Is Your Home Hard To Heat New Insulation May Be The Key

Homes with Brick Exteriors Just because your home has a brick exterior, that doesn’t mean there is much helping you keep the heat inside where it belongs. First, you need to identify the actual structure of your walls construction. Some older homes feature solid brick walls. How well these insulate your home will depend on the actual thickness of the walls, as there is often no additional insulation involved. A cavity wall will consist of two layers with an empty space, or cavity, between the two layers....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 606 words · Joyce Lara

Just Exactly What Have You Signed Up For

I had no idea how it was effecting my life, my inbox, my productivity. It’s just that everyone has such interesting stuff, and they offered to share it with me for free. So I sign up to this, and sign up to that, before you know it, I am on over 400 lists, with no end in sight! Once you have run the filters they create a report and management screen where you can combine all the subscriptions you want to keep, into a single daily digest (only one email in your inbox) and unsubscribe to services you no longert need....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 116 words · Michael Woodward

Kindness Can Be Counterintuitive When You Re A Parent

Kindness is supposed to be simple and straightforward, right? Not necessarily. Just ask any parent about what is truly kind when it comes to raising kids, and you’ll find that a lot of it is far from intuitive. Here are few examples. To Help or Not to Help Our intention: We want to help our kids succeed. When you see someone struggling, it’s usually pretty obvious that the nice thing to do is to jump in and give them a hand....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 624 words · Katherine Hill

Knit Your Favourite Pattern 50 Easier With This App

Of the many hobbies you aren’t probably thinking of right now is the age-old art of Knitting, yet it has several unbelievable benefits that help the mind and body stay calm. Knitting calms the body in almost similar ways as meditating, alleviates causative signs of stress, anxiety and depression and even fights arthritis and tendinitis. Besides, knitting brings a subtle sense of pride and enhances creativity. Let knitting calm your nerves To help you rekindle your grandma’s favorite hobby while still managing to escape from life’s hard knocks, here’s Love Knitting App....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 333 words · Christine Myers

Labor How Does Giving Birth Actually Feel

1. Types of pains during contractions The type and intensity of pain is completely individual. It may be similar, but never the same, as everyone experiences pain differently. From cramping to stabbing, the pain of contractions can be categorized in three points, but the intensity and areas of pain are always different. Cramps “My contractions were like menstrual cramps on steroids” Many mothers say that the pain they were feeling during contractions were like cramps during menstruation, gas, or a stomach flu....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 633 words · Georgina Everett

Ladies Use Stylebook And You Don T Have To Worry About Last Minute Styling Again

As women this can be very frustrating. You know that your clothes are nice, but you just have trouble matching and styling them. It becomes even more difficult to style our outfits at the last minute, as we constantly change our minds and switch up our outfits as we get ready. Even though we come out looking flawless, we are hindering ourselves by spending so much time picking out our outfits and perfecting the details....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 502 words · Robin Armstrong

Learn Science Through Videos

Any way to get information into our heads in a non-traditional way ends up being a great way to learn, because the experience adds to our ability to remember the information. Check out the videos. Science Theater– [Make Magazine]

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 39 words · Catherine Wilkins

Let Us Never Negotiate Out Of Fear But Let Us Never Fear To Negotiate John F Kennedy

December 14, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Bethany Rogers

Life Is About How To Be Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

Ever wonder why some people seem to glide effortlessly through life, handling problems as if they were riding waves on a surfboard? They always appear cool, calm and collected during those intense stressful moments, like college finals or business meetings, while you and everyone else break into a sweat. You wonder if they possess some secret elixir of awesomeness or 24-hour access to a personal self-confidence life coach. Chances are, they do have the formula for success, and some of them may not even realize it....

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 869 words · Billy Persaud

Life Lessons From World Of Warcraft

Grinding is part of the game… In WoW parlance, “grinding” is the process of killing a bunch of fairly easy monsters, one after the other, strictly to rack up loot and experience. There’s no adventure to it, no real challenge. It’s tedious and mindless, but it’s often the fastest way to level up, which is why everyone does it. …But grinding is not the game It’s easy to confuse what you’re doing with why you’re doing it....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 139 words · Regina Hagen

Life Too Complex Sometimes You Need To Keep It Simple

This infographic is very unique. It contains eight words and provides life-changing advice for those who are making difficult choices. Letting complexity take over your life can lead to stress and pressure. It’s also a waste of time and can be very tiring to accommodate to old ways of doing new things. Phases in life such as a new school year, a promotion, or moving to a new city requires a change of pace or perception....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 156 words · Pablo Walk

Lifehack Readers Last Minute Gift Suggestions

There’s not a lot of time left for Christmas shopping, but there’s plenty here for someone still shopping, even today! Here’s some of the responses from last week thata might still be doable: Most of this you can still manage if you get rocking right now. And none of these ideas are Christmas-only – keep them in mind for the next difficult birthday, anniversary, or other occasion. Good giving!

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 69 words · Grace Heffernan

Linux For Children

I recently took possession of a pair of older PCs – the natural consequence of nagging one’s older relatives to get something a little more “post-Columbian” – and of course my first instinct is to refurbish one as a Linux PC for my nephew and niece, ages 7 and 5. My nephew, especially, is computer-obsessed, and I figure that giving him a complete child-friendly, education-focused PC might encourage some more productive “play” than he gets using mom and dad’s PC....

December 14, 2022 · 6 min · 1125 words · Gerald Thomas

Little Known Health Dangers Of Water Fasting

I, for example, spent quite a few years in the water fasting community before I found out just how dangerous water fasting can get. Before I knew what you’re about to read, I actually thought it would be a great personal achievement if I could pull off a 21-day water fast. Today, I wouldn’t do that for the world. Once you see what science has to say about the dangers of water fasting, you’ll probably feel the same way....

December 14, 2022 · 6 min · 1087 words · James Robbins

Living In The Past 7 Ways To Let Go And Live A Happy Life

Instead of focusing on the present, you’re caught in a web of reflection and brooding, and only your past mistakes seem to matter. Yet there are many out there who live each day with a happy and positive view on life. Why? Because they are not focusing on the past. Read this guide to learn how you can let go of your past and start living a happier life....

December 14, 2022 · 6 min · 1157 words · Tommie Street

Luxurious Timesaving Services That Are Cheaper Than You Think

It must be great to be rich. After all, it’s a lot easier to be productive when you can pay someone to do all the menial things on your to-do list. But these perks aren’t restricted to trust fund kids. Some of the timesaving services that seem the most luxurious are surprisingly affordable, meaning you can boost your productive hours each day without crippling your cash flow. Time is money…so why not spend a little cash to reclaim precious hours in your day?...

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 805 words · Mitzie Baker

Make Your Meetings More Effective

Before the meeting: Define Goals for the Meeting Prepare an Agenda in Advance Administrivia During the meeting: Keep Topics Relevant to the Attendees Demonstrate Respect for People’s Time Administrivia Deliverables After the meeting: Wrap-up Conclusion and action items are important for a meeting. A quick rule of thumb – if we cannot gain any outcomes from the meeting, we do not need the meeting at all. Make Your Meetings 60% More Effective – [Tyner Blain]

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 75 words · William Marcum

Making A Hundred Friends Is Not A Miracle

20 Best Inspirational Speeches from the Movies

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 7 words · Shirley Junior

Males Also Suffer From Hormonal Imbalance But Most Are Unaware Of It

So how do we know if it’s aging or hormonal Imbalance? We know that aging is part of life’s inevitable “transition process,” and we will all go through it eventually sooner or later, and as men come to age, their growth hormones decline as well. In fact, by the time they reach the age 80, there will only be 5 percent left of their original growth hormones. So basically, these hormones will leave us one day....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 612 words · Allan Rose

Managing Meeting Madness Lessmeeting

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · word · Adrian Stephens