Here S How You Find More Time In Your Schedule To Learn A New Skill

Here’s 5 steps to shave more time off your “busy” schedule. 1. Track your existing schedule If you don’t know how you spend your day already, it’s going to be very difficult to know what’s working and what’s not. This applies in any habit, result, or goal you want to change. If you’re trying to lose weight, the first thing a nutritionist will tell you is to keep track of everything you’re eating throughout the day....

December 16, 2022 · 4 min · 824 words · Chad Hawkins

Hindsight Hacks 15 Things I Wish I Knew Right Out Of College

Here’s 15 things to get you started off right in your post-college life. Life is wonderful so wrap your arms around this great big world and embrace your unlimited opportunities. 1. It’s a new day and new game It just doesn’t matter if you were the high school quarterback or president of your fraternity. When you enter the workplace, it’s all equal footing. On the flip side, if you were not the most popular guy around, big thumbs up....

December 16, 2022 · 3 min · 608 words · Marjorie Richardson

How Being A Minimalist Can Help You Make Better Decisions In Life

But how about decision making? Have you considered its impact on your mental health? You may be unaware of this, be we make an estimated 10,000 to 40,000 decisions every day.[1] It’s no wonder that something called ‘decision fatigue’ can rapidly set in! Luckily, there are a number of rules that you can follow to streamline your decision making. These rules will help you reduce (or even eliminate) decision fatigue, and instead, free your mind to work on your personal goals and objectives....

December 16, 2022 · 6 min · 1157 words · Marg Mejia

How Couples Counseling Help Us Fall Back In Love

Jane kept wondering if marriage counseling could repair and fix the rift in her relationship with her husband. Here, moms in our communities whose relationships have benefited from the help of a marriage counselor describe how it helped and share three reasons to seek counseling when your marriage is on the rocks. Here I would explain some benefits of marriage counseling according to gathered information from women who have gone through the same process, and how it positively influenced their marriage....

December 16, 2022 · 5 min · 873 words · Jennifer Wilson

How Far Will You Go To Seek Perfection

How The Profession and Passion Run in The Family The story is based in downtown Tokyo subway station, Sukiyabashi Jiro is a subterranean restaurant run by the legendary Jiro Ono. The restaurant has only ten seats but is the only sushi restaurant to have a three-star Michelin rating. The story of the master chief also follows the lives of his two sons. His younger son Takashi managed to escape from the shadow of his father’s legendary career and runs his own sushi restaurant in Tokyo....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 277 words · Allan Gabriel

How Fat Kids Are Made By Parents And How To Make Your Kids Healthy

Raising fat kids isn’t a pretty sight and certainly no parent wants their children to be overweight or obese. But here’s the kicker – most kids become fat because of their parents![2] Yeah…I know you didn’t mean to – but if your kid is fat, you’re mostly responsible. There’s no need to beat yourself up though, because you can totally redeem yourself – starting today! In this article, I’ll show you how you’ve been unconsciously making your kid fat, why childhood fatness is such a big deal and most importantly and how to help your kids stay healthy....

December 16, 2022 · 8 min · 1573 words · Dawn Sawyer

How I Bounced Back From A Fiasco

This experience changed my life forever. I was only 18 but I thought back then that I was like already dead and would never feel joy again. Surprisingly, though, this fiasco turned out to be the most fruitful phase of my life. It started as a reaction to a minor tension between my parents. I was probably not mature enough to understand and accept what was going on. As a result, the paradigm of success I had at the time was not making sense any longer and it exploded in pieces....

December 16, 2022 · 9 min · 1842 words · Roy Lugo

How Mobile Technologies Are Changing The Way Education Works

Smartphones and tablets have more going for them than the ‘cool’ factor though: mobile technology has the power to overcome geographical boundaries, blur socioeconomic boundaries, and create a level playing field for all students. Let’s take a look at how mobile technology is impacting education. Tablet Plus Educational App Equals Smart Studying A recent report by Nielsen states that tablets are proving to be an interactive learning tool for kids with tablet-owning families, with 57% of children using educational apps and 77% playing downloaded games....

December 16, 2022 · 3 min · 576 words · Tyesha Schneidtmille

How Modern Science Debunks The Myth That Being Curious Is Dangerous

So what do people think when they hear the phrase “Curiosity killed the cat”? Do we assume that it warns us of the consequences of asking too many questions? Or does it point to the limited capacity of a brain that can malfunction if it works too hard to understand the world in which we live? Of course, scientists now know that our brain cannot malfunction due to “excessive curiosity”....

December 16, 2022 · 8 min · 1495 words · Charles Hollenbach

How Much Should I Have In Savings To Live An Easy Life

Yes, I know saving can be quite difficult. But I’ve found that being too strict with savings can boomerang, you have to give little leeway to enjoy yourself and still save. You don’t have to cut off every enjoyable thing in your life to be able to save. So, my advice? Don’t be too strict on yourself about it, you can have fun while saving enough for the future. This is achievable, yes, you can do it!...

December 16, 2022 · 3 min · 600 words · Vernice Kirby

How Setting Lofty Goals Can Lead You To Unbelievable Success

Success begins in your mind, and if you are not limited in your thinking, you’ll always love setting big goals. Many are too scared to set big goals. Perhaps because they don’t want to be disappointed or they feel the bigger things are not meant for them. In this article, I have highlighted how you can achieve unprecedented success in your life by setting lofty goals. What Are Lofty Goals?...

December 16, 2022 · 8 min · 1497 words · Lynne Graig

How To Actually Make Your Goals Happen

Now, let’s fast-forward to a handful of months (or more) into the year. How are you doing with your yearly goals? Have you broken them down? Have you created actionable plans and projects to help you accomplish your goals? Have you actually even looked at your annual goals since you wrote them down at the outset of the year? A post shared by Lifehack for Goal Diggers (@lifehackorg) Have you taken those yearly goals and broken them down into monthly goals?...

December 16, 2022 · 6 min · 1107 words · Delphine Bates

How To Argue So You Won T Damage Your Relationship

But the best relationships are “thick” with arguments. It doesn’t matter what you argue about, but how you argue. When you fight, you feel fear Conflict carries a negative connotation. If your partner doesn’t agree with you, you may feel a sense of betrayal and lash out at them because you are hurt. Human nature dictates that when you are hurt or threatened you should retaliate. So most people retaliate by doing things that are irrational....

December 16, 2022 · 5 min · 1047 words · Terri Firestine

How To Be A Brilliant Conversationalist

Ask Questions Most people prefer to talk about themselves rather than hear about you, so asking questions is a great way to start and to refresh conversations. If you meet someone for the first time, start by asking simple, non-threatening questions about them, what they do, where they live etc. If you know someone moderately well then you should be aware of some of their interests so simple questions about those are good ways to start....

December 16, 2022 · 6 min · 1098 words · Paul Johnstonbaugh

How To Be A Good Parent And Raise Successful Kids

Your ideals and definition of success may be different. Every family is different, as are their values. It is important to recognize your own family ideals in order to have direction and purpose for your family. I wrote about this topic on my blog,[1] and you can read it if you are interested in creating purpose and a mission for your family, based on your ideals. With my own kids being so young, I can’t speak from personal experience on how to raise kids to be successful....

December 16, 2022 · 14 min · 2783 words · Paul Vowell

How To Be Liked By Everyone At Work And Get Promoted Quickly

1. Tell management what you have achieved Don’t assume your line manager has seen all your great work. There will be opportunities to mention your successful projects and also how you have met deadlines. Some people are shy about blowing their own horns. But if you do this diplomatically, you can be in a very strong position to get promoted when it comes up. You have had great results and they are backed up by figures, assessments, and reports....

December 16, 2022 · 5 min · 911 words · John Harwell

How To Become A Morning Person If You Re A Night Owl

Whether you have been unsuccessfully trying to become a morning person or you just want to experiment with it, this article is for you. The Challenge to Becoming a Morning Person Let’s start with the basics, why is it so hard to become a morning person? Not Getting Enough Sleep When you don’t feel like you have enough time to accomplish your goals, you feel as though sleeping is a luxury you cannot afford....

December 16, 2022 · 7 min · 1326 words · James Mcginnis

How To Boost Your Budget This Christmas

But saving money doesn’t necessarily mean selling, clearing or working extra hours. Simple changes to your day-to-day lifestyle can yield a remarkable saving. Taking a packed lunch to work, cycling rather than taking the bus, or moving your weekly shop to a more affordable supermarket can save as much as £30 to £40 a week. And who knows? Your budgetary innovations may open up new experiences and cost-effective habits that stick around beyond new year....

December 16, 2022 · 3 min · 550 words · George Younker

How To Build An Entrepreneurial Mindset 7 Actionable Steps

According to Small Business Trends, “one in four entrepreneurs fail at least once before succeeding. It takes entrepreneurs an average of three years for their business to begin supporting them financially.”[1] That’s a daunting statistic. Budding entrepreneurs must be prepared for the many challenges that they will likely face and have an unwavering commitment to their business in the face of adversity. 7 Actionable Steps to Build an Entrepreneurial Mindset Building an entrepreneurial mindset can help tremendously when facing these challenges....

December 16, 2022 · 7 min · 1323 words · Brittany Morgan

How To Choose A Custom Closet Company

First: Is This Necessary? When a closet company comes to do an estimate, they count how many shoes and handbags you have and measure the linear feet of shelving and hanging space that you require, and then they design a custom closet around what you have. It doesn’t make sense for them to design a closet around a bunch of stuff you never use, so the first thing to do is go through all of the clothing, shoes, and accessories and decide what to keep, donate, toss, repair, and store elsewhere....

December 16, 2022 · 4 min · 641 words · John Lester