The Number Of Times You Pee Can Tell A Lot About Your Health Check It Now

Within a 24-hour period, the normal frequency for urination is 6-8 times.[1] Some factors may affect the normal frequency of urination, such as drinking a lot of fluids, the type of fluids you consume, and some medications that you might be taking.[2] Other than these factors, an increase in urination could be a sign of a health problem, such as a bladder infection, prostate problems, a heart condition, leg swelling, or a urinary tract infection....

December 15, 2022 · 1 min · 135 words · Jennifer Morris

The Power Of Intentional Attention

Are you taking it all in? That is, are you sure that you’re noticing everything that matters to you, or could matter to you if only you’d noticed it? Could you do more with your life – or just enjoy it more – if you were more actively engaged in the world around you, in your day-to-day activities, your conversations, and the beauty of your everyday surroundings? Most importantly, do you approach the world as if it were full of value?...

December 15, 2022 · 3 min · 554 words · Lawrence Jackson

The Secrets Of Google Maps

My favorite feature? The way back machine!; be sure to check that out!

December 15, 2022 · 1 min · 13 words · Lloyd Stock

The Simplest Ways To Prevent Too Many Wrinkles

1. Limit your sun exposure I always remember an ex-colleague of mine who spent several months a year in Sardinia on holidays. She used to boast about the wonderful beaches and the crystalline water but she was paying a heavy price. She had a wonderful tan but as the years passed, her skin became more wrinkled and leathery and was starting to show age spots. I noticed the opposite with a friend of mine who always stayed out of the sun....

December 15, 2022 · 5 min · 1051 words · Fernando Mounts

The Top Five Reasons Why Weight Loss Is Temporary

We don’t keep our head in the game. For a range of reasons, somewhere along the way we lose it mentally and emotionally. And when the discipline, the self-control and the can-do attitude go out the window, so does the new and improved body. Pity. We know that what happens below the shoulders is driven by what happens above them (our physiology is a by-product of our psychology), so for most of us, mastering our mind is the key to mastering our body....

December 15, 2022 · 3 min · 580 words · Elizabeth Amoroso

The Top Ten Ways To Kill A Community

To that effect, here is my list of the Top Ten Ways to Kill a Community. These same concepts can be applied to your business or organization if you have the foresight to view it as a community which must learn to thrive in a global market. In the development of this piece Leon Ho raised an excellent question. “How could readers prevent them (the ten killers) from happening?” As you see, Leon has a true talent for getting straight to the essence of an issue....

December 15, 2022 · 3 min · 464 words · Robert Bingham

The Ultimate Guide To Tipping People

Now, because I’ve worked service jobs before and was very, very good at it, I also tend to be very discriminating about the servers I get at restaurants. If you’re going to ignore me or forget stuff, I’ll likely let you know with my scanty tip, but I’ll tell you why. However, if you work hard or are obviously the go-to person for everyone else, you’ll get a very nice tip from me....

December 15, 2022 · 5 min · 874 words · Joshua Adens

The Ultimate Productivity Tool Why I Have To Test It In 2013

Over the years of working with numerous companies, the single biggest challenge that I have come up against is the reality that most businesses are built around a collection of email in-boxes belonging to its team members. If I am lucky, those in-boxes have folders and labels attached to them, but this is rarely the case. The problem is that a collection of in-boxes is not an open system. An open system is characterised by transparency in communication and a flat approach to team structures, which makes blame-shifting very hard to do....

December 15, 2022 · 4 min · 753 words · Elvira Orman

The World Is Setting You Up To Fail How To Fight Back

Here are four ways the modern world is setting you up for failure: Instant Gratification It is very easy and cheap to buy that snack, marathon that show (hello, Netflix weekends!) and distract yourself in the most pleasurable ways. This should be a good thing, but it’s also a really bad thing. Why? Because of instant gratification. A lot of us are hooked on that “high” that comes when you do something to please yourself, and it’s destroying our ability to work through things that are hard in order to achieve our goals....

December 15, 2022 · 7 min · 1284 words · Evelyn Einhorn

The World S Smartest Bike Is Here Comes With A Usb Port And Anti Theft System

Your bike is lacking features that support your daily life. What you need is the Gi Bike. This personal transportation alternative takes bike riding to a whole new level. It has a ton of digital features including a USB port, smartphone integration and battery port. Now you can charge your device on the way to work or on the way home. I recommend this product for individuals who ride their bike to work everyday....

December 15, 2022 · 1 min · 110 words · Alicia Cuellar

These Jobs Not Only Pays Well But Will Also Last Forever

Not all jobs are created equal. Even with a college degree, the salary gap greatly varies for professions that are in-demand and for ones with limited slots. Furthermore, due to advancements in technology and shifts in needs, some jobs are now extinct. For students, these times can be confusing. Luckily, not all jobs are susceptible to dips in the economy. In fact, some professions such as consultants and financial managers grow despite cutbacks in the job sector....

December 15, 2022 · 1 min · 154 words · Stanley Pettaway

Think Getting Old Sucks Here S Why Aging Doesn T Have To Suck

I pose the question because in the early stages of my fitness career, following an exercise demonstration, I would get comments like, “wow, I used to move like that,” and “It must be nice to be still so young” and “wait until you are my age, you won’t be able to move like that.” Taken back by the remarks, I began to examine the validity of each statement. I wondered, was it easy because I was still relatively young and will I begin to experience a steady decline in basic human movement?...

December 15, 2022 · 7 min · 1417 words · Bobbi Mackillop

Think Laterally

There are dominant ideas in every walk of life. They are the assumptions, rules and conventions that underpin systems and influence people’s thinking and attitudes. The idea that the Earth was flat or that the Earth was the centre of the Universe are examples of dominant ideas that polarized thought along set lines. Once the dominant ideas are in place then everything else is viewed in a way that supports them....

December 15, 2022 · 5 min · 854 words · Jenise Lecompte

This Is How Simply Changing The Lighting Can Make You Perform Better

In a study published in the journal Optics Express, Kyungah Choi and Hyeon-Jeong Suk look at the way lighting can boost student success in the classroom. Research Background In the preliminary and main study, Choi and Suk examined the effects of different correlated color temperatures (CCTs). The CCT characterizes the color of a given light source. A low CCT gives out a light that appears “warm” or yellowish white. A high CCT gives out a light that appears “cool” or bluish white....

December 15, 2022 · 3 min · 560 words · Raquel Clark

This Is What Happens To Your Brain When You Don T Get Enough Sleep

While it can be easy to operate for a day or two on a lack of sleep, the long-term effects can be detrimental. One big problem is that we can get used to not sleeping enough. After all, why do we need to worry about being a bit sleepy every once awhile? How Lack Of Sleep Affects The Pre-frontal Cortex Sleep is imperative to allow the brain to function properly....

December 15, 2022 · 3 min · 530 words · Tasha Ritchie

This Is Why Dogs Make Great Holiday Companions

Enjoy the video created by to celebrate Christmas!

December 15, 2022 · 1 min · 9 words · Barbara Hale

This One Minute Life Hack Will Help You Do Everything Better Than Before

No, this is not a super drug like Bradley Cooper swallowed in the movie Limitless, but an easy life hack according to writer Rishabh Singh at Quora [1] to help make you able to do everything better than before, and all you need is a pen and a minute of your time. Easy One Minute Life Hack that Can Rock Your World One minute is all it takes to improve your memory, boost your self-esteem, help you to be more productive and happier....

December 15, 2022 · 3 min · 515 words · Brenda Dumas

This Thai Commercial Explains Why Technology Will Never Replace Love

In the commercial, a father hears his baby crying. At first he uses his phone to try and cheer his baby up (because reasons ???), but no amount of cartoon penguins or live video of the mother will cheer the baby up. Eventually, the father realises he can’t calm his baby from behind a screen and reminds us all that real contact is always superior. DTAC “The Power Of Love” TVC | DTAC Featured photo credit: DTAC via youtube....

December 15, 2022 · 1 min · 79 words · Linda Wheeler

Three Questions To Ask About Your Work

1. What are you paid to do? In other words, what is it that you were taken on to accomplish? What is it that you are supposed to be doing? Most people answer this question with some form of their job description or objectives. 2. What is it that you actually do? When I ask this second question in my workshops people often say that they spend most of their time on low-value tasks like reading and answering emails, completing reports, attending poorly run meetings, etc....

December 15, 2022 · 3 min · 511 words · Alba Duncan

Time To Wake Up About Sleep Deprivation

Here, Buzzfeed Video explore the effects sleep deprivation will have on participants who are all deprived of sleep. Each individual isn’t getting enough sleep due to multiple reasons, from insomnia to simply not enjoying sleep, but soon wake up about the affects of their sleep habits after make up shows the strain they are placing on their physical appearance: Of course, sleep deprivation can be more serious than simply making you look wrinkly....

December 15, 2022 · 1 min · 185 words · Robert Odom