How To Attain Self Realization Step By Step Guide

As the years pass by, you’ve begun to feel the burnout from all the needs and expectations required of you. You don’t feel like you are in control over your own life. In fact, it feels like the circumstances in your life are controlling you. What if there was a way for you to be able to have better control of your life and create all the positive changes you’ve been aching for?...

December 18, 2022 · 8 min · 1628 words · Deana Powell

How To Be Perfect If You Feel Ashamed Of Your Flaws

Because perfection is the goal for many people, that means that whatever stands in the way of perfection is an enemy to be eliminated. That might be other people, other obstacles that you encounter, or perhaps most tragically, yourself and your own flaws. Not only this, but being a perfectionist has been shown to be terrible for your health.[1] There are two facts that you must know that, although they may seem obvious, are actually incredibly slimy and make you believe they aren’t actually true....

December 18, 2022 · 9 min · 1706 words · Jesus Villarreal

How To Better Prepare Yourself Mentally For The Life After Covid 19

The widespread nationwide lockdowns, system-wide complacency, and the lack of healthcare infrastructure have caused irreversible damage and unimaginable horrors. Markets are crashing, and businesses are floundering. Families struggling to find necessary medical intervention or just to keep food on the table are bitter realities we are forced to face today. But there’s an invisible crisis unfolding that’s hardly spoken about. While everyone is busy dealing with the gross physical consequences of the pandemic, there is a hidden impact that could cause a heavier toll over time....

December 18, 2022 · 8 min · 1554 words · Ernest Riley

How To Double Your Productivity Immediately With A Dream Collage

What is a Dream Collage? A dream collage is a collection of images of the achievements or goals you wish to experience in reality. It’s a creative tool designed to help you visualize your dreams, thereby giving you a sense of purpose and direction. The use of a dream collage is very effective because you are able to create a picture of exactly what you want; scientists reveal that the subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of our decisions, actions, emotions, and behaviors....

December 18, 2022 · 4 min · 747 words · Caitlin Cockrell

How To Find That Key Person That Can Help You Progress In Your Career

We’re so accustomed to having a constant source of feedback, that it can be a shock to step into a professional setting where we’re on our own. Even though we may have graduated to the next step on our career path, we still need guidance. For the first time in your life, you feel like you’re on your own. Being new to a career is tough. If you feel like you can hardly keep your head above water, you aren’t alone....

December 18, 2022 · 7 min · 1311 words · James Weber

How To Find Your Creative Spark And Become A Better Writer

As a writer, you need to make sure that those mental images that are evoked in a reader’s mind while they are reading your work are interesting, to say the least. It sounds really difficult, because it is, but it is not impossible to learn. The fact that you’re not a particularly gifted singer doesn’t mean that you can’t develop a lovely singing voice if you invest your efforts that way....

December 18, 2022 · 5 min · 901 words · Fonda Tucker

How To Get Things Done A Step By Step Guide

Not being able to check off everything you had planned for the day can worsen your productivity due to the feeling of failure. At the end of the day, there are only so many hours in a day. The only thing you can control is how you manage this time for maximum efficiency and minimal stress. This 7 step guide along with some bonus tips will tell you exactly how to get things done without going through a mental breakdown once every day!...

December 18, 2022 · 8 min · 1494 words · Laura Davis

How To Grow Hair Faster 10 Proven Ways For Healthier And Stronger Hair

There is no proven scientific formula to accelerate or stimulate hair growth. What you see on Youtube telling anyone that they can make their hair longer by 3-4 inches in only a few weeks is misleading. Anyone who seems to have their hair grown faster is just because their hair has thicker texture and grows in higher density. When your hair becomes thicker and denser, it will look longer too....

December 18, 2022 · 5 min · 889 words · Samuel Kerby

How To Have Great Ideas In The Shower

Next time you find yourself stumbling through a problem, jump in the shower for a few minutes of heat and goodness and you’ll be well on your way to finding a solution for your problem. Make sure it is warm enough to relax your entire body and watch the creative idea train start producing! Why We Have Our Best Ideas in the Shower [Buffer]

December 18, 2022 · 1 min · 64 words · Kurt Antal

How To Heal Yourself And Others

Ho’oponopono is one of the ancient Hawaiian techniques of alternative healing which is becoming more famous because of the results it can provide. Based on the notion of letting go and re-establishing our relationship with God, we can actually let the God run our lives and be free. When we reach the stage of Zero, we become like a clean slate, and healing can take place without any significant effort....

December 18, 2022 · 3 min · 460 words · April Murphy

How To Improve Your Confidence And Give A Boost To Your Self Esteem

Watch this espisode of The Lifehack Show and learn what you can do to improve your confidence and give a boost to your self-esteem.

December 18, 2022 · 1 min · 24 words · Noah Daniel

How To Learn A Language In 3 Months

We are wired to learn a language from birth and it is not only the words but also the complexities of the pronunciation where, depending on your country of birth, you will learn the intricacies of rolling your “r’s” of clicking your tongue or using guttural sounds created in the throat. These are the kind of things that make learning another language more challenging. Learning a second language is, at first, a process of comparing what we already know to what we hear in the new language....

December 18, 2022 · 4 min · 669 words · Daniel Peck

How To Love Your Body No Matter What Anyone Says

“You eat such healthy food, why are you fat?” “I’m glad you didn’t ask me to pay for that, because I don’t think you should be drinking something with that many calories.” These are actual comments that people shared with me when I asked them about the nastiest things other people have said about their bodies. If you’ve ever received a crazy comment like any of the above, you’d be familiar with the feelings that flood your entire being immediately after: Incredulity, shock, anger, embarrassment and maybe even shame....

December 18, 2022 · 8 min · 1564 words · Carla Williams

How To Negotiate Freelance Pay For Non Negotiators

Andrea Dickson at Wisebread has written a great article for those of us who aren’t entirely comfortable haggling a better wage for work. She in particular writes for women, but the sentiment goes for all freelancers. You have to get comfortable asking for more. Andrea also states 8 rules for those new to pay negotiation. Well worth checking out for anyone who has to set their own rates. Earn More Money by Demanding It – [Wisebread]

December 18, 2022 · 1 min · 76 words · Karen Capps

How To Perform The Perfect Haircut Step By Step Guide

As How To Hair Girl recommends, if you’re a beginner it’s probably best to start with a basic ponytail cut. While you may need a qualified hairdresser to give you a brand new style, this simple technique is perfect if you just want to keep your long hair under control. Step One: Get your tools together You need professional standard scissors, mirrors, clips and combs. Note the word professional! Old, blunt scissors won’t cut the mustard....

December 18, 2022 · 3 min · 524 words · Alfred Belland

How To Pick The Best Food For Your Dog

So how do you figure out what will work best for your furry friend? Puppies Start when your buddy is a baby. The right nutrition in the first year of their life is extremely important for a puppy’s growth and development. Finding the right dog food for puppies can seem like a big task, but at least there are special puppy formulas in almost every brand with additional nutrients and vitamins that puppies need to grow....

December 18, 2022 · 4 min · 693 words · Judith Lewis

How To Relieve Stress Through Music

Music has a way of influencing our emotions, both positively and negatively, depending on the song. Ever notice that you seem happier after listening to your favorite song? It’s more than just a “feeling” – research has actually explained the chemical reactions that music can produce in your brain. Here’s a closer look at how music impacts your mood, and how you can take advantage of this stress-relieving tactic....

December 18, 2022 · 4 min · 842 words · Catherine Butler

How To Rest Your Brain For A Much Needed Break

A part of life that you are not willing to waste or use frivolously. That is why it is so critically important to use your time wisely, in the most constructive, productive, and enjoyable way possible. Nevertheless, no matter how well we learn how to adapt to change, the world around us is constantly evolving, twisting, and turning. As a result, along with all of the amazing experiences that life has to offer, they can also be overwhelming at times....

December 18, 2022 · 8 min · 1680 words · Robert Alvarado

How To Self Talk Your Way Out Of A Tough Spot

Part of being aware of your thoughts include paying attention to how you are talking to yourself. Sound hard? Not at all. Here are five ways to self-talk your way out of a tough spot. 1. Change your overall tune. Chances are, you got into whatever type of “tough spot” you’re in (financial, emotional, life situation, etc) by singing the song that life is hard. It isn’t. It doesn’t have to be....

December 18, 2022 · 4 min · 743 words · John Quirin

How To Set Up Your New Mac

Yesterday, I upgraded from a Mac mini to a shiny new iMac. It’s a big step, not just because my new machine can run all those things my mini never could, and everything else it could run is running ten times faster, because it means I now have to rebuild my system from the ground up. Sure, I could simply create a disk image of my old machine’s hard drive and restore it to my new machine, or migrate everything over with Migration Assistant (well, if I owned a FireWire cable, anyway), but I don’t like lugging the mess along with me....

December 18, 2022 · 6 min · 1122 words · Rose Bell