Why It S Really Amazing To Date Someone Who Loves Movies

I didn’t waste my time. I wasn’t crazy for thinking that you can learn more for life by listening to Yoda’s grammatically incorrect wisdom than by going to college for four years. In fact, I found out that my love for movies helped me to become the amazing boyfriend that I am today. Let’s have a look at the reasons why watching at least one blockbuster before your next date can be all that is needed for the girl you are dating to think that you are the love of her life....

December 18, 2022 · 4 min · 693 words · Gail Harris

Why People Who Succeed At School Don T Always Succeed In Life

What you need for a good and successful life is not really learned at school. I’m not discouraging anyone to give up studying; there’re subjects such as languages, simple maths, music and physical education which are useful for us. What I’m trying to say is that the school curriculum is not perfect.There’re a lot of things which are essential to life missing in the curriculum. And there’re many bad habits schools inculcate:[1] Basically, to succeed at school, you need to be obedient, and whether you’re good or not very much depends on the teachers’ expectations....

December 18, 2022 · 3 min · 578 words · Claudia Labrie

Why Resumes Aren T Dead Yet

But according to many of the tech, productivity, and social media experts online, my résumé was all wrong. According to many of these outlets I shouldn’t even be using a résumé at all. I consider myself to be a tech-geek type of guy, trying to keep up with the latest and greatest stuff online and in the technology realm. But I notice most times that many of these “experts” online give advice that they and their direct colleagues hold to be true and not what the mainstream still knows to be true....

December 18, 2022 · 4 min · 663 words · Michael Molina

Why Two Shouldn T Become One In Relationships

The idea is romantic, and the aspiration of being the perfect fit is comforting. People looking for a relationship often go out looking for someone who makes them feel alive and makes them want to be the best version of themselves. Nevertheless, while the bond formed between two true partners is difficult to break, it also needn’t be all-consuming. Having a strong relationship does not mean that you need to lose yourself in it....

December 18, 2022 · 3 min · 577 words · Silas Keding

Why We Should Teach Children Philosophy

We’ve got a creativity crisis in the world today. We’ve sacrificed the higher order learning offered by courses like philosophy, which teaches how to approach problems, see arguments from multiple sides, and how to think about complex situations. Children who study philosophy grow into being more creative adults; they’re more capable of handling problems in the workplace, in their relationships, and in life in general. Studying philosophy teaches them how to think, how to separate valid from invalid arguments, and how to effectively communicate with other people....

December 18, 2022 · 6 min · 1073 words · Matthew Lyons

Why Work

Do you have an answer in mind? For some of you, your answer will be remarkably different from the job you have right now; your work is just that, a job. For others, your answer will reveal that you are blessed; you are in the role you have chosen. The fact that someone may pay you to do it, (or, in the case of those who are self-employed, you profit from it) is simply icing on the cake; it’s an added bonus....

December 18, 2022 · 3 min · 491 words · Shenita Cody

Why You Can T Stay Healthy And What To Do About It

It wasn’t until I got older that I realized my diet and exercise, or the lack thereof, had to change. But it hasn’t been an easy task. Meeting your diet and exercise goals can be a tough thing to do, especially if you are setting yourself up with unrealistic ones and haven’t built a framework for healthy living into your life. Here are the reasons why you can’t stay healthy and what to do about them....

December 18, 2022 · 5 min · 870 words · Anita Guerriero

Why You Re Feeling Empty And How To Fill The Void

If you’re asking yourself, “Why do I feel empty,” keep reading and learn what these feelings of emptiness mean and how you can begin overcoming them. Why Do I Feel Empty, and What Does It Mean? According to psychology expert Dr. Margaret Paul, lack of love causes inner emptiness. [1] When you don’t love yourself, ignore your feelings, and always try to get attention and approval from others, you can experience feeling empty....

December 18, 2022 · 9 min · 1724 words · Antoinette Duckett

Why You Should Be A Writer

Usually I’m referring to anyone who creates–artists, musicians, programmers, and, yes, writers. In this case, however, I’m actually telling you that you should consider writing. Like pencil-and-paper or computer-and-word-processor writing. Now, understand that I do have a slight bias: I run a writing website (see my bio), have written a few books, and teach others how to write. But the truth is, I wouldn’t have considered myself “a writer” a year ago....

December 18, 2022 · 3 min · 552 words · Noreen Myers

Why You Should Start Investing As Early As Possible Infographic

In the accompanying infographic, Certified Public Accountant Micah Fraim illustrates the importance of investing in a savings account from a young age. The infographic clearly demonstrates how sacrificing beer and pizza money during your college years will yield over $100,000 more in returns on investment over the course of a lifetime compared to the savings account of someone who started investing in his late twenties. Not only does the young investor end up with a seven-digit bankroll by the age of 65, but he also invested much less throughout his lifetime than his late-to-the-game counterpart....

December 18, 2022 · 1 min · 213 words · Ramon Green

Why You Should Take The Risk To Live Your Life

The most important decisions in our lives are made in a split second regardless of the risk. Each moment we have the ability to transform our personal, professional and financial lives as we bring up and work through the pain of the past. As I’m sitting conversing with him over a taco salad and water, Justin is relentlessly nailing my pain points over, and over, and over. As he’s doing this I can feel my stomach turn and I start thinking about all kinds of things....

December 18, 2022 · 3 min · 633 words · Ben Murphy

With These Hacks You Ll Not Pick A Bad Watermelon Anymore

1. Keep an eye out for the field spot. The yellow spot indicating where the fruit rested on the ground is known as the “field spot”. Orange or creamy yellow means it is ripe while white means it is unripe. 2. Look for web-like brown spots. The brown webbing means the bees pollinated the flower several times which means the fruit will taste sweeter. 3. Know the difference between “boys” and “girls”....

December 18, 2022 · 1 min · 115 words · Nicholas Jarvis

Work Life Integration Vs Work Life Balance Is One Better Than The Other

To combat that, the notion of work-life balance began to gain traction as a solution. Businesses started mentioning it as a core part of their work culture, and employees began to apply its principles to establish boundaries between their personal and professional lives. But what’s the difference between work-life integration vs. work-life balance? Which is Better: Work-Life Integration Vs. Work-Life Balance A growing chorus of experts suggests that workers should aim for work-life integration rather than work-life balance....

December 18, 2022 · 7 min · 1483 words · Jennifer Gaines

You Are Not The Only One Heartbroken

Feeling heartbroken? Feeling like a complete stranger to the world? I know how it feels, but you are not the only one. We have all been there. To each one of us, the pain was as real and as excruciating as it is to you now. And it doesn’t matter where you are from, whether you are a boy or a girl, in your twenties or your sixties, there is really nothing more painful than the feeling of a broken heart....

December 18, 2022 · 5 min · 980 words · Lisa Fiorello

You Can Express A Lot Of Things A Lot Of Action Without Speaking Catherine Deneuve

Body language is an interesting concept. The human body makes a lot of unconscious motions depending on the situation. Sometimes, the body language indicators are blatant and obvious. If you see someone crying, chances are they’re upset about something. Other times, body language indicators aren’t so obvious. For instance, you may completely miss someone rolling their eyes at you in derision if they aren’t facing you. There are so many ways to interpret body language and many, many more body language indicators....

December 18, 2022 · 1 min · 115 words · Jerry Daniels

You Don T Need Any Other Reading Apps If You Install This One

Read Everything At One Place With Scribd Scribd is an app that has been engineered to provide varieties of newspaper, books, magazines, audiobooks, and documents. It recognizes different motives that drive readers and thus provides materials that quench curiosity, informs, and, help in arousing passions and other desires of the readers. This is in appreciations of the different needs of its more than 80 million users from over 190 different countries....

December 18, 2022 · 2 min · 360 words · Mary Bloom

You May Never Know The Difference Between Poison And Venom If You Don T Read This

Featured photo credit: Poison vs. venom: What’s the difference? – Rose Eveleth via youtube.com

December 18, 2022 · 1 min · 14 words · Adam Black

You Will Be Shocked Unfinished Home Repairs Are Huge Time Wasters

When you see the photos of broken, damaged, dirty and unfinished repairs and tasks that need to be tended to, your brain lasers in on these visual inputs and immediately is consciously aware of the need that each one of these repairs needs to be fixed. And, because your brain does not like gaps or internal conflict, your brain wants you to fix every repair – right now! Immediately a bit of adrenalin is released into your body and you feel that tiny bit of personal disappointment that something is physically broken in your life....

December 18, 2022 · 4 min · 823 words · Lauren Villanueva

You Will Remember Information Longer If You Hand Write Notes

The benefits of handwriting. A friend of mine is learning Japanese and he patiently copies each character out hundreds of times in long columns. This helps him to remember them. Studies suggest that there are other benefits of handwriting as well. Children can learn to write and remember the letters while doing so. This can improve their ability to form ideas which will then lead to more effective communication. It is an effective way of training the brain....

December 18, 2022 · 4 min · 834 words · Geraldine Embry

Your Favorite Productivity Books

Of course, the idea was somewhat contrived — hopefully you don’t go around handing out book recommendations to everyone you see struggling (unless you’re that guy). Sometimes we offer a little tip, a piece of advice culled from some book or from our own experience, or at the other extreme we might suggest an organization coach. And, of course, reading about productivity and organization isn’t for everyone; you may know people who would be better served by a video, a lecture, or a workshop....

December 18, 2022 · 7 min · 1367 words · Karen Gehling