Which Type Of Worker Are You Settler Or Pioneer
In this article, we will take a look at two types of workers: Pioneers and Settlers. Once you have a grasp on what motivates each type and how they can play a role in a company, you will be well-placed to not only understand yourself but also to put together a well-rounded team if and when you are called to take on a leadership role. Pioneers: The Innovative Risk Takers Pioneers are often company CEOs, founders and team leaders....
Why Starting A Blog Could Change Your Life
1. You’ll make new friends It gets harder to make meaningful friendships as we grow older and we no longer have the consistency of a school environment to grow relationships. Luckily, the blogging community is full of lovely people ready to welcome you into their group. Once you start blogging, you already have a hobby in common with hundreds of others; and by visiting other blogs you can find people who share your secret love for existential literature or dancing around in your underwear to Beyonce (although that last one is all of us, ammiright?...
Why Unschooling Is The Best Incubator For Young Entrepreneurs
Why? Because I think it’s the most empowering, passionate, kick-ass way to live your life as an adult. And I think unschooling is the best way to give them the foundations of what they need to be entrepreneurs. Don’t get me wrong: you can be an awesome entrepreneur even if you go to school. Lots of us have done it. But I think unschooling has some advantages, if you do it right....
Why Wait Until You Re Elderly To Do Your Bucket List
In this fantastic TED talk, Taylor explains why everyone should take a lesson from the elderly and start living for themselves and not for those around us. She urges us to not worry about completing a real bucket list, but to instead satisfy our life goals by being ourselves every day of our lives. When it comes to the common worry of what we should all do with our lives, she explains, “what you are supposed to be doing with your life will flow out of who you truly are....
Why You Should Start Printing Out Photos
The latest infographic from Nations Photo Lab has looked into how digital data has taken over our photo habits. Nowadays, only 33% of Americans still print and store physical photos. What’s more, 67% of those with a smartphone won’t even consider backing up their image files. If we’re not printing out our photos or backing them up, the potential to lose them forever is quite evident. Whilst many of us do back up our images or use cloud storage, there’s still a chance that our data could be lost....
Why Your Morning Shower Should Be Freezing
The advances in technology we enjoy today have undoubtedly made our lives better, but we’ve forgotten what it’s like to experience discomfort. It’s too hot? Turn on the A/C. Water’s too cold? Adjust the faucet knob. Heck, we even take average experiences and make them feel great. Your car seat is only normal? Take a heated seat and your butt will feel AMAZING. Discomfort has become foreign to us. We reject anything less than total luxury, but that standard makes us exceedingly risk averse and miss out on HUGE opportunities day after day....
Work On Your Pose First If You Want To Impress
Our words are fairly easy to control so that we come across friendly, approachable and relatable. However, our body language can be something we’re very unaware of and often lets us down. It can be so subconscious that even though we feel we’re coming across authentically and enthusiastically, it doesn’t appear so to the person we’re conversing with. What Do People Subconsciously Look For in an Initial Interaction? It’s such a natural process that we don’t really think about what we’re looking for in a new acquaintance....
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You Are What You Eat So Eat These Foods For Optimal Health
Essentially, this means that the foods and drinks you put in your body have a direct effect on your health and well-being. If you nourish your body with the right ‘fuel’, it will perform better. If you eat a lot of junk food and drink a lot of soda, your health will suffer. That will not come as a shock to anyone. But what may come as a shock is just how much of an impact the foods you eat can have on your health and happiness....
You D Worry Less About What People Think About You If
If the above phrases don’t make you want to narrow your eyes, shoot a darting glare at someone and/or grit your teeth with jealousy, then you’re probably in denial. Because yes, your desire to increase your productivity can produce a nasty green-eyed monster called jealousy. It sure can be annoying hearing about yet another work colleague getting to inbox zero or collating 200 copies of a complex marketing presentation in 30 minutes – better, stronger and faster than the Six Million Dollar Man himself (cue a rousing chorus of booing and hissing)....
You Ll Be Amazed By These 10 Creative Ways To Cook Eggs
If eggs could sue, they might have a solid offensive case against character assassination. For nearly 40 years they have been debated, slandered and deemed unhealthy. Scientific studies continue to disprove the doom and gloom surrounding eggs; yet, the medical world chooses not to reverse the egg defamation. Imagine that! Many people, therefore, still refuse to eat eggs or do so on an extremely limited basis. Vegans are not being considered in this discussion....
You Won T Feel Happy If You Have Never Experienced What Makes You Unhappy
Your Innocent Little Comment On A Child S Drawing Can Kill Their Creativity
Everyone has the ability to be creative, however, Professor of Biology and neurobiologist Erin Clabough Ph.D. writes that[1] Not everyone needs to see the world in the same light- and they shouldn’t. Before you mention that sky should be blue, consider your reasons carefully. Your child can see that a sky is blue, but in their world it isn’t. Allow them the freedom to be creative. Creativity fosters critical thinking and problem solving skills....
Your Pregnancy At Week 5
Your pregnancy at 5 weeks progress Yes, that’s right – merely the size of a sesame seed, and your baby is growing as rapidly as your love and the connection you are creating with him or her. Weeks 4 through 7 are when most women find out they are pregnant. Congratulations! At this point, your embryo looks more like a tadpole than the adorable guy or gal you’ll meet personally in less than eight months....
Your Present Circumstances Don T Determine Where You Can Go
Your Right Career
I spent a long time searching for the ‘right’ thing to do with my life and all the time what I really wanted to do was staring me in the face. I even read ‘do what you love’ type self-help books that told me it was probably staring me in the face and continued to completely ignore it. It was just too obvious that I would become a life coach....
Drinking Tea Is A Profound Ritual That Will Improve Your Life
Tea has a long and complex history. It is likely to have originated in Yunnan Province in China as far back as 3 AD. Specifically, the plant itself originated near the lands of northeast India, north Burma, southwest China and Tibet. It was consumed as a medicinal drink, then later for pleasure. The Chinese used it not only as an antidote to poison, but also as a restorative drink. The Chinese introduced tea to the Portuguese during the 16th century and the British began tea production and consumption in India during the 17th century to compete with the Chinese market....
Eat These 25 Superfoods And Be Strong Like Popeye The Sailor Man
While it seemed far fetched, he was advocating the goodness contained in the leafy greens and although it may not have such a quick effect on our health, there are plenty of superfoods that can boost our health, strength and well-being. Some Foods Do Have “Superpower” While eating superfoods won’t give you instant muscles like Popeye, incorporating them into your diet can help you create a healthier lifestyle. So what exactly are superfoods?...
Eight Tips To Get Into That Great Beta
Once you’ve actually gotten into a beta test, it’s up to you to be a good little beta-tester. Report problems, email praise and generally comment on that product still in development. After all, that’s why companies open up beta tests — and why they invite some testers back again.