your Life via Minimalism The opposite of clutter is minimalism and to achieve this, the rule of thumb is to have no more than 100 items to your name.This might feel a little scary but it’s time to do some inventory of what you have in your space. Remember not to beat yourself up for all of the things you’ve accumulated. You’re probably going to be surprised how much “stuff” you have....

December 20, 2022 · 4 min · 686 words · Natasha Creighton

Why The Value Of Creativity Is Decreasing

We often see attempts of minimising risks in creative industries these days. What we are seeing is endless re-hashing of the same ideas: sequels, prequels, remakes and re-imaginings abound, and the mainstream arts have narrowed to the point where film studios and record labels seem to be putting out very slightly altered versions of the same films and songs over and over again. Books that are particularly popular are made into films, and Hollywood casts tried-and-tested A-listers into leading roles whether or not they fit the part, simply in an attempt to guarantee a good turnout at the box office....

December 20, 2022 · 4 min · 694 words · Pauline Zenon

Why The Voice Of Employees Is Important To Any Company

Why the Voice of Employees Matters Every individual in an organization has their own unique perspective. This means that every individual has insight into how the entire organization is functioning. If you’re only hearing from certain people in the company, your organization will inevitably have blind spots. It’s crucial to expose these blind spots to run a company that is healthy and thriving. Yet, so many organizations make a huge error: they don’t give their employees a chance to share their genuine experiences....

December 20, 2022 · 8 min · 1562 words · Michal Sterry

Why Trying Hard To Stay In An Unhappy Relationship Is Not Love

No one wants to be sad for sure. But why so many people choose to stay in an unhappy relationship even though they find it unfulfilling? Think about life before anyone entering a relationship. They were going along, relatively happy, free and doing their own thing. Then they met and possibly fell in love with their partner. And things changed. It was great at first. They started to build their own box, forming a close bonding....

December 20, 2022 · 5 min · 989 words · Tracy Blake

Why You Are Your Own Best Competition

Focus on your art Seth Godin often talks about how we should focus on figuring out what our art is and on sharing this art with the world. By its very nature, everyone’s art is distinct and unique. We can only develop our best art by looking deep into ourselves and sharing what makes us special with the world. To him, art is anything that is creative, passionate, and personal, and great art resonates with the viewer, not only with the creator....

December 20, 2022 · 3 min · 556 words · John Wilson

Why You Should Teach Your Kids How To Learn Instead Of What To Learn

Children today go through an education system that largely imparts skill-sets based on what jobs were most in demand in the 1980s, not what is most applicable today or what might be applicable in 2030. But, jobs have shifted from manufacturing to the service sector and are now mostly linked to technology. Even Albert Einstein was incredulous about the formal education system and observed that, “Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school....

December 20, 2022 · 5 min · 1042 words · Doyle Seeger

Wiring Voip To Your Phone Jacks

How-To: Wiring VoIP to your phone jacks – [Engadget] Most phones get power from the phone line, so there is a limit to the number of phones you can connect to a VoIP adapter. Your mileage will vary, but you’ll probably be able to use three phones with the average adapter. If you’ve got lots of voltage sucking phones, then you might want to pick up a ring booster…

December 20, 2022 · 1 min · 69 words · Helen Stewart

Wonderful Dating Advice This Man Has Tried To Give His Future Daughter

This video is fantastic and should be shown to all young girl or used as a lesson for fathers who may not be as confident in their advice giving skills or their daughters’ lives. Mike’s advice includes avoiding anyone who uses the word “bar,” anyone who’s a bad kisser, and anyone more likely to look at boobs rather than her face. He tells his future daughter — and all other woman — to never settle, to never let anyone tell them what to do or how to look, and to always be surrounded with people who respect you....

December 20, 2022 · 1 min · 129 words · Antonia Smith

You Can Change Your Life Now 5 Strategies To Start Living Your Best Life

In this episode of The Lifehack Show, I’ll dive into 5 actionable steps you can take to start changing your life right now.

December 20, 2022 · 1 min · 23 words · Marjorie Bell

You Ll Understand These 10 Things If You Grew Up Abroad

1. You have a hard time pinpointing home Living in multiple places around the world, you are attached to each place. Your native country has your family and your culture, while your adopted country has friends that feel like family and comfort foods that make you nostalgic for “home.” You have the best of both worlds, where you consider not one, but two (or more) places significant parts of your personal history....

December 20, 2022 · 3 min · 577 words · Sara Scott