Fix A Broken Personality By Learning The 7 Most Likable Traits

The seven most likable personality traits are listed below. As you read each one, honestly assess whether you fall closer to the likable trait or the opposite side of the spectrum. Be Humble Admit your mistakes and don’t brag. Give others credit. Embracing your flaws is disarming. People will warm up to you quickly and more easily identify with you. Don’t be arrogant. Example: “He’s an amazing artist. I still struggle drawing triangles!...

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 577 words · Mary Huff

Following Email Etiquette

Here at Lifehack we like to help you become more productive, but there’s something to be said for helping others become more productive – after all, if you can make the life of your coworkers, friends and family a bit easier, isn’t it more likely they’ll return the favor? So, in this article we’ll look at the email etiquette that you can follow to inspire world peace and harmony and end famine....

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 1052 words · Byron Encinas

Four Instructive Questions For Instructions

When you’re writing down instructions, though, it can be much harder to explain each step needed to complete the task. Think about doing your own taxes: the IRS’ instructions are enough to drive some of us to paying hundreds of dollars just to avoid dealing with the dratted things. As you write your instructions, keep the following questions in mind to make both writing them and following them at least a little easier....

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 896 words · Margie Addison

Fun Workouts That Don T Feel Like Working Out

Fortunately, our understanding of physical fitness is improving alongside our desire for more engaging exercise activities, If you’re looking to improve your health, but the boredom of a regular gym routine has got you down. Try incorporating these everyday exercise ideas into your life. Hiking “Walking?!” Many of you might be thinking, what could I mean by endorsing that most boring of activities as a fun alternative to working out....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 677 words · Sandra Hornsby

Furnace And Duct Cleaning Good For Your Health

If it is not properly cleaned for a long period, the bacteria, mold and some other unwanted particles will start growing inside our air ducts. These pollutants enter our homes with dust when the furnace is turn on. This pollutes the air inside our homes. Thus, cleaning proves highly beneficial in this regard. The air which we breathe in should be particle free. Otherwise, there is a high chance of getting sick....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 583 words · Raymond Hanson

Get Productive With Google Talk Split Browser And Firefox

Memory Usage To alleviate some of the RAM memory usage, I rotate between soft clients based on the time of day and the time zones of the people I talk to daily. So for example, if I’m expecting a chat with someone twelve zones away, I’ll have a 3-4 hour window where I’ll fire up the software they prefer to use, say Google Talk or Yahoo Messenger. For someone who is closer to my time zone, and who chats with me more often, I might leave their preferred client, such as Skype, open longer each day....

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 998 words · Kyle Sousa

Get Your Halloween Out Of My Face

This is not to say that you can’t go out and have all the drunken, costumed fun you want with your friends after hours — I just don’t want to deal with it at work. Remember, we’re not friends — I’m just barely tolerating you for 8-9 hours a day, and if I win the lottery, I’ll be flipping you off on my way out the door. I don’t want to be the killjoy, but it’s just that I think there’s no joy in this to start with....

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 858 words · Mary Kirgan

Getting A Job Through A Recruiter

So is it bad a candidate to go through recruiter to find job? Not really, but you have to be really careful. I read an article today, called Three Tips for getting a job through a recruiter. Reg Braithwaite gives some tips on what should a candidate be careful when dealing with recruiter. First one is so true, the death of double submission: I have been in this situation before, where I receive the same resume from two recruiters....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 220 words · Violet Owen

Gmail Hack Different Users From The Same Address

My understanding is this hack works for most email accounts, but we will show the example for Gmail. Now you are able to send emails with Johnny’s name as the sender. This is great for families who stay in contact with family through emails. The name changes, but the address remains the same. However, this isn’t the only use. Go into Settings, click Accounts, then Add another email address 2....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 160 words · Helen Schaffer

Go Ahead Shoot Your Kids But Please Do It Right

Times have changed since. Technology has put a camera in everyone’s hand. Not just SLR’s and digital ones but even the smartphones these days come equipped with powerful cameras that are great at capturing the moment as it happens. This great infographic from Edward Small Photography provide tips on how to take great pictures of kids, who can be really tricky subjects to shoot. How to photograph kids | Edward Small Photography Featured photo credit: Edward Small Photography via goo....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 80 words · Mary Dickerson

Good To Go The Best Tech Travel Gear

When I want to hit the road – whether it is for vacation or for business – I like to be able to grab and go. That’s why I arm myself with some of the most travel-friendly technology around. Hacking your travel doesn’t just come down to getting the right price on flights or picking the right accommodations. It has a lot to do with what you do in advance of traveling; things like preparing for travel at moment’s notice (such as keeping travel essentials packed at all times) or having the right gear just for the purpose of use while traveling....

December 14, 2022 · 6 min · 1102 words · Joseph Meads

Gtdgmail Firefox Extension Release Update

I am going to whisper something to you, but don’t tell the author, Andy Mitchell about it: He has planned to release it on Wednesday 23rd at I suspect it will be released some time today as I received an email (thanks John!) that the extension is already approved at Firefox Add-ons page. However, the extension installation file at Mozilla Add-ons is corrupted so it will not install for you....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 81 words · Lara Dahle

Hacking Elance How I Made Over 20 000 In 4 Weeks Doing Web Design

a.) Allow me to work remotely, so I could take my work with me and have much more freedom. b.) Pay me more money in less time. I thought about it for a few weeks, and then it came to me! “Hey, I can make a basic website. Maybe I can make money doing that. Then I can just stay at home.” I didn’t really know where to start, so I just opened up an account on Elance to see if I could start pulling clients....

December 14, 2022 · 17 min · 3491 words · Mira Nordberg

Have You Tried All These 31 Coffees Around The World You Should

Coffee isn’t just popular in the US — it’s one of the most-consumed beverages in the world with more than 450 billion cups being consumed worldwide each year. With its distinct aroma and lovely taste, it’s no wonder that this miracle drink for the tired continues to gain in popularity. And with hundreds of kinds of coffee recipes from around the world that you can make yourself (if you have the right ingredients and equipment), drinking coffee never gets boring....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 455 words · John Pepper

Health Tips 5 Fun Ways To Build A Healthy Family

Here are just five things you can try to get everyone off their phones and onto their feet. Build A Fort Everyone loves playing pretend when they are little, and what better way to play than with a fort? Building a fort is a great opportunity to have everyone work together to accomplish something great. This not only keeps everyone up and moving, but it also helps inspire creativity. You can keep your building plans safe for children by using a few cardboard boxes, blankets, pillows, and whatever else you can find laying around....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 660 words · Jessie Harris

Help For Children With School Anxiety

Just nervous or an anxiety problem? How can a parent tell the difference? It is, after all, normal for kids to be nervous about a new school year and teacher, making friends, academic success and more. I’m nervous for my kids, but when is it a real problem? When your child can be distracted or comforted out of his or her worry, it may not be a big problem. It may just take time for your child to adjust to so many changes at once....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 332 words · Steven Dupre

Here Is The Ultimate Guide To Boredom And How To Beat It

Boredom for most is a curse. Having too much of anything, including free time, can hurt you. But for those who know how to manage their time well, boredom is a blessing. It is a call for rest. Filling up your day with random things to do isn’t the answer to boredom. The best way to beat the problem is by adding quality activities to one’s schedule. To do this, individuals should consider looking into their investing time in their interests....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 153 words · June Skiba

Here S What You Can Do If You Ve Forgotten Someone S Name

Own it. If it makes you feel any better, most people are just as bad at remembering names as you are. I wouldn’t even be writing this article if that wasn’t the case! That said, you still don’t want to blunder through the situation like a rank amateur. Own it with confidence by saying something like, “Please forgive me, but I have to see a person about three times before I’m able to remember their name for good....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 551 words · David Penny

Hipster Pda Moleskine

Read more details and photos from his page. It is pretty good idea. Jeff’s setup on Hipster PDA

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 18 words · Eric Sequra

His Students Asked For Tips For Life The Answers Are Simply Amazing

December 14, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Dolores Williams