What Is Residual Income And Why Do You Want It
However I don’t think this is unfair at all. The reason it happens is because the rich focus on a completely different way of earning money. There are thousands of stories about poor people who accumulated great riches and this choice is available to all of us. Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Oprah were not born into riches. Yet over their lifetimes they’ve amassed huge personal fortunes. This is because they understand and use the power of leverage through residual income like we’ll talk about today....
What Job Should You Have 10 Questions To Help You Figure It Out
Finding a career that hits all the right marks of money, satisfaction, and work-life balance is no easy feat. Sure, there are hundreds of online quizzes out there from the goofy to the scientific that promise to tell you what job is right for you, but have you ever met anybody who entered a career field because of a job quiz they took? Landing the right career is more a path of discovery than anything else....
What Keeps You Awake Review On Caffeine And Caffeinated Drinks
Read this article if you are interested on how caffeine works. We also had some discussions on how to give up coffee. What do you think of the caffeinate in general? Will you use those energy drinks to keep you awake for late nights? What keeps you awake? – [Tech Manifesto]
What Not To Say In A Presentation
It takes practice to be a good public speaker. Don’t just find different ways to say these things. 5 phrases you never want to hear in a presentation – [InstigatorBlog]
What Socially Intelligent People Would Never Do
True social intelligence comes from self-confidence, and understanding your self to a point where you are comfortably interacting in society at a mature level. There are certain things socially intelligent people do well that stand a mile apart from annoying habits of those who do not have such social savvy. Read ahead and see if you recognise any of these traits of socially intelligent people. They never interrupt People who are secure within themselves are good listeners....
What To Eat To Speed Up Metabolism And Burn Fat
There are also thousands of weight-loss supplements and formulas that claim to get your body burning fat faster. The truth is, there is no “magic pill” that can change your body’s ability to burn fat. Much of it comes down to your own efforts in terms of diet, exercise, and self-care. What Is Metabolism? Your metabolism is simply the process by which your body converts food into energy. This is a complex biochemical process in which the calories in food and beverages combine with oxygen to release the energy that you need to carry out various activities....
What To Expect During Engagement
For those of you who have, kudos! But for the rest of us, here are some things to know about this new landscape that has opened up in our relationship. 1. There’s a lot of planning I don’t know if anyone has told you, but engagement is the time of preparation for marriage, primarily planning the wedding! I went into engagement grossly underestimating just how much planning goes into a wedding (and ours is by no means extravagant!...
When Is The Best Time To Work Out Science Backed Answer
This article will look to answer that question in regards to the best time of day to workout and if training at specific times is better than others. What Are the Benefits That Come from Working Out? If you’ve been committed to the same workout routine for a while, you may forget why you were even doing it in the first place. Looking good is usually at the top of everyone’s list, and that’s still a valid reason....
Why A True Leader Doesn T Need To Be The Smartest And Most Talented One
But what really makes a great leader? Is it about knowing how to manage – or is it something entirely different? What Everyone Is Wrong About Leadership You may assume that great leadership is all about management – but you would be mistaken. As you’ll see shortly, leadership encompasses much more than just good management skills. However, before we dive into exactly what makes a great leader, let’s first take a look at some of the common myths about leadership:...
Why Am I Depressed If My Life Is Fine
The question of why you are depressed if your life is fine is one that I can personally identify with, as I can remember a time when I went through an intense depression even though, in many ways, my life couldn’t have been much better. I was financially secure, had a good family, lived in a beautiful place, had a pretty adventurous and exciting life, but none of that could have prevented a serious and prolonged battle with depression....
Why Having More Time Being Alone Makes You A Greater Person
Not alone by today’s standards (Facebook and Twitter within arms reach, friends constantly buzzing your phone), but truly by yourself, with no outside influences providing data or information to your brain. Can you think of that time? If you’re like most people, it might take you more than a few seconds. The speed of life at which the world lives today doesn’t leave much time to stop and smell the flowers, let alone leave time for yourself....
Why I Ll Never Cut Up My Credit Cards
It’s been just over two years since I got my first credit card. I now have three and I’m never looking back. Ah, credit cards. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways: · Credit cards track my spending. The problem with withdrawing money from an ATM and paying for everything in cash is that you often struggle to remember exactly where your money went. With credit cards, I can review the statements every month and reconcile each line item to my Quicken records to make sure even a few bucks here and there are properly accounted for....
Why Instant Gratification Holds You Back From Achieving What You Want
In this article, you will learn why instant gratification holds you back from achieving what you want, and what you can do to overcome it. Why You Are Tempted Into Instant Gratification We have access to fast everything—information, food, technology, entertainment, comfort. We don’t have to exert a lot of effort into fulfilling our desires and, in many cases, we can purchase goods and services in an instant that will gratify our every requirement....
Why It S Great To Be A Woman In Iceland And What Parents Can Learn From This
False gender expectations From their early years of childhood, girls are taught to be quieter, to not engage in demanding physical activities, and to be more demure altogether. They wear pink skirts and ribbons, play with dolls and learn how to cook, knit, and do other household chores. They are more encouraged to take care of their looks and not to aspire to achieve great things and take leadership roles. Their teenage years are wasted in useless struggles to conform to the impossible beauty standards imposed by the media and in trying to reach this unachievable ideal of a perfect woman....
Why Millenials Have To Rethink Their Reading Habits
I knew of The Man Booker Prize list which the current topic of conversation was on, but to discuss any of the books on the shortlist, No. I did do an online search, so I could hold my own in the conversation, but wasn’t that exactly what my annoying sibling was intimating? I decided to look more into it; was I odd or an example of millennials everywhere, I found I fit in nicely with Gen Y....
Why Money Might Not Be As Important To You As You Think
Okay, just name one. It’s not easy, is it? We’re not trained to think this way. Since childhood, we’ve heard repeatedly from authority figures that getting a job or launching a business is all about “providing” or “earning a steady income” or “making a living.” All of which mean money — and only money. I’ve probably given this more thought than most people have, for one reason: Simple math. I remember as a kid thinking about what a massive portion of my life I was going to spend working — eight hours a day, five days a week, for decades....
Why Negative Emotions Aren T That Bad And How To Handle Them
When I was upset, I looked at the bright side. When I was scared, I pushed through it. When I was sad, I got over it. It’s not that I’ve had an easy life, devoid of heartbreak, grief and challenges. I’ve had plenty of those. It’s just that I never decided to focus on that side of things. I thought it was all good. Until it wasn’t. Several years ago, I found myself facing anxiety for the first time....
Why Reading Is So Important For Children
There are plenty of approaches to encourage your child to read. Remember, they are a child, so get them involved by allowing reading to be entertaining, fun, and enjoyable. It would be of great benefit to your child if you consider choosing fun reading games to play (like reading signs) while walking them to school, driving them someplace, or while you’re out shopping. 5 Reasons Why You Should Support Reading Cognitive (mental processing) abilities are acquired: Reading develops a child’s imagination and creativity, and is a great approach to support your child to dream!...
Why So Serious Being Playful Is The New Work Ethic Now
The 4 Types of Playfulness in Adults René Proyer, PhD belonging to the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg in Germany, has spent the last decade and a little more, in studying playfulness and its benefits in adults. In a study, Proyer has identified four different kinds of playfulness in adults:[1] Other-directed playfulness: Playing around with friends, family, and coworkers, which include kidding and playing pranks. Light-hearted playfulness: Regarding many aspects of life as a game and living with a rather carefree attitude....