How To Become A Teacher Of Anything

I once heard a saying: I don’t think it’s true. Good teachers require a complex skill set from time and project management to interpersonal communication and public speaking, and as they’re juggling dozens of balls day in and day out, they have to always wear a game face. Wouldn’t you rather just go to your office and type away on your laptop for nine hours? There comes a time, however, when even we office folk have to teach....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 499 words · Christopher Palmer

How To Bond With Your Kids During Holidays

The biggest problem is that nowadays most parents find it extremely difficult to bond with their children as they do not have enough time to spend with their children. In this competitive environment, surviving is not an easy job and to make ends meet, both mother and father often have to work. Parents get so busy in their daily work schedule that somehow children get neglected. In a normal routine, your busy schedule may not allow you to bond with your children, but holidays give you an excellent opportunity to leave work troubles behind and come close to your kids....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 593 words · Lou Millwood

How To Cope With Public Speaking

Their palms would become wet with sweat, their heart would pound with the rhythm of a galloping stallion, and they’d turn a nervous teenage wreck. When they finally open their mouths to talk, their voice would quiver. Some would even have dry mouth, and worse, would be lost for words because they would be overwhelmed with fear. Research and studies have, time and again, declared that fear of public speaking is the number one fear....

December 14, 2022 · 6 min · 1171 words · Nancee Roses

How To Discover Your Next Career Move Amid The Great Resignation

With the ongoing conversations around the “great resignation,” the “big quit,” and “quiet quitting,” the bottom line is this: people are looking for their next career move. And for a wide variety of reasons, it’s not surprising why people are looking for more. 85% of employees worldwide are not engaged at work.[3] 83% of U.S. workers suffer from work-related stress, with 25% saying their job is the number one stressor in their lives....

December 14, 2022 · 12 min · 2439 words · Carlos Saddler

How To Do A Personal Mid Year Review

In this post, we’re going to look at how you can take this concept and apply it to your personal life. Doing a personal mid-year review can help us stay conscious of our life balance. It also helps keep us on track with any personal goals or projects we want to focus on between now and the end of the year. Looking Back Make a list of everything that you feel proud of over the past six months....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 622 words · Darlene Rollman

How To End A Love Affair With Sugar

But you promised yourself that you wouldn’t eat sugar anymore. And ever since you made that commitment, sweets are all you can think about. The pull is so great that you can’t concentrate, so you cave. You eat it anyway, and as you eat it, you tell yourself “it’s just this once; tomorrow will be different.” But it’s not just this once. You’ve been telling this to yourself for quite some time now: the sugar cravings are now controlling your behavior....

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 958 words · Ryan Pearson

How To Find The Perfect Pair Of Shoes For Any Workout

While buying shoes, don’t just pick the first pair that fits all the fashionable requirements. You should choose the ones that will provide your feet the right kind of comfort depending upon the exercise. If you are looking for running shoes, look for a pair that provides shock absorption. There are different kinds of shoes for all kinds of feet. So you should buy one that corresponds to your feet and exercise form....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 103 words · Maria Underwood

How To Get Six Pack Abs

Eat Right Eating the right foods is crucial to building muscle and dropping the shroud of fat covering it. When you reduce the processed foods, sugar, soda, sodium, and carbs, and increase eating whole foods, fruits, and vegetables, you allow your body to drop water weight and adipose (fat) tissue covering your definition. You also reduce internal bloating and pressure that can cause abdominal swelling. Without the right meal plan, it’s difficult to achieve and maintain a tight torso....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 699 words · Cassandra Krueger

How To Get Back Chrome S Old New Tab Page

If you preferred the old new tabs page, CNET’s Matt Elliot has a trick for you. Enter chrome://flags in your address bar. Hit “Ctrl+F” and search for “Enable Instant Extended API” and select disable once you’ve found it. Restart your browser and you’ll find the old new tab page back and ready to go. If you’ve got friends that aren’t happy with this recent change to Chrome, make sure to share this article with them....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 89 words · Charles Wood

How To Get Over Family Feuds That Lead To Stress Anxiety And Depression

The aggravation from family can really mess up your psyche. How can you feel so connected to someone but have them crush your dreams, hopes and aspirations in a split second? It happens to the best of us. I remember getting offered a placement for University abroad at the age of 16 and asking my grandmother with a thriving business for help. Now, 7 years later… I did NOT go to that University....

December 14, 2022 · 6 min · 1163 words · Mark Robledo

How To Grow 10X Faster By Picking The Right Battlefield

This is a popular notion, after all, consider the abundance and popularity of self-help books and sites.The focus on improvement is so strong that, according to this graph The use of the word “improve” has been increasing steadily since the start of the 20th century. Yet all this focus on a general improvement mean that we often don’t know what to focus on. We want to improve, but we don’t know the answer to the simple question: Improve what?...

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 959 words · Thomas Slaff

How To Have A Holiday To Any Exotic Destination Even If You Can T Afford It

Ah, the Maldives. You could live here forever. A nasty mosquito lands on your face and starts poking you. Darn, is it possible this little pest is here in this paradise just to harass you? You try to kill it, and accidentally slap yourself in the face. Bang! Suddenly, you’re at home, lying in your bed. There is no bungalow, no ocean, only your room. It was that dream again!...

December 14, 2022 · 15 min · 3180 words · Teresa Lisa

How To Identify Addictive Behaviors And Get Rid Of Them

Definition of Addictive Behaviors Most people think of ‘addiction’ as being dependent on a substance like drugs or alcohol. Many people, however, are addicted to behavior’s rather than drugs and have similar feelings to those who are dependent on a substance. Some claim that “getting high” is a natural reaction that occurs in several situations. Behavioral addictions are characterized by a series of acts that expose a person to “mood-altering events”[2] on which they gain pleasure and become reliant, which may change neurotransmitter function, notably mesolimbic dopaminergic turnover....

December 14, 2022 · 12 min · 2395 words · Trey Patterson

How To Increase Medicine Cabinet Space

Simply visit the store and buy magnets that are strong enough to place on the back of your cabinet. Then, place many of the items that can hang from the magnets. Original source – Free up valuable medicine cabinet with a few magnets

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 43 words · Monica Springer

How To Keep Calm And Carry On During Stressful Times

Keep a journal Keeping a journal works as a way to vent without involving another person. Writing out your thoughts is a physical way of letting your emotions out. It’s tangible and writing can help channel out negative feelings. Exercise Leaving the house is difficult when you feel stressed out. I’ve had my fair share of days where I curl up into my bed and waste my day away. This left me feeling stuck and vulnerable....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 650 words · Ernest Reyes

How To Keep The Wow Factor Going

How in the world can we want something so badly, but once we’ve had it for a while it becomes so familiar that we don’t even notice it anymore? Is it because we’re never satisfied, so we want more? Is it because we take things for granted once we have them? Do we get bored? What causes the lustre of the things to fade? What causes the WOW factor to diminish, and how can we keep the passion burning?...

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 609 words · Francesca Williams

How To Keep Your Address Book Up To Date

The good people at have a suite of tools that will scour your inbox and make sure your address book is always in peak shape. They have an extra tool that can help you make sure everyone else knows how to contact you when the time is right. Works with Google Contacts, Outlook and most address books. Steve Dotto hosts Dotto Tech, a weekly podcast on all things tech related....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 71 words · Stewart Adams

How To Live A Stress Free Life In A Way Most People Don T

No, it doesn’t look like a made-for-television movie. No, it doesn’t look like something only people with extra time and money can do. It looks like your life—but without any self-created stress triggers. What Does Stress Free Mean? Stress free refers to a state where the feeling of worry is absent. When you are not bothered by any other negative feelings that make you feel anxious or tense, you live in a stress free condition....

December 14, 2022 · 11 min · 2239 words · Bonnie Thompson

How To Live Gracefully

“Grace” comes from the Latin word “gratia”, which means “God’s favour”, and so rather than “graceful” meaning “impossibly flawless”, it actually means to have a little je ne sais quoi. That indefinable quality which, rather than being something granted by divine inspiration, is something inside us and which we can easily bring out. It isn’t unattainable, however—far from it. Living gracefully is pretty simple and definable, and fortunately for people like me, it has nothing to do with being physically graceful....

December 14, 2022 · 7 min · 1443 words · Brian Mcdonald

How To Lose Those First 20 Pounds Without Stepping In A Gym

Here’s an excerpt from this lesson-

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 6 words · Patricia Waddell