The Amazing Secret Behind All Habits

“Habits must have positive reinforcement…” “You must go ‘cold turkey’ for a real habit to sink in…” Have you ever heard these myths about habits? They may not be necessarily wrong, but they are incomplete. Habits tend to be like fleeting, mystical “pots of gold” for us humans–we want them, and reach for them, but they’re often just out of our grasp. They promise a better life, filled with more success, more productivity, and better results in every arena....

December 16, 2022 · 6 min · 1129 words · Avery Anderson

The Art Of Chill How To Overcome Anger In Your Daily Life

Anger can act like any other addiction – if you let it consume you for a while, it will become something you can’t live without. However, anger is a particularly dangerous addiction, because it feeds your ego and allows it to flourish in darkness. Below, we’ll discuss some of the important ways you can learn to manage and even overcome anger in your daily life. 1. Understand the Consequences As with any addiction, anger harms your physical and mental self, but that’s not all....

December 16, 2022 · 7 min · 1321 words · Charles Vawter

The Bills Of Rights That Job Seekers Didn T Know They Actually Have

As a jobseeker, you have the right to take control of the application process. Being at the mercy of cut-throat recruiters may not always be the best position to be in when looking for a job. In most cases, they can be extremely helpful in providing you with several career opportunities; but when it comes to finding the best job that is right for you, you need to go with your own set of standards....

December 16, 2022 · 1 min · 149 words · Nickolas Ogaldez

The Complete Guide To Boost Your Creativity Effectively

What is creativity? Most of us share the same basic idea about creativity. We tend to think of it as coming up with new concepts, or finding new angles in any given situation. However, it can be helpful to think of creativity as connecting various experiences together, and simply making links between them. The broader and richer your life experiences, the more dots you can join, and the more ideas you can generate....

December 16, 2022 · 4 min · 818 words · Sarah Kaizer

The Cost Of Envy How Envy Drains Your Motivation

When a colleague outperforms you, a friend has a bustling social life, or when someone has a seemingly perfect relationship, it is easy to turn to resentment.[1] Most of the time, we don’t admit to these feelings, but the green-eyed monster lurks beneath the surface. Whether or not we’d like to admit it, we’ve all felt jealous of someone else in the past. Competitive and jealous feelings are an adaptive strategy....

December 16, 2022 · 5 min · 888 words · Cassandra Hams

The Differences Between Factoring And Invoice Discounting

Obtaining finance is becoming more of a luxury as the banks are not as credit-friendly as they were prior to the global economic recession. The situation is even made grimmer as the costs of running a business are on the rise. How do businesses survive? Abiding to a professional and concise business plan, using the right accountant and having the right staff are a few key factors that can give a business momentum in the short run....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 289 words · Charles Warren

The Easy Way To Lose Weight

To lose weight effortlessly, never set foot inside a grocery store again. Let’s examine why, as well as a better alternative. Three Reasons to Abandon Grocery Stores 1. Option Overload Supermarkets have the ability to import goods from anywhere, and they have a goal of meeting the needs—and desires—of a wide range of shoppers and their diets. As such, there are endless options. Coming prepared with a list helps, but the abundance and variety of products inevitably leads you to feel like you “need” more than you came for, and to adding unplanned items to your cart....

December 16, 2022 · 3 min · 589 words · Diana Dickinson

The Eternal Dilemma Of Relationships Actions Vs Words

Whispers only sweet nothings plus does everything, you say? Well, I applaud your optimism while chuckling with mild amusement at your childlike dreams. It’s not going to happen — you will end up with one kind or the other (or someone who both shouts and does nothing, if you are one of those particularly unlucky ones). People who will do the world for you while also remaining easy on the ears do not exist....

December 16, 2022 · 4 min · 817 words · Norman Lemonds

The Evolution Of Women S Sportswear

Sportswear, as one branch of fashion, was also influenced by many aspects of society living. In the beginning, it was designed only to cover yourself and feel comfortable, but as time passed by, clothing became a way to show off your sense of style and personality too. Let’s take a brief look at the history of women’s sportswear. It is probably one of the most problematic fashion industries since sportswear in many cases, throughout history, was used even as a method of rebellion and political activism!...

December 16, 2022 · 5 min · 1018 words · Rachel Hopkins

The Five C S Of Champions

They’re simple, but not necessarily easy to develop properly. You probably show these traits to some extent, but the key is really working at them; the 5 C’s: Character Conviction Control Composure Consistency Five Keys to Developing the Heart of a Champion – [Ian’sMessyDesk]

December 16, 2022 · 1 min · 44 words · Joseph Schultz

The Great Toilet Paper Debate Over Or Under

As it would seem, the vast majority of people utilize the toilet paper that hangs over (coming in at 70%) with organized personality traits. The advantages to this “over” method seem clear compared with having the roll hang “under”. Whichever you choose, this is one of the preferences few people will hold against you. Source: Original source – Over or Under: The Great Toilet Paper Debate

December 16, 2022 · 1 min · 66 words · Michael Culbertson

The Importance Of Self Improvement No Matter How Old You Are

The importance of self-improvement often goes unnoticed. We are either conveniently brushing our shortcomings under the carpet, refusing to face them or are just happy being ignorant. Truth is – you cannot run away from yourself. The farther you run, the deeper a grave you dig because there will come a time when all those unresolved emotions will surface, leaving you overwhelmed. So, what should you do? Start with consciously becoming more self-aware, observing your thoughts, emotions and responses and deciding to make self-improvement an integral part of your life....

December 16, 2022 · 7 min · 1486 words · Steven Wilber

The Lifehack Show On Friendship And Belonging With Dr Kyler Shumway

Dr. Shumway is an advocate for friendship and believes that: “… together, we can bring an end to the bullying problem by breaking the chain of suffering, daring to be different, and creating a world where everyone belongs.” On Friendship and Belonging with Dr. Kyler Shumway Also available on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts. View on YouTube Featured photo credit: Matheus Ferrero via

December 16, 2022 · 1 min · 64 words · Albert Brown

The Most Amazing Hostels You Should Stay In

St Christopher’s Barcelona Hostel, Spain Fashionable & affordable hostel located in the heart of the trendiest city in the Mediterranean. A vibrant atmosphere with a great common area. Oops Hostel Paris, France Boutique hostel located in the center of the all times city of love. Can’t go wrong with Oops. Generator Hostel Berlin Mitte, Germany Call it hipster. Call it what ever you want. Berlin is synonym to trendy and Generator Mitte is a safe bet....

December 16, 2022 · 3 min · 501 words · Scottie Brown

The Most Invaluable Life Lesson That Taking A Risk Can Teach You

Think about something you do well or maybe just simply enjoy doing. Whatever it is, it was once new to you too. You had to show a little courage, even if maybe you felt a little bit vulnerable, to take that first step into unfamiliar territory. Taking risks and gaining new experiences, regardless of whether they turn out good or bad, are all just opportunities to further develop and discover yourself....

December 16, 2022 · 1 min · 119 words · Gabriel Battle

The New Food Pyramid For Kids And Teens

December 16, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Ed Bilski

The Number One Problem Facing A Digital Nomad No Pun Intended

I don’t have an office anymore. You know, like a place in a building, with its own door and chair and internet connection and phone lines and locker and Rolodexes. I worked in one for ten years, while I had one of the biggest online publishing companies in Romania. I guess ten years is the maximum lifespan for an office in my system. Now, I work anywhere. I named this lifestyle “digital nomading”....

December 16, 2022 · 7 min · 1470 words · Dinah Ashley

The Real Meaning Behind These 8 Most Popular Flower Colors

Not understanding this very important aspect of color choice before choosing any type of rose or flower can ruin the intention behind gifting it. Here, is an inventory of what you need to know about these 8 different types of flower colors and what they represent. 1. Red-Flowers The color red is naturally associated with love, and passion. Red flowers represent love, power, fire, and blood. A red flower will evoke a clear statement of love, with a powerful message of intense feelings and romantic thunderbolt....

December 16, 2022 · 3 min · 488 words · Cody Morey

The Rudest Hand Gestures From Around The World And What They Mean

Rude Hand Gestures Around The World | Just The Flight Featured photo credit: Rude Hand Gestures Around The World | Just The Flight via

December 16, 2022 · 1 min · 25 words · Roy Cottrell

The Secret To Growing Your Social Circle

1. Be open to new experiences and new people. This is critical. Say “yes” to any new experiences that you can, especially in the beginning. Even if you don’t think you will like the event or situation, if it is something new and gives you a chance to interact with others, go for it — particularly if you are going with somebody else or meeting them there. On the same note, interact and hang out with anyone you can....

December 16, 2022 · 4 min · 820 words · Jeffery Rothman