You Never Have Been And Never Will Be Alone Here S Why

Are you ready to get smacked in the face with reality? Here we go: Did your head explode or are you feeling uplifted? Let us know! Are You Alone? | Kurzgesagt Featured photo credit: Are You Alone? | Kurzgesagt via

December 20, 2022 · 1 min · 41 words · Steven Pedigo

Your Eyes Feel Dry And Strained 8 Remedies To Make Them Bright Again

itching or burning eyes sandy or gritty sensation in the eyes eye redness blurry vision ocular fatigue excessive blinking of the eyes light sensitivity Dry eye syndrome is impairs tear production and can be caused by aging, medical conditions, environmental factors, contacts or allergies. Although the syndrome can be mildly uncomfortable and cause no pain in the beginning, it is still a condition that, if left untreated, can lead to some serious ocular complications, such as:...

December 20, 2022 · 3 min · 633 words · Linda Martinez

Your Future Self Wants To Know What The Heck You Were Thinking

This idea of considering the concerns of my future self is something I have been personally conscious of for most of my life. But I didn’t know that it was central in research being done to determine why some people procrastinate in doing the things that they, themselves, believe they should do. It turns out, that having a clear connection to and a distinct idea about your future self is strongly correlated to whether you procrastinate or not....

December 20, 2022 · 5 min · 1054 words · Maria Hickel

Easy Method Of Folding Your Shirt With Cardboard And Duct Tape

Place a folded shirt on one of six cardboard sheets that you create. Trace the outline of the shirt with a ruler and pencil and cut all six pieces to the same size. Lay all six out vertically and place duct tape on the top row, while leaving the bottom row without the tape. Put your unfolded shirt facing down on the board, flip the left, flip the right, and bring up the center....

December 19, 2022 · 1 min · 84 words · Susan Burns

Eating Fast To Save Time Is Shortening Your Life

Americans take just a bit more time, with an average of one hour and 14 minutes a day spent eating the three major meals.[2] While any one of us could easily justify the need for speed when it comes to eating (after all, there are always so many more things to get done in a day!), people who eat too quickly are likely to become obese, or develop metabolic syndrome, both of which increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke – all of which can be deadly....

December 19, 2022 · 5 min · 859 words · Stacy Clark

Eccentric Tips For Becoming Productive

This guide won’t make you productive: only you can really do that for yourself. Rather, here are some little, specific tips you can follow that might speed up your day without any excessive effort from yourself. Keep things offline. The easiest way to avoid getting something done is this: set up a to-do on some web site, then close the web site down. You might not even mean to do this: the site might close by accident....

December 19, 2022 · 6 min · 1246 words · William Bowman

Embracing A Positive Mindset

Sometimes when disappointments come our way, it is because we expect them to. It’s kind of like our belief system is displaced. You expect turmoil, so that is exactly what you get. We become so used to a negative mindset that the vicious cycle of discouragement becomes familiar to us after a while. There is so much negativity in the world from the moment when we wake up, turn on TV, and get on social media....

December 19, 2022 · 3 min · 564 words · Bonnie Carlson

Empowering Quotes From Oprah Winfrey On Success

After a very difficult childhood, Oprah Winfrey was determined not to let that hold her back. In the 1970’s, she began her career in television hosting a talk show in Maryland, where she was then recruited to host a different talk show in Chicago. It was during this show, A.M. Chicago, that Oprah Winfrey really hit the ground running. Because of her major success, she was given the opportunity to launch her own show, the Oprah Winfrey show....

December 19, 2022 · 3 min · 465 words · Eric Garcia

Essential Body Language For Negotiation

Reading Body Language When it comes to personal happiness and success, it’s important to recognize how body language influences our interactions. Therefore, it doesn’t matter how prepared you are to engage in negotiations if you don’t understand what the other person’s posture is telling you. Here are some cues to help you decipher your partner’s, or opponent’s, body language. Identify a Baseline: Baselining involves observing people when they’re not under pressure....

December 19, 2022 · 4 min · 851 words · Claude Alexander

Even Though E Readers Are Useful You Ll Want To Be Wary Of These 8 Things

1. You absorb less. The detraction against e-readers that’s getting the most attention is the evidence that, when you use e-readers, you don’t absorb as much of the text. A study covered by the Guardian gave 50 readers a short story to read, half on a Kindle and half in paperback. The people who read the story on a Kindle were found to remember far less plot details such as characters, settings and objects....

December 19, 2022 · 3 min · 546 words · Armida Devries

Experiment For Optimum Results

Many times when we are looking to improve in any aspect of our life, we search for someone who has already achieved the results that we are looking for, and we do our best to mimic their actions, expecting their results. The problem with this approach is that there are too many variables to consider in pretty much any aspect of life, and therefore too much is out of our control....

December 19, 2022 · 3 min · 560 words · Michelle Noguera

Fans Of Clutter How Much Stuff Do You Actually Own

With the beginning of the year, many people may decide that one of their new years resolutions is to remove the clutter out of their life and lead an organised and tidy lifestyle. It was reported that 54% of Americans felt overwhelmed by the clutter in their homes, which led of 78% people finding it far too stressful and complicated to actually act upon and deal with. In a 2012 video series by the University of California it was reported that the average household possessed:...

December 19, 2022 · 1 min · 150 words · Otis Willingham

Feeling Irritated Your Everyday Products May Be Disrupting Your Hormones

The effects hormones have on you can change throughout the course of your life. Hormones work to ensure proper development, behavior, and metabolic function. Sometimes your body produces the correct amount of hormones and everything is balanced. Other times our hormones are imbalanced and we feel strange or out of sorts. Hormonal imbalances can happen to anybody – man or woman. Everyday Products That Disrupt the Balance of Hormones Plastic Do you use plastic?...

December 19, 2022 · 3 min · 458 words · Robert Mauldin

Feeling Unappreciated 7 Ways To End This Pain

Do you ever want to scream at a loved one saying, “after everything I do or have done for you, you treat me like this?” Have you ever been in a position to do something for a loved one and you hesitate not because you don’t want to help them but because you know they would not appreciate it? Do you ever find yourself thinking of detaching yourself from a loved one because it hurts to pour all of yourself into caring for them and get nothing in return?...

December 19, 2022 · 10 min · 2057 words · Molly Hale

Fight Downhill Battles Let Laziness And Inertia Make You More Productive

You probably did know that, and yet you still receive magazines you don’t read anymore, have a stack of books or CDs from membership clubs that you’ve never even opened, pay yearly fees on credit cards you neither use nor want, and open your mailbox several times a week to a flood of flyers, catalogs, and local papers — all of which go straight to the trash. Why is that?...

December 19, 2022 · 3 min · 506 words · Luann Grammer

Find Out Your Chronotypes And You Will Know When Will Be Your Peak Productive Time

Well, sometimes it’s not about doing all the right things, but WHEN you do them. If you want to maximize your energy levels, it’s all about timing. Having the energy to carry out important tasks means you need to identify your chronotype, and then adjust your schedule accordingly to see the most productive results. Michael J. Breus, PhD, is a clinical psychologist who specializes in sleep disorders and in his book The Power of When, he names 4 different chronotypes....

December 19, 2022 · 5 min · 1019 words · Ralph Williams

Five Careers That Don T Require A College Degree

Sales If you have the sales gene in you then sales is a great place to start without a degree. Most salespeople are paid on commission, which essentially means that the sky is the limit to how much they can make. Many alarm and pest control salesmen will pay their way through school with a summer sales job, making $50 thousand or more a year in just four months. According to Salary Expert, the average pest control salesman makes just under $60 thousand a year, which is incredible considering how many of them are just out of high school, and are only working four or five months out of the year....

December 19, 2022 · 3 min · 513 words · Earl Helms

Flax Seed Every Benefits You Shouldn T Miss And How To Eat

It’s so versatile, you can wear flax as well as eat it! Flax seed was originally cultivated in the Middle East around the era of 2000 B.C.[1] Through the effects of foreign trade and demand, flax production has dispersed throughout the globe, with Canada being it’s leading producer; followed by Russia, France, and Argentina. Because flax seed was recognized for its abundance of fiber early on, it has always been used for both culinary and textile purposes....

December 19, 2022 · 5 min · 944 words · Angie Parrish

Four Most Important Rooms To Stage When Selling Your Home

You may not have the opportunity to stage every room in your home. In that case, here are the four rooms on which you should concentrate your efforts. Living Room The living room is where families come together. Potential buyers need to see that there is enough room to fit their family comfortably in the space. They may also have concerns about entertaining guests or being able to place a television in a logical location....

December 19, 2022 · 3 min · 613 words · Debbie Taylor

Four Ways To Boost Your Earning Potential On Airbnb

Research carried out by respected economist Gene Sperling shows that the extra money middle class families are earning through Airbnb can be compared to a salary increase of 14%. According to the report, a typical host with one listing earns around US$7,500 through Airbnb each year, and this supplemental income is used for everything from traveling and vacationing to bills and mortgages or unexpected medical expenses. If you’re thinking of hosting on Airbnb or are already using it to rent out a spare room or entire property while you’re away, there might be small changes you can make to increase your listing’s popularity....

December 19, 2022 · 3 min · 619 words · Carroll Searfoss