How To Train For Your First 5K

Regardless of whether you’re new to running or if you have run in the past, running your first 5k can be nerve-racking. I’m here to tell you don’t be nervous — be excited! You have a wonderful journey ahead of you! First things first, get crystal clear on two things: 1. Why do you want to run a 5k? What is the reason you want to run a 5k? Is it to raise money for a charitable organization, to check it off of your bucket list, or to join a friend who has already signed up?...

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 918 words · Irvin Childress

How To Turn Mundane Tasks Into Meaningful Work

But it’s not just at home where we must deal with mundane tasks. At the office, we’ve got emails, administrative reports, and all sorts of paperwork that half the time seems unnecessary. Not wanting to do these tasks doesn’t mean we don’t have to do them. In fact, they are often much more important to our lives than say Netflix, the Playstation, or YouTube (aka the things we enjoy). But that’s life—part fun, part mundane....

December 14, 2022 · 7 min · 1487 words · Marty Bejjani

How To Use More Of Your Brain To Become More Productive And Happy

I’m not a morning person. I always hoped that when I grew up, I’d become that person who was magically “on” (happy and productive) the second my eyes opened. You know, like the old guy in Jerry McGuire who wakes up, claps his hands and says “Today is going to be a great day!” Adults are supposed to be morning people, right? We’re supposed to be able to use our brains and be productive members of society right out of the gate, waking with smiles on our faces with hearts full of gratitude....

December 14, 2022 · 10 min · 2030 words · Rafael Faye

How To Wake Up Like A Dog

Let me explain. Each morning here at my home (without fail), one of my Lhasa Apso dogs (a boy named Chester) starts to prop himself up at the side of my bed at about 6:30 am to see if I’m getting up yet. He does this even if it’s still completely dark outside — like it usually is during our Canadian winter season this early in the morning. He must have some type of internal alarm clock that wakes him up that early each morning....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 568 words · Joe Jackson

How To Write An Outstanding Resume From A Completely New Approach

1. Break The Rules When you write your resume, you might feel constrained by all kinds of rules that you’ve probably heard from other people. You should make decisions about your resume based on what will sell yourself best, not based on a arbitrary rules that everyone is expected to conform to. It may feel risky, but breaking the standard set of “rules” of what’s expected may just be the ticket to get your resume to stand out....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 757 words · Max Pratt

How You Can Get The Most Out Of Your Internship

1. Say yes. Seriously, unless it’s something illegal, say yes. Someone wants you to file something? Yes. You’re asked to check on the status of something in another department? Yes. You’re an unpaid intern and you’re told to do something unrelated to your job description or gopher work? No. (Know your rights as an unpaid intern — that’s illegal!) However, in most cases, anything anyone asks you to do will be for your benefit....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 532 words · Calvin Folse

How Your Poop Says Much About Your Digestive Health

One way to find out whether our gastrointestinal system is functioning optimally is by simply looking at the color of our poop. Different colors can indicate whether our intestines and the overall digestive system is healthy. However, color itself is not the only indicator of digestive health, even the frequency, shape and odor of your poop are important things to look out for when determining whether your gut is healthy....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 760 words · Sally Beggs

I Bet You Never Knew You Could Serve Pineapple So Easily

This video showcases a very easy and effective technique to serve Pineapple. Watch it right down to the end and it will make your jaw drop to see how easy it is to dice the Pineapple with precision of a Michelin chef. This video will change your fruit shopping habits, because from now on the Pineapple would be on top of your list. Featured photo credit: z2amiller | Flickr via flickr....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 71 words · James Gonzalez

I Hate To Break It To You But There Is No Best Diet For Fat Loss

Funny thing, though: what constitutes the “best diet” for fat loss is more hotly debated than ever before. In one corner, we have followers of the paleo diet, who won’t eat anything if it isn’t all natural. In the other, we have vegetarians who don’t eat meat; vegans who extend that ban to all animal-based products; and pescetarians, who are almost vegetarians but not quite because eating fish is okay in their book....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 684 words · Timothy Shockley

I Wish I Knew Chicken Could Cause Cancer Earlier

Lend me your hand and I’ll guide you through some of the troubling details I learned upon conducting research. Don’t worry, this isn’t complicated stuff. You won’t need a science degree to understand this article. What follows is a cautionary tale. Watch your step. 1. Arsenic? What’s that? It doesn’t take a chemistry major to know that humans and arsenic don’t exactly mix well. Yet many farmers feed dangerous arsenic laced food to their chickens, which end up in trace amounts in the food you serve your family....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 839 words · Thomas Miah

If You Have Fear Of Flying Read This

According to Lucas van Gerwen, an aviation psychologist and director of the VALK Foundation, which studies how to treat flying fears, more than 26 million Americans suffer from a fear of flying. For many people, a fear of flying stems from the fact that they don’t really understand just how airplanes work. For others, a lack of being in control of their vehicle can be the cause of the fear....

December 14, 2022 · 6 min · 1123 words · Lorraine Renzi

If You Re Looking For An Honest Review Of Android 5 0 Lollipop You Can T Miss This

Android represents a major shift in how Google and Android want to see themselves. Android’s website on the update notes how Android “powers your watch, your TV, and even your car.” Android wants to be a new OS like Microsoft Windows – but even bigger. The first thing to note is the interface and user design. As great as smartphone and tablet interfaces have been in the past, they still frequently feel like a computer interface with touch options enabled rather than a true touchscreen....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 363 words · Joyce Hughes

If You Think Your Teacher Is Tough Wait Until You Get A Boss

December 14, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Erika Archambeault

If You Ve Never Used These English Idioms You Re Probably Not A Native English Speaker

1. A Chip on Your Shoulder No, this doesn’t mean that you’ve dropped part of your snack. To have a chip on one’s shoulder implies that the person is carrying around some grudge or bad feelings about something that happened in the past… like having walked through the wreckage of a building, and ended up with a chip of that building stuck to them for years afterward. 2. Bite Off More Than You Can Chew Like taking a HUGE bite of a sandwich that will fill your mouth up so much that you can’t move your jaw, this idiom implies that you’ve taken on more than you can handle successfully....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 818 words · Mark Kay

Imitate Your Way To The Top

This is truly a lifehack. As kids, we learn by repeating what we see and hear around us. We don’t necessarily have to understand the reasons why things are done a certain way, we just do and eventually, it becomes second nature. Then, school begins and things start to have to make sense. We no longer just repeat behaviors; we have to understand why we do the things we do....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 661 words · Linda Alston

In Celebration Of Nonconformity And The Creative Life

– Jason Silva Nonconformity And The Creative Life | Shots Of Awe Featured photo credit: Nonconformity And The Creative Life | Shots Of Awe via

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 26 words · Antonio Marler

Instagram Has Launched Its Photo Collage App Layout

The app has an intuitive main tab that lets you get straight to business. Either: Choose existing photos from your device to include in your collage Snap a shot through its convenient Photo Booth feature (something most third-party collage apps don’t offer) Instantly preview what your collage will look like in up to 10 different collage templates The scrolling layout feature, with immediate previews of all sorts of different collage styles isn’t something we’ve seen in other similar apps, making it an obvious top app choice....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 335 words · David Bilodeau

Interior Design 2016 Find About Fresh New Trends

1. Kitchen: it’s all about workhorse islands. At one point it was popular to have bars in the kitchen, and almost every home had one. However, new bars are workhorse islands. They require a spacious kitchen, or one that is a bit bigger, so it isn’t an obstacle to move around your kitchen and cook. As they are supposed to make cooking easier by providing enough space to prepare ingredients, they are a necessity for big families....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 790 words · Jill Hancock

Into The Wild 5 Outdoor Activities To Refresh Your Life

Trying to balance the time between jobs and loved ones can be exhausting, both mentally and physically, and a lot of us are not strangers to this. With time passing by, people usually have certain routines and habits engraved deep into their brains, and more often than not, those habits are bad. The workdays are the same: work-eat-sleep, while weekends and free time fall victim to your laziness and sedentary lifestyle, dragging away any chance of excitement, joy, and thrills of life....

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 1003 words · Charles Given

Is Whatsapp S Blue Tick Function A Good Thing

When I first started using the app, it worked like this: when you send a message, one small check mark appeared in the bottom corner, meaning the message had been sent successfully. Eventually, one check would turn to two, meaning that the message had been successfully received. However, there was no way to know if someone had seen your message, unless you saw them “online” when you sent the message....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 653 words · Michael Hanson