Man Visits Ex Wife S New Family With His Three Kids What Happens Next Is Astonishing

Sean Whalen shares a post that delivers deep insight into a problem that many adults in the world face today. He has discovered something life-altering that many people never learn in a lifetime. Through the love for his children, he has found that putting down the guilt and blame of a failed relationship is the only way to move forward in life. In this move forward, he has found a way to become an even more important role model for his children....

December 15, 2022 · 2 min · 309 words · Sherry Durrant

Manifestos All Around

The Rewritten Rules of Management Owner’s Guide to Difficulties (pdf file) Managerment Advice: Which 90% is Crap?(pdf file) Crafter’s Manifesto (pdf file) Killer Instinct (pdf file) Get ready to download a mountain of materials here, and set aside some time to read them. This stuff isn’t useful unless you make use of it. ChangeThis — [from me]

December 15, 2022 · 1 min · 57 words · Celia Wofford

Measure Backward Not Forward

We do this in business, in health, and in life at large: Can we increase our quarterly earnings by 20 percent? Can I lose 20 pounds in the next three months? Will I be married by 30? These are all measurements that face forward. We look into the future and try to guess when we will get somewhere. There is an opposite and, I think, more useful approach: measure backward, not forward....

December 15, 2022 · 5 min · 916 words · Rick Gayman

More Reasons To Fuel Your Coffee Addiction Not That We Need Any

Many people immediately put down the effects of drinking coffee, but the truth is, coffee has numerous health benefits. Apart from helping you stay awake and be more productive, regular intake of the morning beverage can boost your fight against a number of devastating diseases. This means that you should reach for a cuppa more often than you think. Chances are you’re actually getting enough servings of the beverage on a daily basis....

December 15, 2022 · 1 min · 114 words · Lindsey Jackson

Nail Meetings Down Tight

I think that’s all crap. Meetings are often like dental visits. You should go in, get scraped, picked, rinsed, and cleaned, go home with a toothbrush and a sixth month appointment and that’s that. You can fantasize all you want about the whiteboard meetings with all the gorgeous visualizations and all that, but those are truly the rarity, aren’t they? My early subscription to Fast Company magazine had me fooled for a while....

December 15, 2022 · 4 min · 699 words · Heidi Fisher

Natural Way To Grow Longer Eyelashes In One Week

If we could just grow longer eyelashes, we could give up the search and stop wasting money on mascara. Rachel, of RCLBeauty101, posted this video that can change your outlook on your lashes forever. By combining the 3 oils Rachel talks about in her video, you will see a difference in as little as a week. These oils are full of health benefits for your eyelashes and skin, and have been proven to boost the growth of lashes....

December 15, 2022 · 1 min · 105 words · James Klemm

Need Journal Inspiration 15 Journal Ideas To Kickstart

Journaling is one of the top strategies that contribute to many entrepreneurs and high achievers’ success inside and outside the workplace. Maybe you’re unsure of how to get started with the habit of journaling, or maybe you’re looking for journal ideas to sharpen your brain to maximize your productivity and happiness. If you need journal inspiration, this article is for you. In this article, we’ll look at the top 15 journal ideas you can use to sharpen your brain:...

December 15, 2022 · 10 min · 2121 words · James Flores

Never Apologize For Showing Feelings

7 Ways To Demonstrate True Strength

December 15, 2022 · 1 min · 6 words · Betty Talamo

Nine Ways To Live The Lifestyle Of A Champion

Our life is similar. Do you want to be a champion in life? Then there is no other way: Live the lifestyle of a champion. The way you live daily determines what you can achieve in life. Do not hope to achieve great things if you don’t want to pay the price in the first place. Live the lifestyle of a champion, and years from now people will recognize you as a champion when you step up the podium....

December 15, 2022 · 3 min · 622 words · Stephanie Starling

Offline Fasts For Clarity

What would a day offline look like for you? For one, you wouldn’t have to check your multiple email accounts (work, home, organizational). You’d skip your RSS feeds for an entire day, missing your chance to learn of yet another fourteen great hacks to make time more plentiful and meaningful to yourself. You wouldn’t be able to Google for the answer to basic questions, such as the birthdate of Dr....

December 15, 2022 · 2 min · 323 words · James Narcisse

One Simple Exercise Can Boost Your Creativity

As I grew up, this belief stuck with me until I read a book called It’s Not How Good You Are, It’s How Good You Want to Be by Patrick O’Neill. It convinced me that as long as I wanted to be more creative, I could train myself to be a creative person. So I started to research more tips and tricks on creativity. There is a popular exercise in Improv Comedy called “Yes and”....

December 15, 2022 · 3 min · 577 words · Robert Brunson

Only 8 Of People Achieve Their New Year S Goals Here S How To Be One Of Them

So how to become part of the elite 8? Making resolutions is a good thing in itself; it tells us that we are on the right track to self-improvement. Sticking to those New Year’s goals and then finally achieving them is another story all together. To work towards those goals and to see resolutions through, we need to change our approach into a more logical and practical one. 1. A Tangible Resolution If your New Year’s resolution is to lose weight, then to make this idea into a goal, you have to break it down into realizable and measurable steps....

December 15, 2022 · 3 min · 550 words · Stephen Hill

Open Thread Humor And The Bottom Line

Humor can provide a lot of energy to help a business succeed. Humor can help increase productivity, improve communicatoins, and boost morale. Think about how you use humor in your business and what the benefits are. Does your company use humor to address the daily grind of operations? Do you have a fun office environment? Would you be willing to share your funny work story in the comments section?

December 15, 2022 · 1 min · 69 words · Homer Ponds

Overwhelmed By Too Many Choices Here S How To Simplify

Simplicity is an age-old practice. Proverbs 14 states that “the simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.” That is, an effective person prunes out the unnecessary in order to forge a better path. Islam teaches Muslims that there is “dignity in humility and grace in simplicity.” Cut the clutter Choice is good: We love freedom and choice gives us more. But at what point does too many options lead to complexity and stress?...

December 15, 2022 · 4 min · 736 words · John Heiskell

Planning For A Second Pregnancy Factors To Consider Before Doing It Again

Can your body and mind handle it? It is important to remember that every pregnancy is different. If you had an amazing pregnancy with baby #1 that does not mean that you will have the same experience with the second pregnancy. Many women describe their pregnancies as completely incomparable experiences. So don’t bank on repeating the same nine months as you did the first time! It’s important to consider how different pregnancy will be while caring for a toddler....

December 15, 2022 · 4 min · 688 words · Missy Parks

Pouring Ketchup Technique

Pouring Ketchup – The full technical explanation – [Icogitate]

December 15, 2022 · 1 min · 9 words · Charles Steinmetz

Pro Active Steps To Prevent Procrastination

There are several key issues which make us avoid certain jobs and by identifying the tasks that we really avoid, and the ways in which we can make them more enjoyable, we can start to take control of the procrastination issue so that we can benefit from the success in completing what we need to accomplish each day. Some of these issues, with possible solutions, are as follows: Time Taking Projects Issue: These are projects which take up one line in our daily work schedule but which we know are going to take at least half a day or more to complete, and so instead of doing them we use the time to do five or six other less important tasks and feel we have done more!...

December 15, 2022 · 3 min · 593 words · Loren Landis

Productivity And Screen Size

He then suggests number of ways to estimate productivity improvements. One important aspect is not telling users how to do the representative tasks and observe their real behavior. With spreadsheets, for example, one of my recent tasks was to update a conference budget to reflect the option of adding another day of seminars. Such a task might well involve operations in which users would identify the cells containing an existing seminar day’s expenses; copy these cells; paste them into a new day’s area; and update the new cells to reflect the differences between the two days....

December 15, 2022 · 2 min · 215 words · Wanda Garnick

Productivity System Overview Getting Results The Agile Way

Recently I listened to Scott Hanselman’s software development podcast, Hanselminutes, on his own personal productivity system. This guy is a telecommuting, programming animal, so I was intrigued to see what he had to say. Besides the normal use of GTD, Steven Covey’s 7 Habits, and the infamous Pomodoro Technique, Mr. Hanselman mentioned a book by another programmer, J.D. Meier, called Getting Results the Agile Way. This system takes some cues from the Agile software development methodology (more here at Wikipedia) and is a system based on producing results rather than activities, having boundaries and set tasks and goals you want to accomplish, and making time your best friend....

December 15, 2022 · 4 min · 748 words · James Lopez

Psychologists Confirm 5 Signs That Show You Are In A Long Lasting Relationship

According to Psychologist John Gottman, who has spent the last 40 years of his life conducting research on couples, most marriages that result in divorce are not because of major differences in opinion but rather the inability to communicate differing opinions in a cordial manner. Also, many people try to change their partner’s personality according to their own wishes rather than accepting them as they are. Research Method Dr. John Gottman’s research methods include analyzing couples in a home-like setting which he calls the Love Lab, where they talk to each other about everyday things or argue....

December 15, 2022 · 3 min · 516 words · Willie Elderidge