The New World Of Today S Student

My schooling was a period of time when I learned pretty intensively because that was simply the overall expectation, and without work or age as conflicting contenders for my attentions, learning in school was about all I did. Then, I remember learning in such a rapid-fire, open minded and near-gullible way in the early years of my work career because I was an open book, still without the “I’m experienced now” baggage or “our way” loyalties that can get in the way at times....

December 17, 2022 · 5 min · 854 words · William Chisley

The Only Music That Really Eases Stress And Pain

Listening to the favorite hits does make people feel better. But research has found that your favorite music may not be the best choice to ease stress and pain. Listening, Fast and Slow Even if faster tunes makes you feel better or upbeat, only the slower tunes help reduce stress and anxiety. Slower beats have a meditative effect. Faster beats can’t really induce this same kind of feeling. Instead, they usually encourage more alert and concentrated thinking....

December 17, 2022 · 2 min · 421 words · Anna Yazzie

The Real Differences Between Short Term Verses Long Term Happiness

I could only think of how long this would last after the piece of candy was gone. Would the child’s outlook improve for the better? Or was this going to be a long ride home for that mother? The brief reprieve may be only short lived. As adults we are faced with the same balance of what brings long term and short term happiness. We can sometimes get lost in the benefits of long term contentment....

December 17, 2022 · 4 min · 805 words · Saundra Niehaus

The Reasons Why You Feel It S Difficult To Forgive

Let’s try an experiment. Think of two people in your life: Someone who made you angry but you’ve since forgiven and still like and someone who has hurt you that you don’t like and haven’t forgiven. After identifying these two people, think of them at the same time. As you see them in your mind’s eye, notice how you represent them differently. First, look at your mental pictures. One image might be larger, brighter, farther away, or in a different location, etc....

December 17, 2022 · 4 min · 647 words · Carrie Sanders

The Secret Place Where All Great Ideas Are Born

However, the reality is actually far more complicated. The truly great ideas, are the product of processes. They are the product of what a person sees and gets in touch with every day that combine to influence a thought. A random thought turns into an idea, then the idea is worked on. Consider twitter, twitter was originally not conceived as as a social network, but instead as an alternative to SMS messaging....

December 17, 2022 · 6 min · 1066 words · William Jones

The Simplest Interactive Photography Guide To Clicking Breathtaking Photographs

We’ve all been through plethora of shutterbug resources just to come away feeling even more confused and inadequate; No more! I chanced upon this excellent photography guide put together by Shutterfly that gives you simple and usable instructions for clicking breathtaking pictures. The premise of this photography guide is simple enough; to help you get the best shots regardless of the camera. So, there are tips for Point and Shoot, DSLR and even smartphone cameras....

December 17, 2022 · 1 min · 154 words · Ruth Muraro

The Struggle To Succeed Against All Odds

The Baltimore Leadership School for Young Women was established in 2009 to help underserved young ladies, predominately African-Americans, get ready for school. As this open sanction school adapted to graduate its first class a year ago, the movie producers of “Step” were there to watch three seniors, all individuals from its progression move group. Cori, the valedictorian, is planning to get a “full ride” to Johns Hopkins University. She’s the most established of six kids, and keeping in mind that her home life is secured by an adoring and steady mother and stepfather, cash is constantly tight....

December 17, 2022 · 3 min · 429 words · Jeremy Shafer

The Success Formula Stephen Hawking Taught Us

1. He has used technology to overcome his disability As Prof. Hawking explains in the video below, the power of technology to transform lives, communicate ideas which lead to great discoveries is truly astounding. In his own case, he cannot speak and uses a voice synthesizer as we hear on this video. He has made extensive use of computer technology and the Internet in his research. 2. He refused to let his disability halt his research Just after he had been diagnosed and with a only a few years to live, according to his doctors, he fell in love and married Jane Wilde....

December 17, 2022 · 3 min · 577 words · Louise Bundy

The Talent For Being Happy Is Appreciating And Liking What You Have Woody Allen

The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don’t have. – Woody Allen How to Stay Happy No Matter What Happens

December 17, 2022 · 1 min · 29 words · Albert Gadsden

The Thing You Need To Do Right Now To Realize Your Dreams

Limiting beliefs and negative self-talk result in stagnation. You end up with limited results and simply don’t go after your dreams. We often compare ourselves to others, thinking that the “chase your dream” train has passed us by and will not be making a stop at our doorstep anytime soon. Here’s a secret: The only thing you need to do right now in order to realize your dreams is to take action....

December 17, 2022 · 3 min · 516 words · Roman Tran

The Truth About Work Life Balance

What all these “conversions” have in common is a superficial view of work/life balance — one that limits it to neat, structural issues like flexible working hours and support for working women bringing up families. Rather than look closely at the real reasons why people are feeling disillusioned with working life (the long hours, constant overwork, increasing pressure, bullying bosses, continual restructuring and cutbacks), they turn to feel-good ideas that don’t need them to alter their attitudes or question past decisions....

December 17, 2022 · 2 min · 413 words · David Shearin

The Ultimate List For Common Strength Training Mistakes To Avoid

Studies have found that people tend to make very similar mistakes during their strength training regimen, which usually remain unnoticed. But it is important to figure out these mistakes in order to avoid injury during your training sessions. Here is a list of the most common strength training mistakes that should be—and can be—avoided: 1. Training beyond your capacity. There are a lot of people who feel a little embarrassed to exercise with less weight, as they are worried about what others will think!...

December 17, 2022 · 7 min · 1338 words · Teresa Michael

The Ultimate List Of Useful Templates For Your Work Emails

1. New Marketing Announcements If you or your company has a significant online following or a mailing list, then you understand just how important it is to send out clear and error-free emails. When you announce new products or services, it’s vital to provide your audience with key points about the launch. Create a basic email template so that you can include minimum necessities, such as: What the new product or service is Timeframe (when the new product or service will be available) Why this product or service is relevant to your audience (the value proposition) How customers can obtain it Where customers can find a new service or product, if you have a brick-and-mortar location Your contact information...

December 17, 2022 · 10 min · 2032 words · Jeffrey Lee

These 15 Illustrations Perfectly Capture The Best Moments In Travel

December 17, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Jose Blake

These Amazing Emojis Designed For Introverts Will Put A Smile On Your Face

However, there is a lack of emoticons that express more complex issues, such as an individual’s need to have a little time for themselves. Designer Rebecca Lynch realized that this was a problem and so has created a range of ‘Introji’: emoticons for introverts! “I started creating a communication system for introverts after my boyfriend of three years broke up with me, citing the need for more time alone,” Rebecca says....

December 17, 2022 · 1 min · 164 words · Olga King

Things You Didn T Know Your Sleeping Position Could Say About You

Let’s look at the most common sleeping positions: Fetal – people who sleep in this position tend to worry and be anxious. Most of them are the shy and the ultra sensitive personalities in the world. The Yearner – people who usually sleep in this position lie down on one side with their arms in front. They seemingly look like they’re grasping for something. This could be attributed to the extremely long periods of time they spend making a decision; especially when it’s a crucial one....

December 17, 2022 · 1 min · 135 words · Patricia Meeks

This Amazingly Designed Plate Can Stop You From Overeating

But now a product from the Netherlands called the ETE plate hopes to rid you of your food portion headaches. It’s got a surprisingly simple design that almost makes you want to hit your head and ask yourself why you didn’t think of it first. Available in both Dutch and English, the plate is divided into separate sections of varying sizes to indicate how much of a certain food group you should eat....

December 17, 2022 · 1 min · 198 words · David Chambers

This Carry On Will Surely Enrich Your Traveling Experience

Carrying their luggage around the city is what most travellers dread on vacation and there seems to be no getting around the idea of keeping a bulky bag or case with you everywhere. That’s no way to enjoy a trip. The OLAF scooter is the solution for this problem. It attaches a long board to a piece of luggage to provide ease and comfort for users of all ages....

December 17, 2022 · 1 min · 167 words · David Matthews

This Chart Shows You Where And Why Emotional Pain Becomes Physical Discomfort

It seems a bit strange as emotions are largely regarded as detached from the physical world most of the time, but our emotional pain really can cause physical discomfort. The above infographic created by Centripetal Force Studio about emotional pain[1] shows that shoulder pain can be the result of making “life a burden” when life is supposed to be enjoyed not endured. Our emotions can even have an impacts on stranger parts of our bodies like our elbows, wrists and knees!...

December 17, 2022 · 1 min · 115 words · Richard Cowgill

This Company Gave Employees Fridays Off Paid What Happened Next Is Amazing

If one goes as far as questioning the work-pleasure balance, psychologically the Monday to Friday nine-to-five is out of balance at best. According to the article “We Gave Our Employees Fridays Off Paid and Now We Have an Amazing Team,” if we had just one more day to do the things we enjoy doing, the benefits would be outstanding So, what exactly are the benefits of having Fridays off work?...

December 17, 2022 · 3 min · 573 words · Robert Prewitt