Is There Any Way To Predict When You Re Giving Birth

So, is there a way to predict when you’ll actually give birth? When you browse for this topic online, you usually come across various pages and websites that will give you information about your week by week pregnancy and claim you can predict when you will go into labor. Some websites even offer a wide range of tests you can do in order to see whether you’re near labor or not....

December 15, 2022 · 7 min · 1284 words · Walter Rios

Is What You Re Wearing Too Revealing

1. You avoid unwelcome attention and dangerous encounters. Every day, you move in confined spaces with various “captive audiences,” in class, at work, in the bus, the tube, the lift, or the bar. In these spaces, people have little choice but to look at you and what you’re wearing. Some react by ogling, sneering, or throwing disapproving glances. Are you ready for such reactions? Be aware too of how a man’s brain is wired differently....

December 15, 2022 · 5 min · 886 words · Jose Marotta

Is Your Self Confidence Affecting Your Job Performance

As individuals, we don’t usually perform beyond the limits of the way we see ourselves, whatever those limits may be. As we go about our daily actions at work, there is a stronger, hidden force driving the actions that we take. Somebody with low self confidence doesn’t normally accept challenges beyond their comfort zone, whereas somebody who has high self confidence doesn’t feel the desire to stay in their comfort zone....

December 15, 2022 · 3 min · 535 words · Carly Higgins

Joy Ride 7 Fantastic Car Hacks That You Should Be Using

Or how you took care of it and were even emotionally attached to it. Over time, as the charm begins to fade, the car starts to house random relics from leftover lunch to cola cans to toys (if you have kids, that is). Here are 7 awesome car hacks to shimmy up your ride again. What’s more these won’t burn a crater in your pocket. So, if you want to organize the storage space in your car or brighten up those foggy headlights, watch this handy video from Buzzfeed....

December 15, 2022 · 1 min · 115 words · Jesse Church

Knowing These 6 Secrets Will Make Your Rv Look Amazing

You know this – otherwise you wouldn’t have bought, or thought about buying, an RV. Sometimes, though, RVs are just plain flat-out ugly. I’ve bought 2 in my lifetime. [types]. Both were under $200, though… So you get what you pay for. Not to mention that I didn’t even know about The RV Makeover Bible, at the time. This lifesaving book says that the most common remodeling projects to RVs are replacing the dinette, repainting walls, and upgrading the flooring and furniture and windows....

December 15, 2022 · 5 min · 1052 words · Charlotte Williams

Labor Day Meditation

In the last few decades, a lot of American labor’s accomplishments have been eroded, some as a result of government deregulation, but possibly more as a consequence of changing market relations, the exportation of most production overseas, and a change in attitude by Americans towards organized labor itself. You’d be hard-pressed today to find an American who works 40 hours; most studies peg the average American work-week at around 55 hours....

December 15, 2022 · 7 min · 1389 words · Beverly Reid

Learn To Finish Conversations Well

Last week I encouraged you to add The Daily Five Minutes (D5M for short) to your management toolbox because it creates more workplace conversations. The intention of the D5M is to give your staff the gift of your attention, five minutes on a recurring basis where you listen well, truly focusing on getting to know them better, and engaging them in dynamic conversations. This week, I want you to consider how you wrap it up: How do you finish those conversations?...

December 15, 2022 · 4 min · 778 words · Vicki Bivens

Learn To Say No To These 5 Things To Be A Lot Closer To Success

Many people all over the world are making this very mistake. Right now. They’re saying “yes” to responsibilities they simply cannot take on. Why? Because they’ve mistakenly been told that this is how people succeed. By saying “yes” to absolutely everything asked of them at work, in hopes they’ll get recognition in the form of a promotion or raise. But this won’t work, and it’ll never work. It can’t work, because the person unwilling to say “no” never has enough time to put excellence into all they do....

December 15, 2022 · 6 min · 1182 words · Kathryn Morgan

Let Us Be Grateful To People Who Make Us Happy

To be a good friend, you first need to learn what makes a bad friend. From there, it’s pretty easy to reverse-engineer. How To Be A Better Friend

December 15, 2022 · 1 min · 28 words · Martha Marshall

Life Is So Much Easier When You Make A Decision Within 5 Minutes

Over-thinker * Procrastinator * Slow to act * Analysis paralysis * Perfectionist Have you ever felt like you identified with any of these labels? If so then know that you aren’t alone. We are at the extreme of the decision making process, spending too much time thinking about our decisions, and not enough time acting upon them. 5 Tips for Lightning-Fast Decision Making

December 15, 2022 · 1 min · 63 words · Clifton Spillman

Lifehack Deals The Mac Designer Bundle

This time around, we have 7 Mac apps for only $50 – a savings of 86% – that will make your machine more productive than ever. And it won’t put a huge dent in your pocketbook, either. The Mac Designer Bundle has some serious efficiency packed right into it. Starting with the truly awesome calendar app Fantastical. Fantastical has been touched on here briefly before, and it is one of the best calendar apps out there – for any platform....

December 15, 2022 · 2 min · 389 words · Anthony Long

Lifehack Great Big Summer Giveaway Winners Week 1

Summer’s drawing to a close and so is the Lifehack Great Big Summer Giveaway. The entries are all in, the tips are all blogged, posted, tweeted, and FriendFeeded, and I’m working my way through the drawings. Here, then, are the winners of the contests from Week One of the Great Big Summer Giveaway. Remember, all winners were chosen by random drawing, not according to the quality of their entries. Each of the winners should already have received an email from me notifying them and putting them in touch with the sponsor for their prize(s)....

December 15, 2022 · 2 min · 267 words · Kevin Crook

Lifehack Org Giveaway Week 4 We Re Not Done Yet

db clay wallets are beautiful and functional. Imagine the envy people will feel when they see you whip one of these artistic masterpieces out of your pocket. They’re made made of eco-friendly “Tope”, a durable, heat- and cold-resistant, waterproof, nontoxic, PVC-free synthetic fabric, printed with environmentally-friendly inks. They’re beautiful and have a conscience! Of course, a wallet is meant to be functional, and it’s main function is to hold your money....

December 15, 2022 · 2 min · 293 words · Donald Fair

Looking For Genuine Happiness Then You Should Adopt This Mindset

And therein lies the problem. Your expectations dictate your level of happiness. Your sense of entitlement fuels your expectations Our expectations determine how happy we ultimately are. Surprises— whether it be a birthday party, a gift, a visit, or just a small act of kindness— are so special and impactful for one fundamental reason: they are unexpected. It is hard to be disappointed by the random and unanticipated. You are not tied to the experience prior to it materializing....

December 15, 2022 · 2 min · 236 words · John Anderson

Lower Your Stress In 6 Easy Steps

It doesn’t mean you don’t care or you don’t pay attention or don’t enjoy things, but you choose to live each moment with delight and acceptance and refuse to let the outer world determine your inner feelings. If you worry here and now, you create more worries in future. Learning to be in balance is one step closer to harmony. Stress creates chaos in your thoughts and feelings; it can cause you to lose your goal, faith and the present moment....

December 15, 2022 · 4 min · 794 words · Olga Newitt

Luck Accidents And The Mistaken Sense Of Control

What in your life can you control? Not much, as it happens. In fact, most of the areas we feel most in control of are riddled with uncertainty and unpredictability: business, health, parenting, finances. In a lot of cases – like picking which stocks to invest in – the average person actually underperforms random selection. That is, when it comes to picking stocks, a monkey with a dart board and a copy of the stock page can do a better job picking winning stocks than most ostensibly informed humans....

December 15, 2022 · 7 min · 1286 words · Harry Heath

Mail Pilot A New Approach To Email And Task Management Interview

There are so many people that just won’t get out of their email application to manage tasks. While this has been a problem in the past, new solutions like Asana and Flow allow for email and task management to be integrated within the task management solution. In many cases, the person who doesn’t want to go into the task manager can simply respond and check off tasks via email, removing a lot of the friction that can happen in a team environment....

December 15, 2022 · 6 min · 1243 words · Keturah Ault

Make Money From Ebay And Amazon With The Flippiness System

How to buy and sell without a product I am buying and selling online, but I do not have a product. I sell about USD 3K a month. No, I am not selling a consultancy or service either. I am selling used textbooks — but I do not have to keep books with me or procure them like any other seller has to, or wait for a buyer to purchase from me....

December 15, 2022 · 3 min · 429 words · David Eisenberg

Make Your Own Toasted Marshmallow Shot Glasses For This Holiday Season

Cheri writes: “It is a really finicky thing to make, but when you get it right, it is so so super cool. It would be a hit at any party, even if it doesn’t quite work all the time. Just the toasting of the marshmallows over an open flame, or in my case, a red hot electric burner, lol, is entertaining. But then getting to shoot liqueur from the marshmallow…yeah....

December 15, 2022 · 1 min · 166 words · Nicole Gragg

Making Simple Reusable Chalk Labels With Chalkboard Paint

Just apply a bit of chalkboard paint to just about any surface, wait for it to dry and suddenly you have a reusable label that can be changed at will. This is particularly helpful for kitchens, like mine, that are loaded with jars full of baking supplies and other cooking necessities. Used all of your bread crumbs and need a space for your popcorn kernels? Just wash the jar and write the new contents in chalk....

December 15, 2022 · 1 min · 107 words · Jessica Goff