Maskme Now You Never Have To Give Out Your Personal Information Online Again

Granted, it’s not as easy as it sounds. You are bound to fill in some necessary fields wherever required. The only thing we need is to ensure safety every time we fill these dubious forms. This is where MaskMe, a Google Chrome extension, comes in handy! MaskMe will keep your personal data encrypted whenever you sign up for a shop or site. It will mask everything, including your number, email address, credit card details etc....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 115 words · Mark Blanco

Men Benefit More From Naps Than Women Research Suggests

Previous studies have shown that the benefits of napping has actually proven to be great to regain your focusing power that you might lose throughout the day without a nap but a recent study conducted by scientists from the Max Planck Institute in Munich, shows that naps are actually better for men than for women. The term ‘Sleep Spindle’ represents a period whereby the sleeper is in a tranquil state and is boosted when women enter dreamless sleep....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 271 words · John Clark

Mind And Body Connection 6 Tips On Strengthening The Bond

As observed with women over 40 years old struggling to lose weight, thoughts do have an impact on the overall health. This indicates that an individual’s emotions, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes can positively or even negatively affect biological functioning. Leading scientific research suggests that our minds can play an important role in healing our body — or in staying healthy in the first place. What is the Mind and Body Connection?...

December 14, 2022 · 8 min · 1500 words · Leland Little

Mindful Or Mind Full Techniques For Staying In The Present Moment

Breathwork One great way of staying in the present moment is to focus on your breath. When all of your attention is centered on your breathing, it’s less likely that your mind will wander off into worry-land. There are a few different ways to focus on your breathing, but we’re going to delve into the ones that combine both physical and mental awareness, as it’s the best way for novices to get into the habit....

December 14, 2022 · 6 min · 1264 words · Elaine Rains

Most Inspirational Quotes On Failures

December 14, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Pamela Beal

Movie Quote Of The Day Argo

Argo (2012) IMDB Review

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 4 words · Hazel Gaff

Moving Scripts Demonstrate How It Feels To Be Dyslexic

How This Simulator Can Help Others Understand The Condition With so many misconceptions around the subject, anything that can help those who are unaffected better understand those with the diagnosis should be celebrated. Luckily, there is now an online simulator that grants neurotypical people something of an insight into how hard it can be to read text for those with this difficulty. The idea for this simulator came about from a discussion between its developer and a dyslexic friend, who explained that when she read text, the letters would appear to move around on the page....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 202 words · Robert Strickland

My 7 Year Old Son S Life List

“Why don’t you write a life list?” I suggested to my son. “OK,” he said. “What’s a life list, Daddy?” A week ago, while I was tidying up my son’s room, I came across that yellow pad of paper. Since showing him John Goddard’s life list two months earlier, I hadn’t seen or thought about the pad. On the cardboard cover he had scrawled, “Do not tuoch.” Behind the cover were nine pages of goals (55 total) he had written over the course of the last sixty days....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 492 words · Charles Amaker

Natural Happiness The Truth About Exercise And Depression

There isn’t a single perfect answer, of course, but research is starting to reveal the incredible connection between our physical actions and our mental health. In fact, it’s very possible that what you do can have a significant impact on how you feel. As an example, let’s take a look at the link between exercise and depression. Dealing With Depression: Exercise vs. Medication James Blumenthal is a neuroscientist at Duke University who specializes in depression....

December 14, 2022 · 6 min · 1092 words · George Berry

New York How To Make The Most Of It On A Budget

I’m certainly no millionaire and I managed to not only love every minute of my time but to also leave without a mountain of debt to face now that I’m back home. Here are some easy-to-follow tips for you to be able to do the same thing. New York Living Depending on how long you are planning to stay in the city, accommodation will almost certainly be your biggest outgoing....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 808 words · Julie Ochoa

Niki S Italian Cheesecake

Cheesecake filling: 2 lbs ricotta cheese ( room temperature) 2 packages cream cheese (8 oz. each at room temperature) 1 1/2 cups sugar 4 eggs 1/4 cup melted butter 1/2 tsp. lemon juice and a couple shreds of lemon zest 1/2 tsp. vanilla 3 tbsp. cornstarch 3 tbsp. flour 1 pt. sour cream Graham Cracker Crust: 2 packages graham crackers — flavored or plain (the cinnamon sugar are good for this recipe) 1 stick butter (room temperature)...

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 308 words · Wayne Corsi

No Coffeeholic Can Reject These 10 Affordable Christmas Gifts

1. Stovetop Espresso Maker Say goodbye to frequenting the overcrowded coffee shops and paying a lot for your favorite drink. Here’s an Original Bialetti Moka Express Stovetop Espresso Maker that makes three glasses in less than 5 minutes. It looks exquisite with its original aluminum Bialetti Octagon shape and cleaning it is a breeze. 2. Aromatic Coffee Fragrance Candle Here is a handmade candle with soy wax, darkly roasted coffee-beans and the highly fragrant coffee oil....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 646 words · Bethany Hines

Once You Start Doing Fitness Training Keep Doing It

The best way to stick with your fitness training, it to keep going. Here’s how to get and stay in the habit of regular workouts. 1. Start Where You Are Don’t wait until you have the perfect training shoes, the gym membership, or have hired a trainer. Start as soon as you can with what you have. Take a walk in your neighborhood. Do some pushups or sit ups. Start right now because taking one action toward your training makes a difference....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 681 words · Jose Cheek

One Big Advantage Your Parents Had When Learning And How To Use It Yourself

(Millennials: By “notebook,” I mean a binder of actual paper, made from trees. By “pen,” I mean a handheld device that looks like a stylus but actually records information by transferring ink to paper.) What an advantage that gave us! At least, that’s one takeaway from an important new book called Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning, whose coauthor professor Henry Roediger I recently heard interviewed on a radio show....

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 916 words · Vera Ault

Online Resources To Help You Stay Highly Focused At Work

According to one study, our minds wander 47 percent of the time. Combine this with noise and other distractions around the office, and it should come as no surprise that the average office worker is disrupted every 11 minutes. Luckily, there are several online resources that can help you silence the chatter, eliminate distractions, boost productivity, and stay focused at work. Start the Day off Right with 7-Minute Workout Exercise is good not only for your physical health, but also for your memory and ability to focus....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 660 words · Pamela Lopez

Only A Life Lived For Others Is A Life Worthwhile Albert Einstein

December 14, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Damien Willis

Our Obsession With Approvals Is Destroying Our Self Esteem

It’s real easy to say, “don’t care what other people think,” but we all know that is much easier said than done. We all have this innate nature to impress or one-up each other, but some of us have convinced ourselves of the falsehood that people are always watching. Perhaps this notion comes from the fact that we are constantly putting ourselves in the spotlight. It has become a necessity to build a “following” and showcase an admirable lifestyle....

December 14, 2022 · 6 min · 1122 words · Tracy Boggioni

Over 100 Recipes For Ipod

Get Recipes on your Apple iPod – [Kraft – via The Unofficial Apple Weblog]

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 14 words · Anna Elam

Parents With Four Kids Would Know These 10 Things So Well

1. You Don’t Make Them Taste Their Food When kids are small the idea of making them ‘at least’ taste every new food you put on the table is great. It does not work, but it is a fantastic idea. It actually turns mealtimes into kiddy nightmares filled with tears, anger, and confrontation. For what? That one bite of broccoli isn’t going to provide substantial nutrients or endear a new food to their preferences....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 673 words · Cheryl Zapata

Picking Up A New Language Duolingo Or Rosetta

So, which will work for you? Duolingo or Rosetta?[1] Duolingo is a free service and is mostly based upon practicing translating the language you are trying to learn into your own. It is also the most popular of the two. When you are just starting out, having each word translated and working in this way can majorly help you get the basics. If you’re at the intermediate stage, though, despite learning a few new words, it can feel like you’re moving backwards....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 304 words · Karen Thomas