How To Help Yourself When You Re In A Mental Funk

I usually feel like this when I have worked hard on a project and it has come to an end. I am exhausted and emotionally drained, and I am at a point where I don’t know what to do next. COVID-19 has also created a lot of situations for me where I have had to work really hard not to stay in a mental funk longer than I should. With so much disruption and uncertainty in our lives today, we need to be extra vigilant so we don’t want to fall into the trap of continuously living our lives in a state of a mental funk....

December 17, 2022 · 6 min · 1151 words · Beverly Cherry

How To Hire A Web Design Firm

How many times have you heard stories of people who hired web firms to design and develop their web sites and either got substandard sites or the developer ran off with their money? Or what about the entrepreneur who “hired” his nephew/friend/daughter to design the site for free, and the results were disasterous and this small business owner didn’t feel comfortable offering much constructive criticism on a job done for free?...

December 17, 2022 · 9 min · 1787 words · Sophie Oneill

How To Improve Assertive Communication Skills For Better Relationships

This is called assertive communication. What Is Assertive Communication? Assertive communication is the ability to directly and honestly communicate a range of emotions. It is the ability to self-advocate or take a stand with and for oneself. While assertive communication is essential for the individual, it is good for the organization as well. When we practice assertive communication, we reduce stress and anxiety, and we perform better. We also allow others to support us by fulfilling our requests or to grow by receiving feedback on areas where improvement is needed....

December 17, 2022 · 8 min · 1523 words · Anita Druck

How To Improve Your Relationship Using Science

1. How committed are you? How many times have you heard your friends say there was no commitment from the other partner? This is a very common explanation as to why relationships end. What does commitment mean in real terms? It means that you and your partner will be able to weather any storm, are in it for the long haul, and will support each other, come what may. It is the true mark of a great team where the health of the relationship is put first and the individual partner in second place....

December 17, 2022 · 6 min · 1097 words · Margaret Shultz

How To Increase Your Tips As A Server

The better tips you get, the more money you make, but nothing guarantees that you’ll get 10 or 20 percent of the check. After all, people don’t have to leave a tip, even if they should. By following some of these suggestions, you can increase your tips and bring home more cash. 1. Don’t Leave Room for Questions When serving a table, anticipate your customers’ needs, and don’t leave room for them to ask questions....

December 17, 2022 · 3 min · 575 words · Minnie Collins

How To Make A Grilled Cheese Sandwich With A Hotel Room Iron

December 17, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · John Schultz

How To Make And Freeze Homemade Ricotta Cheese

How to Make Homemade Ricotta Cheese Here are some useful tips and steps to help you make simple homemade ricotta cheese in your own kitchen and save money. This is so simple that you need only three ingredients and 30 minutes and you are done! The 3 ingredients you need to make the Ricotta Cheese: Salt Lemon Juice Milk Equipment: Saucepan Cheesecloth Fine-mesh strainer Here is the simple procedure you need to follow to make your own homemade Ricotta cheese:...

December 17, 2022 · 3 min · 525 words · Susan Braden

How To Make Engaging Eye Contact For A Great First Impression

For example, when you are in the middle of a job interview or you are on a date, you want to keep your focus on the person you are trying to impress. I’m sure that you’ve heard before that first impressions are everything. Although I do not agree with that statement entirely, I do think it definitely holds some truth. Imagine being on a date with someone, you’re trying to have a conversation with them, and they are looking at everything going on around them instead of paying attention to you....

December 17, 2022 · 4 min · 677 words · Robert Williams

How To Make Free Online Sign Up Forms

Here is a free online tool that does everything from simple sign-up of attendees to scheduling time slots and organizing what people are bringing (in the case of our example, a pot luck dinner). [youtube]

December 17, 2022 · 1 min · 36 words · Irina Safdeye

How To Make Gift Baskets For Fun Or Profit

Here’s an excerpt from this lesson Here are three top reasons why:

December 17, 2022 · 1 min · 12 words · Teresa Shelton

How To Manage Notifications In Ios 6 For Better Productivity

Different Alerts for Different Email Accounts One of the newest additions to Notification Center is that you can now control email alerts by email account, rather than control them for all email. This is a great way to be able to be alerted of something that you deem important (work emails at work) and not so important. Go to Settings > Notifications > Mail. You can then change the tones and vibrations, alert style, badge count, and Notification Center listing for each email account you have....

December 17, 2022 · 2 min · 356 words · Robert Fulmer

How To Minimize Distraction To Get Things Done

What I’ve learned through trial and error is that most of those unproductive days are, gasp, nobody’s fault but my own. Even if I was distracted by coworkers, or last-minute urgent projects arose, or I had a splitting headache, I should be able to tell people that I’m busy, or leave space in my schedule for unexpected work, or take a Tylenol and find a quiet, dark place to sit for 10 minutes....

December 17, 2022 · 4 min · 739 words · Jack Dooley

How To Organise Your Wardrobe So Never Have To Go Rummaging Again

The last thing you need in a morning is the need to spend twenty minutes rummaging through your clothes trying to find one item of clothing that seems to have disappeared into another dimension. In this infographic from Apartment Geeks and Neo Mammalian Studios they suggest some of the best tips you can use to organise your wardrobe! For example, they suggest you hang shirts, skirts, trousers, coats and jackets, whilst you fold t-shirts, denim and knitwear to keep them all within reach....

December 17, 2022 · 1 min · 138 words · Charles Turner

How To Plan Your Life With The 1 3 5 Rule

There are many ways to make progress with a plan. You may have a long to-do list or work with an accountability partner to achieve bigger goals. If you are employed, you’re probably creating a plan for your work goals, reflecting on them, and evaluating them regularly. So, planning really isn’t a foreign concept. The trick is finding one that works for you. Enter the 1-3-5-year plan template built on the 1-3-5 Rule....

December 17, 2022 · 7 min · 1421 words · William Cruse

How To Practice Self Advocacy In The Workplace Go To Guide

This is a softball. All you have to do is speak up and communicate the growing list of items you’ve thoughtfully constructed that would make you happier at work. However, you freeze and mechanically say, “I can’t think of anything I need. I’m so grateful for this job and every opportunity you’ve given me.” As you leave the meeting, you’re mad at yourself for not speaking up because this wouldn’t be the first time....

December 17, 2022 · 7 min · 1426 words · Jessica Davis

How To Punctuate More Sentences

Semi-colons A reader asked when it’s appropriate to join sentences with a semi-colon. The semi-colon is a good choice when sentences are clearly related, when they seem to go together, when a period would create an overly emphatic stop between sentences. Alas, there’s no rule to determine whether sentences are related in a way that makes a semi-colon a good choice. Making this decision seems to me a matter of acquired intuition....

December 17, 2022 · 3 min · 512 words · Rose Jarosz

How To Quit Your Day Job And Find Inner Happiness

As Mark Manson points out, your grandkids aren’t going to be impressed that you earned a quarterly bonus or got an employee of the year award. They will be proud though if you tell them how you quit your day job and headed into total financial uncertainty all to achieve your dreams. If you’re ready to take the leap, Manson has some quite useful tips for planning your escape so you quit your day job, but still support yourself until your plans reach fruition....

December 17, 2022 · 1 min · 88 words · Matthew Mcmahon

How To Reset Chrome Browser

On resetting the Chrome, all user-configured settings are reverted back to their default values. This includes default startup tabs, Content settings, pinned tabs, default search engine and homepage settings. Along with this, all installed extensions and themes are disabled to boost up browser performance and prevent possible vulnerability associated with them. To reset your Chrome installation, visit “Settings” page from the Chrome menu and scroll down to the bottom to select the “+ Show advanced settings”....

December 17, 2022 · 1 min · 116 words · Noe Mayor

How To Say No Politely And Professionally

There’s a whole plethora of books and reading material on how to say no to the many things asked of us in life. Many of us are raised in such a manner that we feel we should always be helping others. That we should always be willing to lend a helping hand whenever possible. And many of us are taught that to get ahead in our work life, we should be willing to “do what it takes” and take on additional responsibilities....

December 17, 2022 · 9 min · 1783 words · Joseph Fox

How To Start Effective Conversations With Your Employees

We need to establish an atmosphere that will give us feelings and facts that we can discuss, but can also open the discussion and stimulate more questions and ideas, rather than closing them down to just discussing a few pre-prepared bullet points. Challenge, Fun, Team There is a very simple technique that I found very successful in serving that purpose. There are three simple questions to ask: What is your challenge level?...

December 17, 2022 · 2 min · 418 words · Wanda Dunn